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Sailor Chibi Moon

"My heart is pounding with joy. In the age of adolescence."

Name: Tsukino-Chiba, Chibi-Usa
Nick Name: Small Lady
Birthday: June 30
Astrological Sign: Cancer
Blood Type: O
Favorite color: pink and red
Hobbies: collecting rabbit items
Favorite food: pudding
Least favorite food: carrots, Serena's cooking
Favorite subject: Drawing
Least favorite subject: Languages
Strong points: Getting her own way
Has Trouble With: Taking care of the house
Dreaming: Becoming a lady like her mother
First Appearance: Sailor Moon R (Anime)/ Nemisis Arch (Manga)

Anime Transformations and Attacks:

Moon Prism Power!
Moon Crisis Power!

Pink Sugar Heart Attack
Twinkle Yell
Moon Gorgeous Meditation

Manga Transformations and Attacks:

Moon Prism Power, Make Up
Moon Crisis, Make Up
Pink Moon Crystal Power, Make Up


Pink Sugar Heart Attack
Double Rainbow Moon Heartache
Twinkle Yell
Moon Gorgeous Meditation
Double Starlight Honeymoon Therapy Kiss
Pink Lady's Freezing Kiss

Chibi-Usa is the daughter of Neo-Queen Serenity and King Endymion. She remains very small for many years. Often children would make fun of her because she never grew. She was made to feel bad because she believed that she would never be a lady like her mother. While Chibi-Usa was young, she was told many tales about how Sailor Moon was a brave and strong fighter. Sailor Moon was almost a mythological hero to her. Chibi-Usa also befriended Sailor Pluto. Pluto's only friend was Chibi-Usa, and this reltionship is something that she held very dear to her. In the footsteps of her mother, Chibi-Usa also has a guardian. Young and adorable, much like Chibi-Usa, Diana is a good friend and cares much about her master. Unknowing to Chibi-Usa, she has a set of Guardian Scouts who are brainwashed by Neherenia - the Sailor Quartet. (They appear later in her story) After being banished from Crystal Tokyo, the Dark Moon family come to destroy it. Chibi-Usa, at this time, went to take the Imperium Silver Crystal so she could be like her mother. The Imperium Silver Crystal reacted and disappeared. Scared, Chibi-Usa ran and Neo-Queen Serenity didn't have the Imperium Silver Crystal to protect the Kingdom. Not knowing what to do, Chibi-Usa stole one of Pluto's time keys and went into the past to find the only hero she knew - Sailor Moon. Sailor Moon does help her, however the Dark Moon comes into the past to destroy the past Silver Crystal. During this Arch, Wiseman brainwashes Chibi-Usa into believing that she has no friends or family that love her. He then tempts and and turns her into the Black Lady. She is finally grown up and she works for evil. This spell is broken in the death of Sailor Pluto, in her tears, Chibi-Usa also turns into Sailor Chibi Moon for the first time.