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Takuya Kanbara
Seiyuu: Takeuchi Junko
Age: 10
Spirits: Spirit of Flame H, Spirit of Flame B
Extra Spirits: Spirit of Earth B, Spirit of Steel H, Spirit of Steel B
Ancient Digimon: Ancient Greymon
Human-Type Hybrid: Agnimon
Beast-Type Hybrid: Vritramon
Advance-Type Hybrid: Ardhamon
?-Type Hybrid: Kaiser Greymon
Info: This cheerful, energetic 5th grader has a strong sense of justice.
He's very athletic and is a member of the soccer club.
He's hot-blooded and tends to act before he thinks, and because of that often has conflicts with his friends...!!
He gets to the Digital World by following a mysterious email left on his cell phone.

Kouji Minamoto
Seiyuu: Kamiya Hiroshi
Age: 10
Spirits: Spirit of Light H, Spirt of Light B
Extra Spirits: Spirit of Wood B
Ancient Digimon: Ancient Garurumon
Human-Type Hybrid: Wolfmon
Beast-Type Hybrid: Garmmon
Advance-Type Hybrid: Beowulfmon
?-Type Hybrid: Magna Garurumon
Info: This cool 5th grader is a bit of a lone wolf.
His father's circumstances have caused him to change schools many times, and because of this he's not very good at making friends.
But when his friends are in a pinch, he'll rush to help them without even thinking of the danger he's putting himself in!
He got to the Digital World through a different path than Takuya.

Izumi Orimoto
Seiyu: Ishige Sawa
Age: 10
Spirits: Spirit of Wind H, Spirit of Wind B
Extra Spirits: Spirit of Water H, Spirit of Water B
Ancient Digimon: Ancient Irismon
Human-Type Hybrid: Fairymon
Beast-Type Hybrid: Shutumon
Info: This 5th grader has just returned from living in Italy for two years.
She speaks her mind freely and appears to be very strong, but she's really looking for true friends!

Tomoki Himi
Seiyuu: Watanabe Kumiko
Age: 8
Spirits: Spirit of Ice H, Spirit of Ice B
Extra Spirits: N/A
Ancient Digimon: Ancient Megatheriumon
Human-Type Hybrid: Chakkumon
Beast-Type Hybrid: Blizzarmon
Info: This 3rd grader tends to rely on others a lot.
His older brother never played with him, so instead he played on the computer all the time.
He's a little cowardly, but he's very genuine and open about expressing his feelings! The youngest of the group, he's a crybaby.
He came to the Digital World because he'd been bullied!

Junpei Shibayama
Seiyuu: Amada Mahito
Age: 11
Spirits: Spirit of Thunder H, Spirit of Thunder B
Extra Spirits: Spirit of Earth H
Ancient Digimon: Ancient Beetmon
Human-Type Hybrid: Blitzmon
Beast-Type Hybrid: Bolgmon
Info: A cool-headed and watchful 6th grader who likes fortune telling with playing cards.
He's not very good at studying, but he's very knowledgeable about various things like trains, stamps, and cards!
He's the mood maker for the group!

Kouichi Kimura
Seiyuu: Suzumura Ken'ichi
Spirits: Spirit of Darkness H, Spirit of Darkness B
Extra Spirits: Spirit of Wood B
Ancient Digimon: Ancient Sphinxmon
Human-Type Hybrid: Duskmon
Beast-Type Hybrid: Velgmon
Human (L)-Type Hybrid: Löwemon
Beast (K)-Type Hybrid: Kaiser Leomon
Info: Kouichi is Kouji's brother. Their family situation seems to be thus – Kouichi and Kouji were twins, but their parents split up.
Kouichi went with their mother; Kouji with their father. Neither knew of the other's existence, and Kouji's father even told Kouji his mother was dead.
However, on her deathbed, Kouichi and Kouji's grandmother told Kouichi that he had a brother named Kouji, and Kouichi went off to find him.

However, as shown in Episode 22, he fell down a flight of stairs trying to reach Kouji...
Nobody knows how he got to the Digital World, but apparently he is being controlled by Cherubimon, and possesses the evil Spirits of Darkness.
Soon, however, he will break free of Cherubimon's control, and gain purified, good versions of the Spirits of Darkness, then join the Chosen Children.

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