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The Brownie Quest!!

Ok I dont know if VI is trying to be funny or what but here's what happened... Im walking through LFay with my chanter to buy some of the mana spells from the brownies when I come across this brownie right outside the town roaming around. I'd never been to Lfay much so I didnt know if this was normal or not so I hailed her and she started blabbing out a quest....I thought this must be some GM event or something because it was just so slapstick and off the wall...who knows but I've only seen her twice and it was both the same day. I went back to check her out with my Iksar / SK just to see if she was still up and she was and conned indiff to me so she must be on beta/nuetral faction. This is funny so here's the start of the quest...

You say, 'Hail Cupcake'

Cupcake appears to be in deep thought.

Cupcake says, 'Oh sorry young Iksar but I've been troubled as of late and I have been deep in my thoughts. Please [forgive] me.'

You say, ' I forgive you'

Cupcake says, 'Thank you kind Iksar. Actually could you do me a [favor]? I know that the larger races care not for us but these are troubled and desperate times for us.'

You say, 'What favor'

Cupcake says, 'It is hard to ask for such a thing but as you can see I have not the hatred as do the rest of my tribe for the larger races of Norrath because I have come to realize that it is only they who could help the Brownie village out of it's, err....[predicament].'

You say, 'What predicament'

Cupcake says, 'As you can see our village is small and we are few. We have too few males and too few females to further our race here in Norrath. We have tried as of yet to not ask for help from the other races of Norrath but the time has come to ask them to [assist] us.'

You say, 'How can I assist you?'

Cupcake says, 'My time to bear offspring has come and gone but my daughter [Treat]'s coming of age is upon us and her duty to the village as bearer of the next generation of Brownies has come. I do not wish to decieve my daughter as to what I have planned but as leader of my people it is my duty to see that the Brownie race does not come to a bitter end. If you do wish to assist us bring me [proof] so that I may know if I can trust you or not.'

You say, 'Who is Treat?'

Cupcake says, 'Treat is my daughter and the last hope for the Brownie village. I will tell you more about her once you have brought me [proof] so that I may know if I can trust you or not.'

You say, 'What proof?'

Cupcake says, 'Do you know of [Halflings]?'

You say, 'I know of Halflings.'

(if you say 'I dont know of Halflings' she will say 'Im sorry then you can not help me'.)

Cupcake says, 'Good. Then as proof bring me the shell of [Ember] who resides near their village. Do this for me and I will then trust you further to help us.'

You say, 'Who is ember'

Cupcake says, 'Ember is the pet of a Halfling in their village. The use I have for her shell is not important it is merely a sign of my trust for you.'

I walked over to misty thicket invised, feared Blixkin Entopop and killed Ember. She didnt drop anything the 1st couple times but the 3rd she dropped this.

Luckily Cupcake was still spawned when I ran back to Lfay :)

Gave Ember's Shell to Cupcake.

Your faction with Brownie got better.

Cupcake says, 'Good job Iksar, you have shown me proof of trust! Now I am sure that you can help me with my [daughter].'

You say, 'Who is your daughter?'

Cupcake says, 'My daughter's name is Treat and since she has been born she has had but one purpose and that is to bear offspring for our people. I had the same task as her when I was her age and so from mother to daughter I pass on this task. This is where I need help from one such as yourself. Will you help further the brownie [race]?'

You say, 'I will help further the brownie race.'

Cupcake says, 'Praise be to you and your race Iksar! You have made a mother's worries lessen. But there still is a [problem] that must be righted.

You say, 'What problem?'

Cupcake says, 'We the brownies are small and you are large and no offense to you or your race but I am sure that my daughter would not agree to this endeavor with you in your current [form].'

You say, 'How can I change form?'

(took me a lot of tries before I said the phrase above :) )

Cupcake says, 'I last heard of a great man who was able to change his form at will with the aide of masks that he had created himself. I last heard that his travels had brought him to Greater Faydark where he had hoped that he may find [peace and quiet] at last to further his studies.

