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(U.C. = Universal Century)

0001. Emigration to the high worlds began. Total population of earth exceeded 9 billion.
0009. Zion Zum Daikun was born.
0040. 40% of earth's population, approximately 5 billion, completed emigration to outer space. Philosophy of Elseim (All mankind should leave earth, the cradle of life, to conserve her immaculate state) began taking root. Asteroid Juno, later called Lunar 2, was stationed in Lunar orbit.
0045. Zion Zum Daikun proposed Contolism (Elseim + Sidism = Contolism).

0001. ¦t©z²¾¥Á¶}©l¡A¦a²yÁ`¤H¤f¶W¶V90»õ¡C
0009. ¦ÛÅ@¡D¤°©i¡DÀ¹ªÖ¥X¥@
0040. ¦a²y¤H¤f40%¡A¬ù50»õ¤H¤f²¾©~¦t©z¡C±N¦a²yµø§@¸t¦aªº«ä·Q½Ï¥Í¡C¤p´b¬PJuno¡A«áºÙ¬°¤ë¯«2¸¹¡A³Q²¾©¹¤ë²y­y¹D¡C
0045. ¦ÛÅ@¡D¤°©i¡DÀ¹ªÖ´£­Ò´Þ¥Á¦a¥D¸q¡C

JULY 20, 1969 AD

1)JULY 20, 1969: The Apollo program of NASA, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration of the United States, finally succeeded in sending mankind to the moon. This is the first footprint of mankind on the surface of the moon. Perhaps, this was the true marking of the begining of the Universal Century.


0001 UC

2)ISLAND UNDER CONSTRUCTION AT SIDE 3: Island 3 type colonies were expected to solve the population problem, but no one could predict the fact that these very colonies would trigger the new conflict.

¦bSIDE 3¿³«Ø¤¤ªº¤H¤u®q¡G Island 3«¬´Þ¥Á¦a¹w´Á¥Î§@¸Ñ¨M¤H¤f°ÝÃD¡A¦ýµL¤H¯à¹wª¾¹D¡A³oùØ·|¦¨¬°¾Ôª§ªº¤õºØ¡C

0050. 9 billion of the total earth population of 11 billion emigrated to cis-Lunar space.
0052. Zion moved to Colony Side 3 and began the propagation of Contolism.
0059. Federal forces instituted the armament amplification program for the 60's (The program's main objective was the organization of a Space Armada). Conversion of Lunar 2 into a strategic port began.
0062. Zion Zum Daikun proclaimed the declaration of independence of Side 3. Simultaneously, the Side 3 People's Defense Guard was established.

0050. Á`¤H¤f110»õ¤¤ªº90»õ¤H¦¨¥\²¾©~¦t©z¡C
0052. ¦ÛÅ@¾E©¹Side 3¡A¶}©l«Å´­´Þ¥Á¦a¥D¸q¡C
0059. ³s¨¹­x¹ê¦æ60¦~¥N­x³Æ¼W±j­p¹º(¥[±j¦t©zÄ¥¶¤ªº½s¨î)¡C¤ë¯«2¸¹­x¨Æ°ò¦a¤Æ¶}©l¡C
0062. ¦ÛÅ@¡D¤°©i¡DÀ¹ªÖ¦bSide 3µoªí¿W¥ß«Å¨¥¡C¦P®É¡A°ê¨¾³¡¶¤¦¨¥ß¡C

JUNE, 0018 UC

3)SPACE MAG: A Magazine of this period reporting hte birth of the millionth Spacenoid on Side 2. After the independence of Zion, the caption "colony" disappeared from the magazine's cover.

¦t©zÂø»x¡G³o´ÁÂø»x³ø¾É¦bSide 2¥X¥@ªº²Ä100¸U¦W¦t©z¥X¥ÍÀ¦¨à¡C¦ÛÅ@«Å§G¿W¥ß¥H«á¡A"colony"³o¦r²´®ø¥¢©ó³oÂø»xªº«Ê­±¡C


4) EMIGRANTS TO THE HIGH WORLDS: At the office of emigration affairs, Venezuela.


0062. Dr.Y.T. Minovsky issued his new theory, Minovsky Physics, predicting the existence of the Minovsky Particle.
0067. Federal Government intensified its economic pressure to the high worlds.
0068. Zion Zum Daikun died (possibly assassinated). Degwin Zabi became successor to the premier (He claimed Zion Zum Daikun had named him).

0062. Y.T.¦Ì¿Õ¤Ò´µ°ò³Õ¤h´£­Ò¦Ì¿Õ¤Ò´µ°òª«²z¾Ç¡Aµoªí¦Ì¿Õ¤Ò´µ°ò²É¤lªº¦s¦b¡C
0067. ³s¨¹¬F©²¦VSide 3¬I¥[¸gÀÙÀ£¤O¡C
0068. ¦ÛÅ@¡D¤°©i¡DÀ¹ªÖ³u¥@(¥i¯à³Q·t±þ)¡A­º¬Û´öª÷¡DÂĤñÄ~¦ì(¥L¦ÛºÙ¨ü¦ÛÅ@¡D¤°©i¡DÀ¹ªÖ©e¥ô)¡C

0034 UC

5) THE ARCHIPELAGO: Commemorative photograph of the completion of Side 2 (Hatte) colonies taken for public information.

