Until We Meet Again


By Crystal

Warnings: Read the prequel before you read this. You might become confused if you don’t.

*We all know who this belongs to... ^^;;*

“Come on... Come on...” I muttered to myself as I anticipated his attack slowly as I felt my body flow with adrenaline. I closed my eyes, trying to calm myself down.

Unless you are absolutely sure you can win him, don’t make the first move.

As my breathing slowed down, I began picturing an Orc in front of me and I heard myself growl softly. I fingered the sword that was in the sheath quietly, still waiting for him to make a move on me. “If you keep closing your eyes, I’m afraid I’ll hurt you.”

I smirked, “No need to be scared, dear. I can hear you just fine.”

A few more long moments, everything was silent. The people were watching us were silent. Then I heard him run towards me. Five... Four... Three... Two... At the last step, I sidestepped his attack to his left where he left opened and I kicked him on the left to be blocked by his left arm. I opened my eyes and I flicked my sword up as I jumped back and with all my strength swung my sword... The swords rang throughout the whole practice area.

I smiled softly, “Holy shit, were you trying to kill me?” He said, his eyes wide. “We are using real swords.”

“Nope.” I answered his question truthfully, “I knew you would have blocked it, and if you could not have blocked it, I would have stopped, but I would have been terribly disappointed at you. And yes, I am aware we are using swords.” My smiled flattered slightly as I remembered telling a certain King that sentence, but his eyes narrowed and I put my smile back on. “Anyhow, I’ve had enough practice. See you later, Eddie.”

Without another word to anyone, I went to the change room and took a quick shower. I washed my hair, then changed into a pair of jeans and a black sleeveless turtleneck, and then I tied my hair into a messy bun while I glanced at the mirror in front of me. My green eyes glowed and I closed my eyes immediately. Looking away from the mirror, I packed all my stuff and walked out the change room, to be met with Iris. “Hey, what are you doing here?” I asked.

“I was just bored after class, so I decided to come look for you. How the hell did you learn all those moves in less than an year?” She asked me, trailing after me, “When you woke up, you changed. Your first sword fighting class, you already knew all those. Now you’ve gotten even better.”

I laughed, “Well, that happens when you are forced to fight. Are you coming over?” I asked, looking behind.

“Yeah. Zach’s not free again.” She said sadly. He hadn’t been free for a whole week.

I frowned, “Really? What about Carrie and Irene?” I asked, walking away from my training class and into the streets.

“Oh, they’re busy with their boyfriends...”

I smiled again, “It’s a miracle all three of you has had the same boyfriend for the past year.”

“That could’ve happened to you too, if you didn’t dump Alan.” She muttered, “And you’re still single.” She added.

“Thank you for stating the obvious, Iris.” I said sarcastically. “I dumped Alan because I wanted that relationship over. And I have never regretted that decision. Not then, not now, not ever. And I’m still single because I choose to be, and not because I do not have any guy after me. I choose to be single for a reason and I would love it if you did not pry.”

We walked a long way in silence before she spoke up again, “Are you sure you have any guys after you?” I growled, “Oh all right... Are you sure you’re not lesbian?”

“YES! I am sure I am not homosexual, thank you very much. You make it seem like you’re against lesbians.” I said while grumbling.

“I am not!” She retorted.

“Neither am I.” I replied.

Suddenly, I felt a hand grab my wrist and I pushed the urge to pull my arm away from Iris as she dragged me into a coffee shop. I sighed quietly. “Let’s have a cup of coffee and talk about everything.”

“That’s where I work, Iris!” I said, exasperated as she kept on dragging me.

She turned around and smiled at me, “I know.” When she saw Amy, the other part-time, she waved, “Hey Amy! The usual please!” Iris said sweetly.

I rolled my eyes as I glanced at the darkening sky, “Can I please get an almond latté?” I asked Amy. She nodded all the while smiling. How that girl can stay so happy all the time is beyond my understanding. We sat at a window seat as we watched the cars drive and finally, I turned to look at Iris, “So what did you want?”

