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Dokiri (Copper Mist)

In the first place, thanks for visiting the Dokiri Website. We hope you have a great stay here and enjoy yourself.

"Dokiri" is an online Manga serie which started the 17th of July 2002. The story is about a young girl named Dokiri who lives in a post-apocaliptic world. Driven away from her home town (Akita, Japan) she goes through several adventures.

I am intend to make 3 episodes. I'm still working on the second episode as I write this, and this episode will contain about 30 pages.

I also made up several 'rules' for these series:
- Every episode at least 4
persons have to die >:).
- Monsters don't count as dead persons (that
doesn't mean no monsters get wasted).
- Every episode contains at least
25 pages (Ough! That's gonna tucker me out!!)
- The pages are in B/W, but since 14-09-2002 there is also a Colour version in fabication (Though... I thought)!
No nudity (to make it accessible for individuals under 18 years).

Here below are some buttons which go to Pages about the manga itself or links to other pages of my interest or other pages I made, please make your choice now!


Every update the photo above changes! (Noticed yet?) For old news click here.

26-12-2002 It's been a while since I've updated. Anyway. this update is HUGE!! I've uploaded 17 pages from part 3. Thsese pages contain some havy violence and some yaoi themed stuff. This could be harmful for people with a weak heart. I am not resposible for any mental damage. It's your foult you looked at it!!

04-11-2002 I have put the first 6 pages of part3 online. It is not very intresting but quite important for the plot. The next pages I will put online will be more intresting. Believe me ^_-. Anyway, I hope you enjoy these new pages and please tell me what you think of it!!

My Banner, feel free to use it on your website, I would be very grateful if you do so!

Please note: All of my web pages contain a copyright by Toni Productions © 2002

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