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Android 18's Family Shrine

Fun Stuff
Links Site
Fan Stuff

Hi everyone, Welcome To android 18's family shrine. You probably have an idea of what you will find here because of the title, right? Well you see, I want my site to be different and stand out of all the other family shrines. I'm not even close to being done yet, but what you'll find here so far... is "Multimedia" Video clips, Sound audio, adoption, awards to win, Pictures, Fan fiction, quizes, video game reviews, info, and a little bit of humor. Like I said before, I'm not even close to being done yet. So you can expect this site to be alot better. pleaze sign my guest book.
Well enjoy! ^_^



haha wow its been a very long time since i recorded the updates on here..but yes ive made a few changes. right now im still looking for a new server cuz i have alot of media to add to the site. i have to get rid of the broken links and find new affiliates, if you have a dbz site and are intrested in becoming an affiliate E-mail me. other than that i still have some work to do on the site so keep checking back. ~LoRi~


Beauty Can Kill Saiyan Shrine Believe in me: a pan shrine

[Anime Web Turnpike]
Anime Web Turnpike

I Love Goku!!!! sorry Krilly,~_~

Hey if you have any questions, comments, feed, etc.

E-mail me I will gladly do my best to help you out.

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