¸s®q¡GSide 2 (Hatte)§¹¦¨ªº¬ö©À·Ó¤ù¡C

0062 UC

6) AGITATION: Zion Zum Daikun, the state father of the Republic of Zion (later the Zion Dukedom).


0069.08.15 Zion Dukedomwas proclaimed. Degwin graced himself with the title of Sovereign. Sasro Zabi, the second son of Degwin, was assassinated. Members of the Zion faction were purged from Side 3. Two of Zion's children escaped to earth. The existence of the Minovsky particle was substantiated. Side 3 People's Defense Guard was reoranized as the National Armed Forces (later Zion Armed Forces).
0070.03 Zion Armed Forces in affirmative experiment of jamming and other effects by diffusing the Minovsky particles (called the Minovsky effect).
0070.05 New weapon, the mega-particle cannon was completed.

0069.08.15 ¦ÛÅ@¤½°ê¥ß°ê¡A´öª÷¦Û«Ê¬°¤½¤ý¡C´öª÷²Ä¤G¤l¡ASasro Zabi³Q·t±þ¡CSide 3¤ºªº¦ÛÅ@¬£¦¨­û³Q¾ãµÂ¡A¦ÛÅ@ªº¨â¦W¤l¤k°k¤`©¹¦a²y¡C¦Ì¿Õ¤Ò´µ°ò²É¤lÃÒ¹ê¦s¦b¡CSide 3°ê¨¾³¡¶¤ª@®æ¬°¤½°ê­x(«áºÙ¦ÛÅ@­x)¡C
0070.03 ¤½°ê­x±N¦Ì¿Õ¤Ò´µ°ò²É¤l§@¤½¶}¹êÅ禨¥\(ºÙ¬°¦Ì¿Õ¤Ò´µ°ò¤ÏÀ³)¡C
0070.05 ¤½°ê­x·sªZ¾¹¡A¦Ì¥[²É¤l¬¶¬ã»s¦¨¥\¡C


7) DEGWIN SODO ZABI, AND HIS ELDEST SON, GIREN ZABI, VISTING ZION ZUM DAIKUN UNDER MEDICAL TREATMENT: The fact that the two were suspected of the attempted assassination of Zion Zum Daikun enticed reporters to became so overly zealous that some casualties were caused.



8) THE FUNERAL: Zion Zum Daikun, the proposer of contolism and the state father of the Zion Dukedom passed away in October 0068. This shows a few close relatives remaining at the site after the funeral ceremony.


0070.09 Federal Government put the 70's armaments amplification program into effect. Dreadnought warships of the Salamis and Magellan class were placed in conmission.
0070.12 Lunar 2 was transferred to the Lagrange 3 point to construct Side 7.
0071. Zion Research and Development Command was established. Microfusion reactor was established. One reactor was completed, adopting Minovsky physics in its development.

0070.09 ³s¨¹­x70¦~¥N­x³Æ¼W±j­p¹º®i¶}¡AÂĩԦ̴µ¯Å¡B³Á­õ­Û¯Å¦t©zÄ¥¸¥±Ò¯è¡C
0070.12 ¤ë¯«2¸¹³Q·h©¹L3ÂI¨ó§U¿³«ØSide 7¡C
0071. ¦ÛÅ@¶}µo¬ã¨s©Ò¦¨¥ß¡C¶W¤p«¬®Ö¿Ä¦XÄl§¹¦¨¡CÀ³¥Î¤F¦Ì¿Õ¤Ò´µ°òª«²z¾Ç§Þ³Nªº¤p«¬®Ö¿Ä¦XÄl¥ç§i§¹¦¨¡C

MAY, 0070 UC

9,10) BIRTH OF THE MOBILE SUIT: The fusion of two revolutionary concepts, the space pod (free-flying mobile manipulator) and the AMBAC system resulted in the gigantic anthropomorphus (human-like-form) machine with a height of 10 meters. Its development process waas extremely trying. There were various problems in adjusting the auto-balancer to maintain perfect balance to prevent the machine from tumbling over.


MAY, 0070 UC

0073. The new anthropomorphous Mobile-Suit 1 was completed and named MS-01. This new weapon was built in a perfect human shape.
0074. Casval Rem Daikun smuggled himself into Side 3 under the assumed name of Char Aznable. He infiltrated the Zion Dukedom and enter the Military Academy. Following MS-02 and 03, Zion developed Minovsky reactor loaded MS-04.
0075.05 Zion Forces completed the operational model, MS-05 Zaku 1, a modified type of MS-04.

