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Princess Serena and the past life of Warrior Lance

A fanfic!! Yes, by Denise! *applause*

'She's so beautiful' thought Lance as he watched Sailor Moon battle the demon.

He was the prince of the evil negamoon and he wanted nothing more than to hold her in his arms. He still remembered the day they kissed. He and Sailor moon were fighting and when she fell to the floor and he pulled her up and kissed her. He knew she felt something because she didn't pull away until her sailor scouts came.

"Don't worry you'll be mine soon," he said

"Well that takes care of that demon," said Sailor Mars.

"Yeah thats a load off our backs," answered Sailor Jupiter

"Hey Princess Serena, you okay?" asked Sailor Pluto

Sailor moon snapped out of her thoughts. "Yeah, I am fine," she answered with a smile.

She had been thinking about what that prophecy queen had told her about her past. Sailor moon had been in love with a Warrior Prince. When they were attacked The prince fell into one of the Dark portals and that was the last time anyone seen him because Serena was sent to earth by her mother Queen Serenity. She really wanted to find the prince but Luna said that he may not even be alive. the dark portals were very powerful and could swallow up anything.

Serena walked up to Sailor scouts so they could head on to find the evil castle.

"Ohh i can't wait to get my hands on that evil prince Lance!" she muttered.

"Yeah, he needs to be punished!" cried Sailor Mercury.

Suddenly out of the sky came a beam of light. Sailormoon got caught in it.

"Serena!!" the sailor scouts cried as she was pulled into the beam.

"Where'd she go?!" cried sailor Neptune.

Serena opened her eyes and looked around."Where am I?" she said dizzyly as she tried to stand up. She lost her balance and was about to fall on the floor when a pair of strong arms grabbed her. she looked up to see Lance.

She frowned. "LET ME GO!!" She screamed as she backed up.

"Awww... Princess don't you want to be with me?" he asked with an evil smile."

"No, not ever. I'll destroy you!" she said as she tried to use her tira.

"Sorry, your magic doesn't work in here," he said laughing as he walked up to her.

She backed up into a wall. "I won't hurt you, Serena, like I said before. We belong together; you and I could rule this world together."

"I'd never turn evil, and I would never want to rule it with YOU!!"

"You didn't complain when we kissed," he said, "I know you felt something just like i did."

"No, I didn't," she lied. She had actually felt something but she didn't want him to know that. Lance left her locked in the dungeon and walked over to the wiseman who was looking for him.

"What do you want?" Lance said.

"I want Sailor Moon's powers," the evil wizard said.

"No, you can't. I rule this realm so leave at once!" yelled Lance.

"I don't take orders from anyone!" screamed the wiseman as he descended to the room where sailor moon was. Lance ran in and grabbed her.

"Hey!" she cried.

"Sailor moon we have to leave now!" cried Lance.

"Where are we going? cried Serena.

He pulled her into his arms and they teleported to another section of the castle.

"Whats going on?" demanded Serena. Lance looked at her and said, "The wiseman is not only after my powers and ruling this relam, but he wants your silver imperiam crystal."

" Why do you care she?" asked him.

"Princess the love I feel for you is deep, and I would do anything to protect you from him."

" But you're evil!" she said.
Before he could answer the wiseman appeared and tried to attack Serena Lance pushed her out way as he got slammed into the wall.

"Oh no!" she cried. "He maybe evil but he just took a hit for him!" she said.

"I am okay," he said as he got up.
<{>She pulled out moon septar. "Help me moon septar!" she yelled as the light from her septar blocked the wisemans attacks.

"Its no use!" he cried laughing as he aimed a huge ball of dark energy at her.

"No thats his strongest attack!" said Lance.

Serena thought this was the end of her when Lance jumped in front of her and took the hit.

"Ahhhh!" he screamed as he collapsed on the floor.

"No!" she cried as she ran over to him.

"Princess," he whispered as he brushed a tear off her cheek with his hand. "Please don't go she cried. I love you," he said softly to her and he went limp in her arms.

"No this can't be! He just saved my life and now he's dying?" Tears streamed down her cheeks. "Wait he's still breathing!" she said hopefully.

"Stupid Prince, thats what you get for interfering with my plans!" screamed the wiseman as he aimed another energy ball at Serena.

"NOOOOO!" She cried.

Princess Serena and the past life of Warrior Lance

Suddenly the light from her silver crystal surrounded her as she held Lance in her arms. Serena felt safe and secure now. The energy ball bounced right off.

"GRRRR! I will break that force field!" yelled the wiseman.

"Lance you have to wake up please!" cried Serena. Suddenly a vision came to her mind.

She saw the prince standing there. her mother queen Serenity was talking with the guests.

"Hello! its me Princess Serena!" she called out to him

" My sweet darling, you're here," he said as he turned around. She gasped.

Serena snapped out of the vision. She had seen the prince's face. It was Lance; he was the prince from when she had lived on the moon kingdom....