Sailor Fortuna

Romanus Senshi of Luck/Fate

The power that Fortuna controls is a very intricate and dangerous force. All should be wary of it, including the wielder herself.


Strength: Above average, but nothing special. Probably a bit stronger physically than most of the other girls, but not really close to that of the men.

Intelligence: Below average. Not because she's dumb, mostly because she's drunk, and absolutely because she becomes very predictable to fight. She has a very headlong straight away style of fighting, and often can be foiled by the same methods repeatedly.

Magic: Above average, though very hard to use. She has one attack that she can use probably only once per battle, and she hardly ever does that much. The attack is strong though. It is hardly deadly, however, but will usually end a battle.

Attack: Fortuna is a somewhat rampaging force on the battlefield. She far more prefers to use hand to hand combat, rather than magic attacks. She's very skillful with her weapon, an indestructable oak rod with the ability to extend its length from anywhere from four to twenty eight feet, both defensively and offensively.

Defense: Defensively she is split. Very strong physically, incredibly weak magically. This is not to say that she could die from weak magic attacks, she is a deus, but she is very suseptable to the effects. Mental ones especially suck her in, usually holding the spell over her longer than it would most other senshi. Physically her defense is very high. Mostly due to a high threshold of pain due to large amounts of alcohol consumption.

Speed: Fortuna is not so much fast, as she is quick. She has very good reflexes, and often acts faster than she can think. This is good and bad. Mostly good for defense, and mostly terrible for offense. Impulsive is a word to keep in mind when fighting Fortuna because if you can "fake her out", you can take her down real easy. You just gotta be a little sneaky.


Strike of Fate is an attack which recquires Fortuna to pick a target, summon the life force of that target, take it into herself, add her energy, and throw it back. The result is a bolt of energy sent into the enemy's head, causing them extreme pain, weakness, and visions of their own future. There really is no way to dodge, since energy being withdrawn from your character will leave them stunned or simply oblivious to Fortuna's actions. There are no physical ailments after the splitting headache goes away (though for a few minutes the pain is agonizing). The only scars that are left are mental. The terrible consequences of knowing one's own fate, even just a peice, can be maddening.

More details and philosophy on Fate and Time travel

Okay, I know what you're thinking.

"Jen, why the fuck am I about to read you're stupid ass time travel theories? Fortuna is not the Senshi of Time travel! Are you on something???"

And my answer to that of course is, FUCK YOU, I ain't making you read shit, obviously, like all my rants it'll come around at the end and make a point. All will make sense. So shut up.

*clears throat*

Time travel. This is the idea of moving forward or backwards through the course of events in our lives. A basic point of mine and many other people, is that this is impossible. It is impossible to see or be in your future, without tainting it and making it a non-contender. What I do believe in, is the theory of a fourth dimension. Here's a much simpler way of explaining it than I ever could:

Taken from the BBc's website, link at bottom of page


"One classic method of achieving time travel is the wormhole theory. A wormhole is a rip in the space-time fabric, sort of like a tunnel, as its name would imply. Theoretically, it joins two points of the universe, and can be used for instant travel, without actually travelling the full distance. Once you enter the mouth of a wormhole, you instantly pop out of the other side, even if it is a million light years away.

It can be explained by imagining an ant living on a piece of paper. As far as the ant is concerned, there are only two dimensions. Joe comes along, and sees that the ant wants to go from point A to point B without passing the space in between. To help the ant, Joe does the following:

1.He first bends the paper almost in half.

2.Then, he takes a pencil, and drills two holes in points A and B, which have been brought close together.

3.Then, he takes part of a straw, and sticks it in the two holes.

Now the ant can just walk the length of the straw to get from A to B, rather than walking on the paper. He is able to do this by traveling through the third spacial dimension. The straw is like a wormhole.

Extrapolate this into our universe, which has three spatial dimensions. The wormhole exists in a theoretical fourth spatial dimension. While this could happen, there are reasons to doubt it. The theory assumes that there are more than three spacial dimensions, which may or may not be true. Also, time may distort things. According to relativity, time is the fourth dimension. Experiments have proven that actions which occur in the first three dimensions can affect time (see Time Dilation)."

Now, understanding that there is a fourth dimension (us being rooted in the third) we can theorize on its relation to our own. Just as we can manipulate the second dimension, the fourth must have ways of altering our own. Wormholes, therefore are not glimpses or pathways into the future, but paths through another dimension into the same point and time. The result of traveling through a wormhole is the creation of a tangent universe.

Taken from The Philosophy of Time Travel, by Roberta Sparrow;

"If the tangent universe occurs, it will be highly unstable, sustaining itself for no longer than a few weeks."

"When a tangent Universe occurs, those living near the vortex will find themselves at the epicenter of a dangerous new world."

So, if you're losing me, think of it like this. Wormholes don't lead to other times, they lead to the same moment of time in an air pocket of third dimension accidently made in the fourth. Its not real, in other words. Its a vision, a hallucination so powerful that people actually live it. This new world usually revolves around the one seeing it, making this person kind of like a "living reciever". The reciever controls this environment with their own subconscious fears and desires, also being the only one able to control any aspect of the fourth dimension. The only person who can bring the world back to normal. This person is also referred to as a time traveler.

I've lost you again, haven't I?

*clears throat*

When Sailor Fortuna uses strike of Fate on you, you become, temporarily, a "living reciever" of the fourth dimension. Our own dimension, is understood to be a continuous loop, with things like the grandfather clause, and absolutely remains constant and unchangeable. The fourth dimension runs on infinite possiblities. Time travel and control of our destiny is possible in the fourth dimension, because it is not a constant, and is ever changing.

Anyway, your character witnesses and lives for a few weeks in a tangent, or alternate universe. This is a cruel and horrible future, where people act not as themselves, but as elements. Your character is the center of this universe. Most everyone else are shadows of the people your character knows, these are called the "manipulated living". The manipulated will fear and try to destroy the reciever, your character.(no, everyone is not trying to kill your character, but they stand in the way emotionally, and menatally, of your characters ability to return to the third dimension, home).

Once the journey is complete, usually after a few weeks of events in this alternate universe, the reciever resolves their task and is returned to the moment in time in the third dimension, that they left from. No one in Roanoke will remember the events that happened, though everyone lived through them. Some of thosed most affected by the events in the tangent universe may have "feelings" carry over. The recievers themselves are forever haunted by dreams of the occurance.

Some say these experiences are lessons. Nescesarry realizations that keep our own destiny's on course.

If you are still confused. This all just explained, a little bit, what happens to your character, and how it shapes the "future" that they see. Get it? If not, ask me to explain more. I'll update this with more details soon anyway.

Back to the previous page.

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