
Gwyn Kelly
Sailor Alkie


Why on Earth would anyone want to be a senshi? Do they think it's fun? It is if you're a maniac, but most people just don't have the energy... *stretch & yawn*. And why does everyone love those stupid smirnoff ice's and Mike's hard lemonades? Listen up. Just like how people who drink ZIMA are not cool *slides pointed look at Zach*, those who enjoy these drinks are also not cool. This clause goes for wine coolers as well. Note that when caught in a bar and someone calls you on having a dorky drink that these excuses only make you look much, much worse:

Oh, and on a side note, Killian's Irish Red, is not what it claims to be. Do not drink it, my Irish bro's and sistah's, because, though they say different, it is a mere american brew with red die. The sick bastards. Boycott it!

So yeah, Being a senshi and drinking wussy drinks and being a slob are all not cool things for those who can't handle the responsiblilty. Get the point? Either scenario the amatuers'd be better off staying home so they don't hurt themselves. End Rant.

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