She shrugged, “Anything, really.” I glared at her. “Oh fine... Why... Why did you dump Alan?” She asked weakly, knowing every time she did, I answered the same thing.

"I don’t feel for him.” I said, looking out the window again. “I never loved him.” I said again.

"What is love?” She asked me, her eyes hard. “I can’t believe you dumped him cause you didn’t love him! We’re in college, hello! People don’t fall in love when they’re nineteen for Christ’s sake.” Her voice was angry.

I felt no fear. “Love is when you feel your heart beating as loud as thunder when you see him... It’s when the second he touches you, warmth engulfs you and you feel you’re safe and secure. It’s when...” I bit my lips, “Love... It’s when you no longer see the meaning in life when you’re not longer with him. You can’t picture life without him...” I sighed softly, “It’s a feeling you would never trade for something else.” I continued onwards, “And when you’ve finally lost him, you feel dead inside, yet everyday, you have to smile for your friends and you have to act happy about everything, because if you don’t, then people are going to think there’s something wrong with you.”

“And you would know this because?” Iris said, as her eyes softened.

I looked at her straight in the eye, “I’ve been in love, and I’ve lost it.”

“You--” Iris got cut off as Amy came with the coffees.

She smiled brightly again at us, “So how are you two doing? Oh, by the way, we have a new part-time named Monica.” She said to me, “She’s replacing Nicole.”

I nodded, “I see...”

Amy grinned, “So how are you two doing? Just six days left until Valentine’s Day, any plans?” She asked.

Iris immediately brightened, “Yep! Well, I’m thinking of renting a Windmill Cottage. Three bedrooms with two bathrooms, a kitchen, lounge and dining room. We might stay there for two days and one night.”

“Three bedrooms?” I repeated, “Who’s going to go, I mean, if you and Zach are going, then you only need one or two bedrooms...”

“Well, you’re going, and there’s Alan... Bruce and Irene are having their own little thing, so Carrie and Josh is coming. You and Alan can share a room, and there’s no worries there, it’s two single beds.” Iris’ lips twitched upwards.

I looked at her coolly, “You are not letting me sleep in the same bedroom as Alan on Valentine’s Day, you piece of crap.” And I added, “Plus, I have classes the day before Valentine’s Day, so screw off.” Then I added again, “Hmm... But Valentine’s Day’s a Saturday...”

Iris frowned, “Everyone’s going to be skipping classes, and look, I’m trying to get you and Alan back together, do you understand?”

I mocked a growled and stood up as I slammed my palm on the table, making the little customers in the store look at me in surprise for a moment, “I understand perfectly.” I said, pronouncing every word carefully, “But... I am not interested in Alan, nor am I interested in any guy that I know right now. I am not interested in anyone but the one I love. So before I slaughter you, stay out of my business.” Amy retreated away and reassured the customers that this always happened and I finally sat down. Iris looked slightly scared, but I on the other hand, was not the slightest bit angry.

I knew Iris was doing this for my own good, but I had no interest but in that certain living creature that had captured my heart. She sighed, “I know... But you don’t even have a Valentine card or invitation to a dance.” She said quietly.

I rolled my eyes, “Says who I don’t? I have enough to last me a life time, seriously. Chris asked me out last week, and before that was Michael and Tom... There was also Lawrence and Stefan. Need I say more?” I sighed.

“You are kidding me!” Iris almost squealed, “Those hot guys asked you out and you rejected them?!”

“Yes.” I answered as I took a sip of my coffee, and looked out the window again. The first drop of rain fell and I felt a flashback...

Everything was eerily quiet as the war started. Foul cries of the Uruks filled the air, rumbles were heard as their feet hit the ground. We were all awed at the number of Uruks that were walking on the lovely Plains just hours ago. Sudden lightning crackled from above and rain dripped from the dark sky until it began to pour down hard.