0073. ·s«¬§L¾¹¾÷°Ê¾Ô¤h¤@¸¹¾÷§¹¦¨¡AºÙ¬°MS-01¡A·sªZ¾¹§¹¥þ¨Ì¾Ú¤HÅé¥~«¬¨Ó³]­p¡C
0074. ³Í´µ©¬¡D¹p©i¡DÀ¹ªÖ¥H°¨¨F¡Dªü¯÷¯Ç¥¬¤§¦W¼ç¤JSide 3¡A¨Ã¥[¤J¤h¨ò­x©x¾Ç®Õ¡CÄ~§¹¦¨MS-02¤Î03¡A¤½°ê­x¶}µo¥X·f¸ü¦Ì¿Õ¤Ò´µ°ò«¬®Ö¿Ä¦XÄlªºMS-04¡C
0075.05 ¤½°ê­x§¹¦¨¹ê¾Ô«¬ªºMS-05-1¡A¬OMS-04ªº§ï¨}ª©¡C


11) DR.Y.T.MINVOSKY: The proposer of the Minvosky Theory. As an inevitable consequence of his thoery, starting with the MS and other new arms systems, weapons for the Universal Century emerged.



12) KINTZEM: This colony of Side 3 rebelled openly against the anti-federal policy of the Zion Dukedom, but Zion suppressed them with cruel violence.

Side 3´Þ¥Á¦a"Kintzem"¡A¤½µM¤Ï¹ï¦ÛÅ@¤½°êªº¤Ï³s¨¹¬Fµ¦¡A³Q¤½°ê¥HªZ¤O¨îÀ£¡C

0075.07 With the fundamental of MS applications, the building of new warships was executed at a feverish pace. First, Muspy class space cruiser was put into commission. Federal Forces began the development of terrain-mobile weapon (with obtained information of Zaku data).
0076.12 Zion Forces began to develop various types of MS weapons for the invasion of planet earth.
0077. Zion Dukedom began preparing for war in pursuit of its independence at full speed. MS-05 Zaku troops participated in action supporting the revolution of Side 6.Federal Forces obtained technological data of Zion MS. The first prototype of Federal MS weapon GUNTANK was completed. Zion expanded its supremacy on the moon and reinforced its space fleet.

0075.07 ¤½°ê­x¥HMS§L¾¹¶}µo§Þ³N¬°°ò¦¡A¶}©l¥Í²£·sªº¦t©zÄ¥¸¥¡AMuspy¯Å»´¨µ¬vÄ¥¤@¸¹Ä¥±Ò¯è¡C³s¨¹­x¥H¯µ±K¨ú±oªºMS-05¸ê®Æ¶}©l¶}µo·s¦¡³°¾Ô§L¾¹¡C
0076.12 ¤½°ê­x¥H¦a²y«I²¤§@¾Ô¤Î§½¦a¾Ô¥Î¬°«e´£ªºMS¶}µo¶}©l¡C
0077. ¤½°ê­x¿n·¥ÂX­x¡C¬£»ºMS-05³¡¶¤¨ó§USide 6µo°Ê¬FÅÜ¡C³s¨¹­x¸Õ§@ªø¶ZÂ÷¤ä´©¥ÎMS GUNTANK§¹¦¨¡C¤½°ê­x¹ê½è¤W¤w¦û¦³¤ë²y¡A¨Ã±j¤Æ¦t©zÄ¥¶¤¡C


13) WOMEN'S WAR: Women volunteers undergoing medical check-up. At the time, 12% if the Federal soldiers were women.


0078 UC

14) MS AND PROSTHETICS: Miltary technology brings ironic by-products at times. Those who gained the most benefits from the bipedality technology were the handicapped.


0078.01 Extensively strengthened model of Zaku, the MS-06 Zaku II was completed, and its mass production started.
0078.05 Emigration to Colony Side 7 began while its construction was still unfinished. Zion Forces completed prototypes of MS-07, 08, 09, and MSM-01-08 for all-terrain,
underwater and closed-quarter combat.
0078.10 Zion proclaimed national mobilization.

0078.01 ¤½°ê­x±j¤Æ«¬MS-06§¹¦¨¡A¶q²£¶}©l¡C
0078.05 ²¾¥ÁSide 7¶}©l¡A¦ý´Þ¥Á¦aÁÙ¥¼§¹¥þµ¤¤u¡C¤½°ê­x§¹¦¨MS-07¡B08¡B09¤ÎMSM-01-08¡C
0078.10 ¦ÛÅ@¤½°êµoªí°ê®aÁ`°Ê­û¥O¡C


15) THE FAME OF ASSASSINS: A photo from a pic.disc which was found in the confidential files of Zion forces after the war. Shown here are the collaborators in the failed attempt to assassinate Giren Zabi. Left to right are; Lieutenant Hans Lawnder, journalist Aleksander Tronner, Dr. Park Kjon Sun, and Politburo member Wasilie Strugatsky. All participants were sentenced to death by a court-martial and executed there at once.

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