You say, 'peace and quiet?'

Cupcake says, 'He detests noise and will only make himself known when all is quiet.'

I ran over to Gfay looking for him but couldnt find him at all...i'll keep looking around but being an iksar makes it kinda rough...i'll try with my chanty here soon..until then... :)


Okie this quest is crafty...I finally found the NPC by accident running Kenjie around Gfay...and boy was he fact it looks like VI just pieced this NPC together as a joke, but why he looks like that makes sense after you continue the quest hehe...god I love this quest so far kudos to VI was early in the morning and auctioning was minimal...I think the zone has to be quiet and me fricken lucky running around to find him but he's not hard to find once he spawns...i mean well he stands out hehe...logged Masa back in to do quest after I figured out where he last was..

You say, 'Hail a wood elf'

a wood elf says, 'Hail Masamura and good day to you, if you dont mind I have much work to do so please let me be.'

(at this point I tried many things and right clicking him just told me faction but i finally go the right phrase)

You say, 'You look strange'

a wood elf says, 'Strange you say? Why would you say that?'

a wood elf sighs.

a wood elf says, 'You have found me out young Iksar, but I have to ask how you knew I wasnt a wood elf? Was it my [clothes]?'

You say, 'it was your clothes'

a wood elf says, 'I knew the clothes would not be enough to fool anyone. You see Masamura I am the master of illusion and forms, but as of recent I have lost a bag of my [masks] and without it I am unable to change form and have to resort to trying to blend in with the clothes I have found.

You say, 'what masks?'

a wood elf says, 'When I visit each town I take on the form of the race that resides in it. If I take on their form I am welcomed freely into their town for they believe I am one of them. Recently though a bag of my masks were stolen by a trusted [apprentice] of mine.'

You say, 'what apprentice'

a wood elf says, 'On my journeys I met a young dark elf by the name of Dv'arn and instantly took a liking toward him. I decided that the time had come to take on an apprentice and he seemed skilled in the arts so he suited my needs greatly. I had come to trust him too much for during the night I caught him trying to steal my bag of illusionary masks. I was able to recover one of the masks but it's use has been spent and is in need of recharging. I tried to dress as one of the local races but since you have seen through it I am sure I am fooling no one. I am sure he is [using] one of my masks to stay hidden from me.'

You say, 'which mask is he using?'

a wood elf says, 'The only mask I had charged was the mask of orc form. I am sure he is hiding among the many camps of orcs in the surrounding area. If you were to help me find him I shall reward you by letting you use one of my masks for a short time. Will you [help] me young Iksar?'

You say, 'I will help you'

a wood elf says, 'Thank you so much Masamura I am forever in your debt!'

You hear a rustle in the bushes.

(a named orc then attacks us, his name is Dv'arn so Im guessing this is the right guy heh he was light-blu to me at 53 so im guessing he's in the 35+ range)

He dropped this:

(I was hoping for an illusion:orc effect on it but ah well heh)

You give the Mask of the Orc to a wood elf.

a wood elf says, 'My mask you have found it! Though I regret losing my apprentice over a mask such as this, I am overjoyed to have it returned. Here take this Masamura. It has lost it's ability to function, but one such as yourself may be able to find a way to recharge the item. Try the Brownies in Lesser Faydark they may know of a way.'

He then despawned and respawned as a normal looking woodelf and walked off. He wouldnt respond to my replies at this point and he was a dark blue con so I left him be heh.

I ran over to Lfay to see if Cupcake was up but she wasnt....gonna have to wait and check back in some more :) im guessin you turn in this mask to her...dunno i'll see...


Okie Cupcake finally spawned again I handed her the mask and by god...this is the best item ive ever seen haha...and its just a precurser item :)

Cupcake says, 'Finally you have returned Masamura! I was afraid that you had lost interest for our cause. Oh and I see you have brought me the mask. Oh it seems to have lost its ability to change form. Bring me a diamond of blue and this mask and I shall charge the mask for you.'

