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DBZ Archive

Welcome to the DBZ archive library. Here you will find neat facts and answers to the DBZ universe.

What races are found on DBZ?

How do they fly?

Why are they so fast?

What is Fusion?

Hellsing Pictures

Race Groups

In the DBZ universe, "race" means alot more than what we think of. The races of DBZ is vast and covers all species of the universe. There are many unique species. Below you will find the main classified species or "races" of the DBZ universe.


The Saiyans first appeared on Planet Plant, homeworld of the Tsufurujins. They started a war to take over Planet Plant and after years of fighting they wiped out all of the Tsufurujins and renamed the newly won planet Planet Vegeta, in honour of their ruler. Prince Frieza son of King Cold led an assault against Planet Vegeta and killed almost all the Saiyans as well as destroying their planet. Only seven Saiyans survived the racial oliberation; they were Goku, Vegeta, Brolly, Paragas, Raditz, Taurus and Nappa.

Important Saiyans: Gohan, Goten, Trunks,Goku, Vegeta, Brolly, Pan and Bra


A weak civilization that lives on Planet Earth, the place where most of the initial fighting takes place during the DBZ and DB series.

Important Humans: Tenshinhan, Krillin, Yamcha, Chi Chi, Bulma, Videl, Mr. Satan, Kamesennin, and Chiaotzu


This civilization lived on a Planet called Namek and took a major roll in the Frieza Saga. Planet Namek eventualy blew up due to Frieza's attack on the planet by trying to destroy Goku so the Nameks moved to a new planet they named New Planet Namek. Although this race was not very powerful they still have unique powers to say the least, their elders were the ones who created the Dragon Balls
There are 2 main types of Nameks. The first is combat-type and it includes characters such as Piccolo and Nail. The other is healer-type and that includes characters such as Dende

Important Nameks: Piccolo, Piccolo Daimao ,Nail, Kami,Dende,and Guru


A race we see that lived on the Planet Arlia, until Vegeta and Nappa complety wiped out the civilization.


An advanced civilization with advanced weaponary. Their homeworld, Planet Plant, was captured by the Saiyans and their entire civilization was also destroyed by the Saiyans during King Vegeta Ou's rules reign. Babi was the only Tsufurujin who survived the destruction.

Important Tsufurujins: Babi


A powerful race in which King Cold is their leader. His son, Prince Frieza, played a major role during the Frieza Saga as the main villian they are an evil organization that takes over planets and uses its resources and inhabitants to their own advantage.The Changelings have a special feature in that they can transform into a different level, accompanied by a power boost. Frieza had 4 different stages of transformation and his brother Cooler had 5 different stages of transformation that they could perform.

Important Changelings: Frieza, Cooler and King Cold


These creatures grow out of the ground and come in a variety of different species. There are blue ones and even green ones.


The androids were created by Dr. Gero. They were created to fight and destroy things, and later on to kill Goku because of his role in the defeat of the red ribbon army. This race has a thirst for killing and destrucsion. Androids #19 and #20, which was really Dr.Gero, had a special device where they could absorb energy from a Ki blast or person by placing their hands in contact with the target. Androids #16, #17 and #18 had unlimited energy that never increased or decreased. Cell grew stronger as he absorbed more living-beings. Since he has the blood of a Saiyan, he also benefits from a power boost everytime he is recovered from the verge of death.

Important Androids: Android #16, #17, #18, #20, Cell and Super #17


Examples of the Makiojin are Garlic Jr and the Spice Boys. They live on the Makio Star and every 5000 years the Makio Star will give them temporary power.

Important Makiojins: garlic, his son, Garlic Jr and the spice boys


The Kaios take care of the area within the galaxy that they live in. There are four Kaios: North, South, East and West, who each look after their designated area of the galaxy. The Kaio who oversees the whole galaxy is Dai Kaio Sama, who lives on Planet Dai Kaio.The Kaios have a trademark technique called Kaioken. This technique puts a red glow around them and their energy like speed and power is boosted to whatever level they intend to boost it to

Important Kaios: North Kaio Sama (King Kai) and Dai Kaio Sama


The Kaioshins take care of the area within the Universe that they live in. There are four Kaioshins: North, South, East and West. Their supreme ruler, the God of Gods, is Dai Kaioshin. All the Kaioshins except for East Kaioshin were slaghtered millions of years ago by Majin Buu so East Kaioshin took on the role of overseeing the whole Universe.The Kaioshins each have their own set of Potara earrings which allow the two different people wearing them to become permanently fused

Important Kaioshins: Kaioshin (formerly East Kaioshin) and Rou Kaioshin

The Art of Flying

First one must know how to control your (Ki) or energy. Ki is or in Chinese,"Chi", is basically defined as an energy source that is created by the spirit. Life energy that surrounds us, penetrates us, and binds the galaxy together. KI manifests itself most strongly in fighters or warrior, possibly because a fighter has the greatest will to live, seeing as people like the Z warriors are putting their lives at risk on a day by day basis.

