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Sailor Moon

"Whatever it is, I won't give up."

Name: Tsukino Usagi
Birthday: June 30
Astrological Sign: Cancer
Blood Type: O-
Favorite colors: white, pink
Hobbies: shopping, video games
Favorite food: ice cream
Least favorite food: carrots
Favorite Gem Stone: diamond
Favorite subject: home economics
Least favorite subject: mathematics
Strong points: brown nosing, crying, loyal
Has trouble with: dentists, ghosts
Dream: to be a bride

First Appearance: Sailormoon (Anime), Dark Kingdom Arch (Manga)

Anime Transformations and Attacks:
Moon Prism Power!
Moon Crystal Power!
Moon Cosmic Power!
Moon Crisis Power!
Moon Eternal Power!

Moon Tiara Action
Moon Tiara Stardust
Moon Power, ni nare
Moon Healing Escalation
Sailor Moon Kick
Moon Prism Power!
Moon Princess Halation
Moon Body Slam
Moon Crystal Power!
Moon Spiral Heart Attack
Rainbow Moon Heart Ache
Moon Gorgeous Meditation
Starlight Honeymooon Therapy Kiss
Silver Moon Crystal Power Kiss

Manga Transformations and Attacks:

Moon Prism Power Make Up!
Moon Crystal Power Make Up!
Moon Cosmic Power Make Up!
Moon Crisis Make Up!
Silver Moon Crystal Power Make Up!

Moon Frisbee!
Moon Power! (when disguising herself)
Sailor Moon Kick!
Moon Twilight Flash!
Moon Healing Escalation!
Sailor Planet Attack!
Moon Princess Halation!
Moon Spiral Heart Attack!
Rainbow Moon Heart Ache!
Double Rainbow Moon Heart Ache!
Moon Gorgeous Meditation!
Starlight Honeymoon Therapy Kiss!
Double Starlight Honeymoon Therapy Kiss!
Silvermoon Crystal Power Kiss!

Usagi, in her past life, was Princess Serenity - the only daughter of Queen Serenity and heir to the throne of the Moon Kingdom. Even though it was forbidden, she would sneak down to the Earth and fell in love with Prince Endymion. They shared a beautiful and dangerous romance. When Queen Metallia surfaced and turned the people jealous over the Moon Kingdom and threatened by it. Endymion defended Serenity and the people turned on him. Queen Beryl struck him down. In grief, Princess Serenity took a sword through her body and killed herself. Her mother, stricken with the pain over such a tragedy sealed away the evil Metallia and sent the people of the Kingdoms to the future. Here, Princess Serenity was born as Tsukino Usagi in Japan. She is found by Luna, her guardian (assigned by Queen Serenity) and the power of Sailor Moon is awakened in her. Usagi also finds her past friends and protectors - Ami (Mercury), Rei (Mars), and Makoto (Jupiter). They do not yet, however know they are her protectors. None of them know that Usagi was the princess. They believe their mission is to find the Princess. By chance, Usagi and the mysterious Chiba Mamoru meet each other. At the same time Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Kamen meet each other in battle. They fall in love with each other and soon are reminded with echos from the past - Serenity and Endymion.
Later, Sailor Venus (Minako) finds them after battle with the Generals of Queen Beryl. She reveals herself and Artemis (her guardian) along with the fact that she is the Princess. During battle with General Kunzite, Tuxedo Kamen is fatally wounded and a resurgance of memories from the past and pain of her lost love come back to her. Her tiara breaks and the symbol of the moon appears on her forehead instead of Sailor Venus. She really is the Moon Princess. No, Tuxedo Kamen wasn't doomed. The love between he and Serena saves the day and creates a timeless story.
The Black Moon Family arch introduces Chibi-Usa, the future daughter of Usagi and Mamoru. This brings the knowledge that Usagi becomes Neo-Queen Serenity at the age of 22 where she weds King Endymion. They rule together over Crystal Tokyo.
Sometime in a possible future, Sailor Moon becomes her ultimate form, Sailor Cosmos. (This is only speculation. Cosmos never specifically said she was Sailor Moon. Sailor Ceres just suggested it) Sailor Cosmos plays an important part in the final arch in the manga of the Sailor Moon series. She returns back to the normal flow of time to help Sailor Moon conquer Chaos. In her timeline, she ran from Chaos and could not defeat it. Sailor Moon does overcome this final peril and the story ends with her wedding day.