Your faction with Brownie got better.

(Luckily I won a Blue Diamond from my last raid in PoG so I handed it and the mask back to her)

Cupcake says, 'There that should do it young Iksar. You should find the charge upon that mask sufficient for our needs. If you feel that you should need more charges just bring me the mask back along with another diamond of blue. Now on to the matter at hand, you already know that we are a dwindling race and are in need of outside help in order to prosper fully into a new brownie generation and that my daughter is our last hope. Here in lies the problem. In my love givings and nuturing my daughter has become arrogant, mistrusting, and spoiled. Many of our own race have tried to win her heart but none have been able to put up with her demands. Masamura I ask of you, please for the sake of the next brownie generation please win my daughter's heart. In return I shall grant you an item that not many have seen ever before in this world. Let that be a motivation to help us! Now before I summon my daughter remember to use that mask and take upon yourself the form of a brownie for my daughter does not trust outside races. Shall I [summon] my daughter now?

You say, 'summon your daughter'.

(At this point I screwed up...what happens is Cupcake despawns and Treat respawns in her place, I didnt think that this would happen and planned to use the mask after I said the phrase...oops :( well Treat spawned and attacked me a bit after her spawn, I FD'd and she stuck around for bout 5 sec and despawned herself...)

Well until next time I messed up but I just had to use that charge on the mask, it was inventory usable and even though it says face I couldnt actually put it on but the effect worked nicely...haha this quest rocks cause of crap quest items like this hehe...


Ok finally got a good number of blue diamonds donated to me so I sat and waited....and waited and finally bout 3 am she spawned again. Im thinking she's set to spawn between 1am (cst) and 5am (cst). Turned in my mask again with blue diamond, got my charge back, changed form and said summon your daughter.

You say, 'Hail Treat'.

Treat says, 'Another suitor sent by my mother I see. Sigh, when will she learn that my suitor shall be one of my choosing and not hers. Away with you suitor unless you can [prove] yourself worthy of me.'

You say, 'I want to prove myself '

Treat says, 'You want to prove yourself to me? Fine I shall give you a try suitor. First you shall have to pass a test. Do you [wish to take the test] now?'

You say, 'I wish to take the test '

Treat says, 'Here is your test suitor. Answer me these questions and I shall tell you whether or not you pass. Are you ready for your [first test] or do you wish to [start the test over]?'

(saying start the test over just returns you back to the previous statement she just said)

You say, 'I am ready for my first test.'

Treat says, 'Kindness is one of the traits I find appealing in a suitor. Prove to me that you are kind and you shall pass my first test.'

(this threw me for a while so I tried offering her money and items but nothing worked she just said she didnt need I ran around the zone seeing if something new had spawned and not to far from treat I found this NPC)

You say, 'Hail A wounded pixie.'

A wounded pixie says, 'Please dont hurt me for I cannot fight back. If only someone could [help] me I could make it back to my home.

You say, 'I will help you'

A wounded pixie says, 'Thank you very much. If you could fetch me a bandage I could mend my wounds and be on my way. Please bring me back a bandage before any of the wolves find me.'

(luckily I usually keep a bag full and bandages on me hehe)

You hand bandage to A wounded pixie.

Your faction standing with Brownie got better.

Your faction standing with Treat got better.

A wounded pixie says, 'Thank you very much. Please take this as a proof of your kindness towards me. I will never forget your act of kindness. Farewell.'

(she despawned and gave me this)

( ran back over to Treat and handed her the item)

You hand Proof of Kindness to Treat.

Your faction standing with Brownie got better.

Your faction standing with Treat got better.

Treat says, 'You are the first suitor to ever pass my first test. Very well done suitor. Are you ready for my [second test] or do you wish to [start the test over]?

