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There are three ways to fuse. One is by doing the fusion dance together. Both people included in the dance must know it perfectly, be around the same height, be at the same power level, and must be about five feet away from each other. If they mess up even a little bit it'll be a misfusion and look really messed up. This fusion is not permanent. The second way is by using the Potara Earings. Two people must put the earings on opposite ears and wait for the fusion. This form of fusion is permanent. According to the chart below, Goku and Vegeta fused with the Potara Earings to form Vegetto. The reason that this was not permanent was that Vegetto, knowing that if he killed Buu, which he was capable of doing, he would kill his friends the process. Vegetto then decided to allow himself to be absorbed by Buu, which ended the fusion and made them Goku and Vegeta again. The last way to fuse has the requirement that both people included must be Namekian. The first Namek sticks out his hand towards the second and uses his body to absorb the second. The body will stay in the form of the first Namek, but the second's power is now part of the first. This fusion is also permanent.