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Saiyan Armor W/ Shoulders
This is the Saiyan Armor with shoulders one of our earliest versions of our Saiyan Armor. This reduces the amount of damage you take from attacks, but is currently one of the weakest of our armors. This is the armor worn by Vegeta in the beggining of the Saiyan saga.

Saiyan Armor W/O Shoulders
This is the next step in Saiyan Armor, currently the best that we sell. It reduces a good amount of damage from attacks directed towards the body area. This is the armor that Vegeta wore during hte very end of the Frieza saga.

Armor Upgrade
This is an armor upgrade that is equiped either ot the Saiyan armor W/ or W/O shoudlers. It adds a little more defnese to the armor making it Advanced. It can also be equiped to the Capsule Corp Armor.

Weighted Saiyan Cape
This is a cape that is attached to your Saiyan Armor and is weighted for more intense training purposes. This can only be equiped to armor that has shoulders such as the Saiyan Armor W/ Shoulders. This adds +10% of your training to your powerlevel and doesnt slow you down in battle.

This is a unique piece of machinery that is placed inside the ear and covers the left eye. The scouter enables you to read the powerlevel of your opponent and thus tell his or her location. This scouter can read powerlevels up to 25,000 before breaking.

Advanced Scouter
This is a unique piece of machinery that is placed inside the ear and covers the left eye. The scouter enables you to read the powerlevel of your opponent and thus tell his or her location. This scouter can read powerlevels up to 500,000 before breaking.

Tented Scouter
This is a unique piece of machinery that is placed inside the ear and covers the left eye. The scouter enables you to read the powerlevel of your opponent and thus tell his or her location. This scouter can read all powerlevels without breaking. This scouter also has the left eye covering tented protecting you from any solar flare type techniques.

Dragon Scouter
This is a unique piece of machinery that is placed inside the ear and covers the left eye. The scouter enables you to read the powerlevel of your opponent and thus tell his or her location. This scouter can read all powerlevels without breaking.It also can help you locate the dragonballs. It takes 2 days off locating the dragonballs anywhere.

Advanced Dragon Radar
This is a unique piece of machinery that is placed inside the ear and covers the left eye. The scouter enables you to read the powerlevel of your opponent and thus tell his or her location. This scouter can read all powerlevels without breaking. It can also help you locate the dragonballs. It takes 3 days off locating the dragonballs anywhere. This scouter is also tented on the left eye covering. And this scouter can scan moves. It can scann one move during battle saving the moves data and you can go back and train for a certain amount of time and learn the move. It can scan a maximum of 2 moves. If you try to have it scann another it gets confused and goes haywire exploding.

Saiyan Arm Gauntlets
These are guantlets that are equped to your wrists. They add defense to you enabling you to have more defense in blocking attacks and so forth they also add alittle more power to your physical attack.If you purchase the upgrade these can also become advanced and prove to be more usful. These are the guantlets that Turles wears on his wrists.

Guantlet Upgrade
This is an upgrade to the saiyan gauntlets.This increases the its defense and power giving it a more powerful effect.

Weighted Saiyan Pants
These are the Saiyan Pants that are worn by Vegeta when he comes to Earth. These are extremly advanced because even though they are weighted they dont slow you down at all when training or in battle. These add +25% of your training to your powerlevel when worn. They are equiped to the legs. They come in either black or blue.

Weighted Siayan Shirt
This is a weighted Saiyan shirt that was also worn by Vegeta once he came to Earth. Like the pants these are wieghted but have tno affect on your speed what so ever. This shirt is equiped to your amrs and adds +25% of your training to your powerlevel. The shirt comes in either black or blue.

Weighted Saiyan Boots
These are heavy boots that are equiped to the feet. These also like basically all Saiyan weights are weighted but have no affect on your speed in battle or during training. These boots add +10% of your training to your powerlevel.

Leightweight Saiyan Boots
These boots unlike the other Saiyan Boots are made out of different materials and add +10% of your training to your speed when worn. These are equiped to the feet.

Tail Shealth
This is a shealth equiped to your tail. When worn it helps your protect your tail from being cut off.

Saiyan Armor W/O Shoulders
A rejuvination tank can heal a person anywhere from one hour to 3 days. It usually takes 1 day to completly heal. Once you sit in here it fully heals you and lower your fatigue by 5. These are round shapped water filled healing pods that you sit in and sleep while you heal.

Isolation Pod
This is a larger version of the Rajuvination tank. It is larger but isnt as effiecent. This pod usually completly heals you in 1-5 days but lowers your fatigue by 5-10. These were made during th elast brutal war to keep the fighters going since these were easier and cheaper to make.

Rejuvination Pod
This is a pod that is used to heal you. It takes 1- 3 days to heal your wounds. It also lowers your fatigue from 10-25%. These take up an entire room.

Saibaman Seed
This is a small seed that is planeted into the gorund. Once planted into the ground after 10 seconds a saibaman forms. These saibamen start off with powerlevels of 1,200 and other stats at 50. with an intelligence of 1,000. They get stronger form sparring with you and fighting in battles. (See henchmen page) Once you purchase one of these they will be added to the henchmen page. You can have a maximum of 6 of these, but you must have a saiba case to contain these saibas. They start off knowing all the level 0 moves along with, powerfly,Yokaieki,and kamikaze.

Saibaman Case
This is a small tube like case that is used to contain your unborn saibamen. They stay in here when not fighting or training. This case can hold up to 6 saibamen.

Saba Chip
This is a small chip that can be inserted into your saibamen to teach them the move zanoken along with power blast. Once the chip is inserted into them they automatically learn the moves.

Saiyan Space pod
This is a small space craft that travels long distances in space. It is very fast and takes off one day of your normal space travel time. This seats only 1 person but you can't do any type of physical training in here. Also in here if you are badly beaten up there is a portion of an isolation chamber that is installed to give you a chance of living while traveling in space.

Saiyan Battle Ship
This is a very large ship that can hold 10 people and has 15 rooms. You can equip basically any type of training item inside. This ship travels at normal speed which is good for its size. This ship has great defense and comes equiped with 10 lasers equiped to both sides and one large ray beam eaquiped to the front which takes very long to charge up but is very accurate and powerful.

Saiyan Base
This is a large base that can be put on a planet. In it you can train and equip basically anything. If you want to create a planet you must have atleast one of these(any base) equiped if you want a population. This can hold up to 10 people and has 15 rooms.

Mobile Saiyan Base Upgrade
This is an upgrade that is done to a Saiyan Base. It combines and Saiyan Battle Ship and a Base making the base portable. It can hold up to 20people and has 40 rooms and is very powerful lasers and things for its protection. This is the ultimate HQ.

"Your Power Level has increased since the last time we meet.......but I doubt it will be enough."