You say, 'I wish to take the second test'

Treat says, 'Respect is one of the traits I find appealing in a suitor. Show me that you [respect] me and you shall pass the second test.'

You say, 'I respect you'

Treat says, 'Those that show respect for another bow. Bow before me suitor.'

Masamura bows to Treat.

Treat says, 'Those that show respect for another kneel. Kneel before me suitor.'

Masamura kneels before Treat.

Treat says, 'Those that show respect for another grovel. Grovel before me suitor.'

Masamura grovels before Treat.

( couldnt remember the exact messages of the emotes just did them and forgot to right them down hehe)

Your faction with Brownie got better.

Your faction with Treat got better.

Treat says, 'Very good suitor. The other suitors would not throw away their pride such as you have. Is there a reason you act as such? Could there be more to your actions other than just doing what my mother has asked of you? Never mind that for now. Are you ready for my [third test] or do you wish to [start the test over]?

You say, 'I am ready for the third test'

Treat says, 'Love is important to me suitor. I could not do such an act with someone whom I do not love and whom does not love me back. Prove to me your love for me and you shall win me over suitor.'

(ok I ran all over the place trying to find out what im supposed to do and said many things to her with nada reply until I noticed 3 items spawned on the stumps outside the brownie town here's each of them)

(I turned in the red rose knowing that red roses symbolize love, white roses symbolize friendship and black roses symbolize death, you'see useless knowledge does pay off haha)

You hand a red rose to Treat.

Your faction with Brownie got better.

Your faction with Treat got better.

Treat blushes.

Treat says, 'That's right suitor. You are the one I have been seeking for all this time. You shall bear the next generation of Brownies with me. Our love shall be shown when our children are born into this world. We must begin preparation for the ceremony suitor...or shall I call you by your real name now Masamura my love. In order to have the ceremony I will need a [gown of silk], [wine], and a certain [device made by gnomes].

You say, 'what gown of silk?'

Treat says, 'Any tailor can make this gown of cured silk. Please bring one to me.'

You say, 'what wine?'

Treat says, 'Elven wine is the best drink to have during the ceremony. It uplifts the mood and invigorates the act.'

You say, 'what device made by gnomes.'

Treat blushes.

Trea says, 'It is a device I have only heard about from traveling merchants that visit the city of the Gnomes. They say that the act is prolonged by the use of the item and brings much pleasure to the user.'

Welp thats as far as I have gotten so far. Gotta dig a silk robe outta an alts bank, grab some wine and figure out where to get this gnome device. Dunno where to find the gnome yet guess i'll find him later tired to look now i'll try again later. Im guessing I can just turn in the items by respawning Treat and doing the mask charge with Cupcake over again. Im ally to Treat and the other Brownies with the form on...not sure without dont wanna mess up again hehe ah well till next time.


Ok finally found the gnome with the device I needed. He paths through the shadow men which is where I found him fighting them. Most likely he's usually killed off which is why I couldn't find him till I got lucky.

You say, 'Hail Ronz Jermi'

Ronz Jermi says, 'I am [troubled] please bother someone else.'

You say, 'why are you troubled?'

Ronz Jermi says, 'My wife's birthday is coming up soon and I've been trying my hardest to make her a birthday cake, but I just do not have the skill to do so. My specialty is making [tinkered items], not cooking. Her birthday is tomorrow what shall I do? Do you know the art of [cooking] by chance?'

You say, 'I know the art of cooking'

Ronz Jermi says, 'I propose a bargain then. If you shall make me a cake for my wife and give it too me I shall give you one of the [tinkered items] I've been working on for my son.

You say, 'What tinkered items?'

Ronz Jermi says, 'I've recently been working on a device for my son but haven't gotten the bugs worked out of it yet. He loves to play practical jokes on his friends so I came up with a device that tickles another user just by its touch once it is turned on.'

(found a person in Gfay to make me a cake real quick and luckily he was still spawned)

You give the birthday cake to Ronz Jermi.

