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Episode Synopsis
Sere 6: Boku no Setsuna, "My Moment"

Screencaps: Yahoo Photos: 113 images

Sere Six begins with Kouji remembering an incident in grade/middle school. His classmates ridiculed him for being beaten up by his little brother. Akihiro comes to get him for his workshift aboard the Ryvius, and offeres to work for him, concerned for his well-being. Kouji refuses, saying that he will do his own work, and it's only a matter of time before help comes and he won't have to deal with Yuki any longer.

The Zwei are on the bridge, discussing the Ryvius. They find it is a gravity-controlled ship, and Juli mentions that she thought the Arcs Theory was an unusable theory. They determine that the Ryvius is an experimental ship, and the Orbital Security Board must be after it. Kreis then locates a control system for a weapon on board called the "Vital Guarder".

The girls clean up their poor cake, and Aoi approaches Ikumi about the brothers' recent fight. Ikumi asks Aoi if the Aiba brothers were always the way they are. She reveals what she knows. Kouji took on more of a fatherly role after their father left. She went to a different school for a year, and when she returned, they were acting like they do now.

Akihiro is speaking with Kouji, and after Kouji asks why he puts up with Nicks, compares his situation with Nicks to Kouji and Ikumi. Kouji is surprised, and less than thrilled by the comparison.

An OSB ship is planning, and mention Conrad coming after the Ryvius.

Blue's gang rough up Charlie to get information. He is hesitant to release anything until cajoled sweetly by Cliff.

Graham volunteers to head the project to work on the weapon found. Ikumi recieves a page while showering. The girls gossip about Faina during their own showers, and Reiko tells Kozue that she's from Uranus' moon Titania, which has a different set of religious beliefs.

At the bridge, Lucson and Heigar decide to leave the two sabateurs aboard the Leibel- despite the dangerous levels of radiation. Too many lives were lost because of them, Lucson says.

Graham begins training his Vital Guarder team- Yuki Aiba, Ikumi Oze, Rally Jegar, and Marco Bawl. (interesting note- Rally was Yuki's partner in Sere 1. I bet he was thrilled to work with him again. [/end sarcasm])

The Orbital Security Board ship dispatches depth charges to catch the Ryvius.

Kouji encounters Faina in the hallway, literally running into her. He opens up to her about his feelings for Yuki.

Ikumi, who is pretty well in Kouji's camp regarding the sibling rivalry, confronts Yuki about his treatment of his brother. (in the sub, Ikumi accuses Yuki of having a brother complex. In the dub, he says that "Sibling rivalry is lame." Either way you look at it, their 'chat' escalates into a tussle). They are interrupted by the depth charges released previously by the OSB ship hitting the Ryvius.

The Ryvius begins to move on it's own as Neya reflects the children's fear. The Vital Guarder team rush to the bridge, followed by Kouji and Faina. The Zwei are planning to submerge the ship, and Yuki and Ikumi especially are helpful in rewriting the navigational Solids. Kouji... not so much. He struggles with the programming.

The OSB ship hears from Captain Conrad, who wants them to capture the Bratica.

Yuki turns to Faina, and demands to know about her. They are interrupted by torpedoes from a Boscon-class ship, and attempt to deflect the charges. The programming works.

The Liebel breaks off the main ship. Charlie informs Blue's group that noone seems to have helped the captives. Blue is upset by the news.

Viscuess breaks off pursuit to retrieve the Liebel.

Previous- Sere 5: A Small Conclusion // Next- Sere 7: Changing Times