As we all learned in physics class that energy cannot be created or destroyed, but will instead change forms. This ties into the fact that the DBZ fighters rely heavily on ki.Every person has ki. The DBZ Fighters have just fine-tuned themselves enough to be able to manipulate it. When Vegeta blasts a Final flash at an enemy, he doesn't just pluck it out of nowhere. It's his ki or energy coming in to play. He changed the form of his life energy into something that can be used as a weapon. I know that most people already know this, but it will be important in a minute,one of the things you have to learn on how to fly is how to float and to do this you have to learn how to bring your Ki out of your body and use it as physical energy and transmit this force downward.

Another thing you learned in science class is that gravity pulls at a rate of 32 feet per second. So if Vegeta weighs 195 lbs, in order for him to float, he has to emit his ki down with enough force to keep his own weight from falling at 32 feet per second. If he does less than that, he will fall, but not really quickly.thats the main secret to flying all of the Z fighters push their Ki down at a rate of 32 feet per second in order to counter or cancel gravity.

Now lets get into movement,its not as simple as it appears Don't forget, gravity is constantly pulling. so if piccolo flies straight up at a rate of 200 feet per second, he's actually pushing at a rate of 232 feet per second. 32 is the hovering rate, and anything beyond that is the ascension rate. Angled flying is a bit more complex, because they're pushing in so many directions at once. so if piccolo flew at a 45 degree angle, he'd be 1 countering gravity + whatever the ascension rate is, and 2 pushing from behind. Also you have to account for drag and wind resistance

Another thing to factor in is the effects of momentum and inertia. Why do you think that when the Z fighters change directions when they fly, they do it in big arcs. Thats because their bodies gain momentum as their speed increases, which makes taking turns a real chore. To keep inertia from slowing them down, they move in arcs so they can keep moving as smoothly as possible while losing as little speed as possible. Stoping is worse. because In order to stop, you'd have to exert your ki in the opposite direction of travel with enough force to counter your speed plus your momentum. If you're moving down, you'd also have to compensate for gravity and terminal velocity. This has to do with why it's often difficult for someone to stop in mid-air if they've been punched away,lets say downward. With their speed suddenly increasing by that much, it would take a tremendous amount of ki to be able to slow down before reaching the ground. That's why whenever someone does manage to stop while still in the air they look so tired.

Weight has a lot to do with a person's ability to fly. A person weighing 110 lbs would have to put out less ki to counter out gravity than a person weighing 200. Chiaotzu will always have an easier time flying than piccolo, due to the fact that it takes less ki for him to get into the air. It has nothing to do with skill but piccolo will always be better at flying than Chiaotzu, even though he weighs more. It's because he has a lot more control over his ki than Chiaotzu does, so he can move more quickly and swiftly.

Speed Theory

The best way to explain their speed is to study the speed theory developed by Albert Einstein.

Albert Einstein theorized that time and gravity are a close link. Albert Einstein said if you travel at the speed of light your body will age slower than people that are not. If you travel at the speed of light for 10 years, came back to earth, you'll be 10,000 years into the future. In 1976 a physicist theorize you can travel back in time by getting and object with a gravity 100,000 stronger than our sun's, stand at the edge of it, and spin the object close to light speed. The exact opposite of going to the future in which you must go at the speed of light. Remember, the higher ones gravity or weight in proportion to one's relative gravity, the faster time would travel.

Now, imagine the Earth, the Sun and a blackhole laying on top of a rubber sheet. Earth will bend the sheet a little and the Sun will bend the sheet a lot because its heavier. A Black Hole on the other hand will break through the sheet. The Black Hole has such a powerful gravity that even light cannot escape. The Black Hole is quite literally making it's own time frame and own universe. In other words, if you bend gravity, you bend time. Any physicist will tell you this.

Now your reading this and saying to yourself "What the hell does this have to do with anything!" Well one night I connected this theory with why in DBZ they have really fast reflexes and move so fast! As one recalls, in DBZ they obviously move faster than the speed of sound without making sonic booms. In the next paragraph I hope I will make DBZ scientifically possible.

Did you ever notice why gravity seems to be the main topic of massive powerlevel increases? Thats becuase Goku is able to adapt to lets say 450 times gravity. To him, normal now is 450 times gravity. Everything on Earth (normal Gravity) just seems slow when he's charged up. Sure, there are other ways of become powerful in DBZ without gravity training, but this is concrete evidence. Goku now appears much faster because Earth's gravity is no longer a obstacle.