Ronz Jermi says, 'Thank you Masamura! A deal is a deal here take this. It has limited power so it will only work one time till I can work some of the bugs out. If you could find me a better [power source] I may be able to make the effect last longer.'

You say, 'what power source'

Ronz Jermi says, 'The leader of the Brownies has a jewel called the thunder stone. If you bring me that stone I may be able to extend the power of the item.'

(Id's: Gnome pleasure device.)

I'm guessing this is the right item so another wait till Cupcake spawns and another blue diamond for when Treat spawns...dang expensive quest hehe


Umm over...Im speechless...I just cant believe this happend and I wish I could record and play this all back for yah...but this is best I can do...well here's what happened...

Ok got Treat spawned again (bye bye another blue diamond).

You hand Elven wine to Treat.

You hand silk robe to Treat.

You hand Gnomish Tickler to Treat.

Your faction with Treat cannot get any better.

Your faction with Brownie cannot get any better.

(all the items were returned to me)

Treat says, 'Masamura my suitor you have returned to me with the items! I have been waiting for you long my love to return. I have been preparing for your arrival and have prepared a place for us. Follow me my love.'

(From here she moves away from the brownie village out a ways in the zone to an open area.)

Treat says, 'My love before we complete the ritual we must first be wed and become one. I am waiting for your reply. Will you [marry] me and become one?'

You say, 'I will marry you'

Treat says, 'Oh how I have waited for those words my whole life my love. In order for us to be wed I must summon the mother of our race Tunare. She will perform the ceremony and bestow her blessing upon us. Are you ready to [start] the ceremony?'

You say, 'I want to start the ceremony'

(Ok now this is where all hell broke loose...)

Tunare says, 'Hail young Brownie Treat. Why have you summoned me here this day?'

Treat kneels before Tunare.

Treat says, 'Lady Tunare mother of all I offer my thanks for answering my summoning. I have called you here to bless my marriage to Masamura and performt he marriage ceremony.'

Tunare says, 'Very well treat show me your bride to be.'

(had to Hail her to continue)

You say, 'Hail Tunare.'

Tunare raises an eye towards Masamura.

Tunare says, 'Masamura there is something strange about you. You have the appearance of a Brownie but you soul says different. Who are you really show yourself!'

(at this point my Illusion: Brownie suddenly fades)

Treat gasps at Masamura.

Tunare beams an icey stare at Masamura.

Tunare says, 'A vile Iksar he be! How dare you try and trick my young Brownie into a wed lock and copulation!'

Treat says, 'Masamura how can this be? Have you always been an Iksar? This cannot be true I wont believe it!?'

Tunare says, 'He is a vile trickster just like the rest of his kind. Begone Iksar! Begone from this realm I shall end your life this day!'

Tunare begins to cast a spell.

Treat says, 'Wait please stop my lady do not kill him! Be he Brownie or Iksar I do not care! He is my love and I do not wish him harm!'

Tunare says, 'How can it be that you love this vile Iksar! He has tainted you also I see. I am sorry my young Brownie but you shall meet his same fate!'

(This is where this whole quest went up a notch and went cool as hell!!!)

Cazic Thule shouts, 'TUNARE!!!'

Tunare says, 'Oh no I have left myself unguarded and unaware! Return to your realm vile creature of fear! I have to words with you today!'

Cazic Thule says, 'There shall be no killing of Iksar this day Tunare! You shall have to do battle with me before I shall allow this. He shall breed a new race to spread fear across the land! I have watched his deed carefully and I shall not let you interfere!'

Tunare says, 'You shall have to try and stop first lord of fear! I am not someone to trifle with! Many occasion I have appeared and many more I shall triumph! You are in my land Cazic Thule and in this land you shall perish!'

Tunare shouts, 'Come to me my followers we are to do battle with Cazic Thule!'

(Im guessing at this point she's shouting to the zone to rush in and attack Cazic before he can do anything...well I was the only person in zone so...she didnt get any help heheh after a while this happened)

Cazic Thule begins to cast a spell.

