Noooo yellow snow for, nod and back slowly toward the exit...don't make any sudden moves, you've freakishly discovered my personal, not that personal site, this one...the one no one but ME and my worms know about....muahahahahahaha... I am the fuzzy penguin....better run or get snuggled to death.
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F u zz i ness es and me
Who took my fuzzy slippers?

Feeling A R T Z y?

The vortex of the Bookworm

Random Fun Sites

Coffe with Jesus :)

the Wandering Bean: under construction


Inland Sea Kayakers

Taylors Falls

I like it here,
Broken teeth of earth jutting
Over rushing torrents.
Scarred and flawed,
Like my arms. Drawing
a stream of gawking tourists
To paw at us like doctors.
“Don’t go too close to the edge!”
I smile from your puckered lip
Your fluid poetry
Ebbing downstream like my thoughts.
I like it here.
I could almost be your daughter
Or a patch of your flesh
Gorged by millenniums
Of Ice Age stress
Object of intrution
And worried suburban moms
“Don’t go too close to the edge!”

The Randomness of Me...

My Fuzzy Hat

Contemplative, warm and gentle
Concealing tousled, unsightly hair
Drooping over tousled, unsightly features
You adorn me,

Could this be love?
You, masking my imperfections, blind,
Enveloping me in fuzzy folds
Of random undeserved hugs and lopsided kisses.

Fuzzy Hat,
I waited breathlessly for autumn’s whisper,
Opening my windows to the dance of dead leaves and cheering wind
Buried in your arms we nestle,
To sweet dreams

What of the Summer Fuzzy Hat?
Will you abandon me again?
Dancing with forgetfulness and dream’s luring call?
What of the summer Fuzzy Hat?
Fuzzy Hat?

~Karyl Love

Karyl Love