In a couple of paragraphs ago I said that DBZ characters usually don't make sonic booms even though they travel much faster than the speed of sound. Well, think about it... Vegeta is like a black hole, his power is so strong that he's able (you guessed it) bend time and gravity himself! History lesson: In 1996 a French physicist proposed one can travel at the speed of light without actually going the speed of light. If you can squeeze the gravity ahead of you, you can get past the object faster but still going at the same speed. That's because there's less distance between you and your desired point. What Vegeta does is bend gravity ahead of him so he can get closer, lets say, Recoom, without having to break the law of physics which does not permit traveling close to the speed of light. The higher one powerlevel, the higher one "gravity". So Vegeta gets to Recoom without actually traveling faster than the speed of sound in which, without making a sonic boom.

This explains why, when character charge up, they strangely alter gravity around them? Or when two character lock up, the ground around them creates a crater? They create their own gravity. Akira Toriyama is a smart fellow.

Introduction to Fusion

Fusions are one of the coolest things that two fighters could do. It's also one of the most powerful things they could do too. There are four different kinds of fusions that i will be talking about in this guide: Namekian Fusion, Natamoru Fusion, better known as the Fusion Dance, the Potara Earing fusion, and the way Buu fuses.

Namekian Fusions

This is the only natural fusion that is featured in DBZ. It is a natural ability that all Nameks can do with other Nameks. The way this is done is the Namek that wants to keep his body must put his hand on the other nameks chest to absorb him. Both Nameks then focus their chi then the fusion commences. The ending result is one namek that looks the same that has all the knowledge of the Namek he absorbed. The fighter is now the sum of the strength of the individual fighers. When fused the fighter also recieves all of the fighting techniques of the other. Nail and Piccolo fused because Nail's body was ravaged by Freeza and he was almost dead. In special circumstances such as Kami's and Piccolo's, they were once a single Namek, separated into a good half and an evil half. because they were re-fusing the result was twice as powerful as a regular Namekian Fusion. Kami and Piccolo did this so Piccolo would have a better chance against Cell.
Fusion Formulas:
Nail + Piccolo = Piccolo
Kami + Piccolo = Piccolo (Piccolo kept his body)

Fusion Dance

This form of fusion is the most popular to the fans. Goku was taught this technique in the afterlife by the Natamoru warriors (hence Natamoru Dance). He then taught it to Piccolo to teach Goten and Trunks so they could beat buu. The fused fighter is someone that looks a few years older when Goten and Trunks do it. The fused fighter roughly obtains its looks from the two that fused, but not exactly. The fusion lasts for thirty minutes, but it doesn't last nearly as long if the two fighters were SSJ3 before they fused. The fused fighter is a cocky, egomaniacal, arrogant person, like Vegeta but 10X worse!
Fusion Formulas:
Goten + Trunks = Gotenks (fat) 1st try
Goten + Trunks = Gotenks (skinny) 2nd try
Goten + Trunks = Gotenks (perfect) 3rd try
Goku + Vegeta = Gogeta Supreme Kai + Kibito = Supreme Kai

Potara Earings

The Potara earings are the kind of Earings that the Supreme Kai wear. These aren't your ordinary earings, they have the power to fuse two warriors together. What happens is that the two fighters each take one earing and put it on the opposite ears. Once the two people hold hands they are instantly fused into one extremely strong fighter. The fusion isn't quite as strong as the fusion dance but this fusion is permanent instead of only lasting 30 minutes. Unlike the Fusion Dance, the Potara earings make a fused fighter that is pretty much exactly like the two people that were fused. Their clothes, atitude, looks, techniques (don't forget names) all combine. Even though its supposed to be 50-50 from each fighter the fusion does seem to lean more towards one of the fighters in the fusion. There is however, one way to separate these two fighters. It's not very conventional but it works nonetheless. When Vegetto was absorbed by Buu the two warriors were split to their separate selves again.
Fusion Formulas:
Vegeta + Goku = Vegetto
Supreme Kai + Kabito = Supreme Kai (it happened on accident and it looks like legolas)

Buu Fusion

This form of fusion doesn't have a name as of yet so im calling is Buu Fusion. The only person that can perform this kind of fusion is Buu. The way Buu does this is he first either cuts off part of his body or he lets some liquid flow off of him down his back. Then the liquid has a brain of its own and goes where ever Buu wants it to go. He has the goo sneak up behind his prey. Then when distracting the fighter Buu has the goo encase the fighter so he/she can't get out off. The fighter loses their body and becomes one with the goo. Buu then gets the liquid goo back and adds it to his body. He freaks out for about 15 seconds while the fusion takes place. After it takes place the strongest fighter that he has fused with is the clothes theme that he goes by. This form of fusion has proved to be quite annoying though the Buu saga in DBZ.
Fusion Formulas:
Buu + Piccolo = Buu
Buu + Gotenks = Super Gobuupenks
Buu + Gohan = Buu
Buu + Vegetto = Super Buu