Tunare has been bound by an unseen force!

Tunare says, 'Vile beast what have you done to me! Release me!'

Cazic Thule laughs.

Cazic Thule says, 'Your followers have not saved you this day! Masamura give me that device created by that gnome! It shall be of use to me this day.!'

You hand Gnomish Tickler to Cazic Thule.

Cazic Thule says, 'You shall be taking a trip with me to my plane dear Tunare. It shall be an experience you shall never forget!'

Tunare says, 'Vile beast release me this instant!'

Cazic Thule begins to cast a spell.

Cazic Thule vanishes into a portal.

Tunare vanishes into a portal.

(oh stunned at this point btw hehe after a while Treat begins to talk again)

Treat says, 'Masamura you have decieved me this day and I hate you for that. But you have won my heart nonetheless. I am yours this day. The ceremony has not the blessing of Tunare but I believe that the ceremony can still continue thus. Give to me the gown of silk so that I might be prepared for our ceremony.'

You hand the silk robe to Treat.

Treat says, 'Good Masamura now hand me the Elven wine.'

You hand the Elven wine to Treat.

Treat says, 'Ah Elven wine is best when drunk on nights such as this. Now Masamura please hand me the item which gave you the ability to take the form of the Brownies. No doubt my mother has asked for help from the Master of Illusions.'

You hand the Mask of the Brownies to Treat.

Treat says, 'There Masamura. The mask should no longer require a diamond of blue to cast its effect. But be warned that it can only be used in places where Brownies have once dwelled. Please use it now so that we may continue the ceremony.'

(used the mask so im a brownie again)

Treat says, 'Now for the completion of the ceremony. Masamura my love please take be as yours so that we can become one. I must cast this spell upon you in order to ensure that the ceremony is not interrupted. Are you ready to [complete the ceremony]?'

You say, 'I am ready to complete the ceremony.'

Treat says, 'Very well my love. We were two but now we shall become one. You may not remember what happened after I cast the spell upon you, but rest assured that I shall never forget.'

Treat begins to cast a spell.

(ok the spell is a blind spell I cannot see a thing but what it sounds like is me getting attacked..I make that lizard ugh spell and she sounded like she was making that ugh sound the brownies make when they're attacked...well the spell wears off)

Treat says, 'Thank you Masamura. The Brownie race shall continue now. Next time you see my mother please give her this so that she might know that the ceremony is complete.'

(Treat then despawns)

(Lucky for me Cupcake mustive respawned then...dunno if by chance or because of how the quest works.)

You hand the Lock of hair to Cupcake.

Cupcake says, 'Finally I can rest easy at night! The ceremony has been complete! Thank you young Iksar you have saved us all. Though I may have been led by Cazic Thule himself he spot true of our race. The only way to save it was to seek outside help. He told me to give this back to you. He told me that he had used the last charge on it and that he had imbued it himself in return for your help. Here take it. Also a promise is a promise here take this jewel. It is called the thunder stone. It is a powerful stone that could power most of Akanon I have heard! It is yours now Masamura use it well! My daughter has returned from the ceremony chamber with the new Brownie generation, or should I say your new generation. Shall I [summon her]?

You say, 'summon her'

(Treat spawns with the new "brownie generation" now hahaha!)

You say, 'Hail Treat'

Treat says, 'Hello my love. Behold the new Brownie generation. We are saved my love. Praise this day for it has been the day the Brownies have been saved. Please take this and remember me always my love. If you ever want to come back and visit us just use this and you shall be here in no time.'

(hailing the little iksar-brownie did nothing)

Welp I guess thats the end...Im guessin if i take the jewel and the Gnomish tickle to that gnome again i'll get unlimted charges of was one hell of a quest and had some guides show up wondering what the heck was going on and watched the end with me haha was a great quest and a good example of VI humor heheh