“Hey.” I felt someone shake my shoulders as I blinked back into reality. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah...” I replied, “Just thinking about something in the past.”

She sighed, “You’ve been weird ever since you came back from that coma... Need I count all the stuff that has gone wrong?” She asked. I rolled my eyes. Even if I had told her I didn’t need her recounting them all, she would count them all again. “You dumped Alan. You attempted suicide. You are always so calm about everything. You learned how to swordfight. You don’t swear anymore. You listen in class and you look forward to literature. You no longer check out guys. You always space out. You’re always this depressed little thing I can’t help feeling sorry for.” She sighed again, “Need I say more?”

“No, and you don’t have to feel sorry for me.” I replied, sipping my coffee again.

“I can’t help it!” She retorted.

I rolled my eyes, “Your problem, not mine.”

“Fine. My fault.” She admitted, then started talking again, “So are you coming to that Valentine’s Day? Please come! I mean, there’s this legend. If you fold ninety-nine origami flowers and make them fly where the windmills are, you will see your soul mate, which is the first person you see after setting the flowers free. If you see Alan, well then, there. If you don’t, then I promise I’ll stop from setting you two up together ever again.”

I raised my eyebrow, “And you promised not to tell Alan when I am letting the flowers fly?” She pouted, “If you don’t promise that, then I’m not going.”

“Fine.” She replied again, “I promise I won’t tell Alan when you’re letting the flowers fly so you can meet your soul mate.”

We sat in silence for a couple of minutes just watching the rain pour down while we sipped our coffee, then she suddenly said, “You know... I haven’t gotten Zach to promise me to go to that Valentine’s Day thing I’m planning.”

“Well, tell him about it then.” I said.

“I guess... I hope he gives me some flowers... And a Valentine card.” She looked dreamily.

I smiled reassuringly, “I’m sure he’ll give you all those... Maybe something more.” I grinned, she looked at me with interest. “And no, I don’t know what he’s going to give you.” I said quickly.

Amy came over again, holding out a lime green envelope, “Speaking of cards...” She mentioned to the desk, “Someone gave this to me this morning and told me to give it to you.”

Iris grinned as I took the card from Amy, “Ah, a Valentine’s Day card. But who would give out green Valentine’s cards?”

I sighed, “It must another one of those secret admirers of mine.”

Amy smirked, “You better pay attention to this dude. He looked hot. Hell, he is hot.”

“What did he look like?!” Iris asked, clearly interested.

I rolled my eyes as I listened to Amy, “Tall, blonde, blue eyes... Man, those eyes were a killer.” I frowned as that description reminded me of a certain someone, “He is hella hot. If you don’t like him, I’ll take him anytime.” She grinned.

“And I think you have a boyfriend of yours named Kelvin.” I told her.

“I know. But I’d dump Kelvin just for that guy.”

“He’s that hot?” Iris asked.

“Hell yeah.” Amy said, then looked at me, “Just open the envelope, see who it’s from.”

Sighing, I took their advice. A beautiful card with a rose in the center was there and I opened the card. Inside was a neat, yet extremely familiar script, it wrote:


I hope you haven’t forgotten our Valentine’s Day last year. Amin mela lle... (I love you...) I hope to see you soon.

-Your Ever Charming Prince.

I almost gasped quietly at the signature, then out fell a letter from the card. I unfolded the letter...


Melamin... Do not grieve for me... I love you, really. I want to tell you how much I have enjoyed my five months with you and the rest of the Fellowship. I wish I had more time with you, I wish I had known you better, I wish I had spent more of my time embracing and kissing you, although it was not meant to be.

I stopped reading the long letter there immediately as I felt myself finally lose control for my first time in a year. I felt my hands shake as I grabbed the letter and card and stuffed it in my bag while I stood up and ran out the coffee shop, and into the pouring rain.