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Sailor Jupiter

"Thunder and lightning, run to you. And they will explain."

Name: Kino Makoto
Birthday: December 5th
Astrological Sign: Sagittarius
Blood Type: O+
Favorite colors: green and pink
Hobbies: bargain-hunting
Favorite food: cherry pie
Least favorite food: none
Favorite flower: Lily of the Valley
Best friends: Minako and Usagi
Favorite animal: Horse
Favorite gem: Emerald
Favorite subject: Home economics
Least favorite subject: physics
Strong points: cooking
Fear: Airplanes, her parents died in an airplane She lives alone (Her parents are dead)
Dream: To be a bride, to own a bakery/flower shop
First Appearance: Sailormoon (Anime)/Dark Kingdom Arch (Manga)

Anime Transformations and Attacks:

Jupiter Power!
Jupiter Star Power!
Jupiter Crystal Power!

Supreme Thunder
Supreme Thunder Dragon
Sparkling Wide Pressure
Jupiter Oak Evolution
Super Supreme Thunder
Sailor Planet Attack

Manga Powers and Attacks:

Jupiter Power Make Up!
Jupiter Star Power Make Up!
Jupiter Planet Power Make Up!
Jupiter Crystal Power Make Up!

Flower Hurricane!
Jupiter Thunder Smash!
Supreme Thunder!
Sailor Planet Attack!
Sparkling Wide Pressure!
Jupiter Coconut Cyclone!
Jupiter Oak Evolution!

Princess Jupiter in the Moon Kingdom was known for her strength. She could be seen as somewhat of a tom boy trying to whip Princess Serenity into shape. She defended Serenity until her end and was sent into the future reincarnation by Queen Serenity. On Earth, Jupiter was reborn as Kino Makoto. Her story takes a tragic turn from this point, as her parents were killed in an airplane accident while she was a young age. Not much is told about her past just that she lives alone in an apartment. This has allowed Makoto to develope very strong self reliance skills, as well as becoming a very skilled chef. The later point is something that brings her to meet Usagi for the first time. After being expelled from her school, Makoto transfers to Usagi's. She saves Usagi first by pushing her out of the way of a vehicle. Umino relates to Usagi the rumors about Makoto being a fighter and beating people up. At lunch, Usagi sees Makoto's desireable food and surprises Makoto by not being afraid of her. Makoto is invited to spend time with Usagi, Ami and Rei. Of course, Luna senses something about her. During one of the Dark Kingdom's many schemes, Makoto is tricked into thinking that Motoki really likes her. So distraught by this the symbol of Jupiter glows on her forehead and she transforms into Sailor Jupiter. She destroys Nephrite with her lightening. Sailor Jupiter is now found to the group.