Hiya! Welcome to the dungeon, this is were I keep Yamato, Koushiro, Ken, Takeru, Daisuke and for the sake of Glitch, Taichi. I know there are plenty of character shirnes on the wired all ready, but do any of them contain implements of tourture? Just kidding, the only character to be tourtured here will be Sora, because I hate her and she smells.
Well on with the show, there's not much here yet but be patient young padawan more is soon to come.
It has been a very long time, but I'm not dead and I still love digimon and torture ^_^ I have updated the fan fic section and added a new ficcy. It is a very yaoi lemon so go check it out if your a perv ^_^ Also, I promise to update again soon!! Keep signing my guestbook, it makes me happy ^_^
Taichi finally has his very own shrine, and a Bio. Go check them out!! Enjoy ^_^
Looky an update. Okay, go check out the Yama shrine if you want to see Yama naked. Go on you perverts!!! Also, if you like this site, PLEASE SIGN MY GUESTBOOK!!! It's so empty that it makes me sad. Plus, I'll update more if I know people like it ^_^
There is a new thingy in the Humor Section, go check it out. Enjoy ^_^
There is a new fic written by Glitch, check it out. Enjoy ^_^
Check out the humor section for: It's a Digi-Musical! Enjoy ^_^
A bunch of new stuff is here. I’ve got a guest book, a feed back thingy, Takeru’s Fan Fiction Section, and a multimedia section all open and ready for you to enjoy ^_^
Wow I haven't updated in forever, and I really have no excuse besides I didn't feel like it. I'm hoping to get some more stuff up soon, and I'm changing the site to Warp's Anime Dungeon and adding a Gundam Wing Section. Hope everyone enjoys ^_^
NEW!!! Taichi Shrine
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