Yes I have returned frum my shitty vacation, but I have no updates... why?
Well I've decided that my Dejimon Tamers Douji is going to be done in skool only because it's very difficult for me to think up new things for it and draw it outside of skool...
Secondly, I've started up Studio Chaos*Kittiez site and I've been working on my new professional manga Tsukinoryuu... so I've been realli busy.
If I do update, it will most likely be only for new beelzebumon pictures or on the douji/kiriban...

sorri again, but summer is always the start of something completely different then what I do in skool... so just wait until august and the douji will "most likely" restart.

Well I'm sorta being lazy right now cuz I'm busy workin on Blur and the insert pages for Vol 1 of my douji.... so not realli much of an update except for another chpter cover in the douji section....

Well I made a small update to the Douji section... go check it...
*sighs and goes back to listening to The Eminem Show*

I know, I know... I haven't updated in FOREVER, but hey I'm taking finals... I'm about to be leavin on a trip... give a gal a break eh!
=^-^=;;; anyway I got about 5 new kiriban up, and dont expect much more for now...

Also dont expect many more updates... well at least not until I get back from my vacation ^^;;; so for fans of the Douji and all, u'll just hafta wait! lol
On a lighter note, I am still working on Blur for Jamie-chan and I will be able to constantly work on that throughout my vacation.. so rejoice!!
¬_¬... Oh yea... I feel tha love...
*leaves and takes Beelzebu-kun and Knuckles with her*


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