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Sailor Neptune

"Invited by a new age, I am the elegant Sailor Neptune!"

Name: Kaioh Michiru
Age: 16
Birthdate: March 6
Blood Type: O
Sign: Pisces
Favorite color: Marine blue
Favorite food: Sashimi
Least Favorite food: kikurage (mushrooms)
Favorite Gem: Aquamarine
Hobby: Collecting cosmetics
Favorite subject: Music
Worst subject: None
Has trouble with: Sea cucumbers
Strong point: Violins
Dream: To be a violinist
Favorite Stone: Aquamarine


Neptune Planet Power, Make Up!
Neptune Crystal Power, Make Up!


Neptune Deep Submerge!
Submarine Reflexion!

Michiru's best friend is also her partner as a Sailor Senshi. In the Manga version of Sailor Moon, it is stated that the two are a couple. In the Anime version, it is hinted at, but never said. Sailor Neptune and Sailor Uranus are willing to give their lives for their cause, and to save one another.
Sailor Neptune is the person that introduces Sailor Uranus into being a Sailor Senshi. Sailor Neptune and Sailor Uranus appear in the Sailor Moon S season. They originally were looking for the Holy Grail and weren't actually fighting with the other Senshi.
Michiru's passion in life is the violin, and her dream is to be a proffesional violinist. She once played alongside the Three Lights in a concert.
Sailor Saturn was at one point in time possessed by Mistriss Nine, and when Sailor Saturn was returned to herself, she was reverted back to infancy. Michiru and Haruka took the baby Hotaru into their home and raised her. Hotaru reffered to Michiru as "mommy", and Haruka as "daddy".