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Episode Synopsis
Sere 8: Nanimo Shiranakatta, "We Didn't Know Anything"

Screencaps: Yahoo Photos: 130 images

Kouji makes an announcement commending everyone for their hard work during the approach to Mars. Juli tells him he should rest, there's only three days until they reach Mars. She seems positive that they will get help there.

After VG training, Ikumi accuses Yuki of beginning to actually enjoy his work.

Juli begins to doubts that help will come, and Blue confronts her on it, confirming their chances are slim. He says that their chances are even worse than she thought, and cautions her to stop wearing her Zwei uniform because people hate the Zwei. Which is all his fault.

People begin not showing up for work, and those that do (like the girls and Akihiro) are overwhelmed. The cafeteria is a madhouse of people skipping work when the bridfge calls requesting food. Kouji and Faina pick up the meals, and Aoi lets them know about all the people not showing up. They return to the bridge amid bickering over meals. Juli and Carabona appear in "civilian" clothes (Ran refused, and still wears her uniform with pride.)

Graham and Son discuss the need for sub-Solid programmers, to more effectively use the Vital Guarder. Nicks overhears and over-enthusiastically volunteers.

The Ryvius emerges into normal space in Mars' Van Allen belt, and everyone rejoices except Blue. They are ambushed. Blue says to prepare for battle, but Juli wants to contact them first. She still holds onto her hope that they will be rescued, at least a little. Fuu and Juli give Kouji conflicting orders. He asks how the opposing ships will attack, forcing the others to make a plan. Faina asks him what he really wants to do, and he admits that he would run away if it were him.

Ikumi is hesitant to fight, since battle means people die. Yuki pretty much bullies him into it.

Juli makes a distress call, trying to avert battle. She tells whoever's listenig that they are just students, escaped from the Liebe Delta, growing more panicked. Kouji insists she'd giving up too easily and takes over. The Martian forces fire anyways.

On the bridge, each side beseeches Charlie to switch control of the main cannon- Blue wants it but Juli doesn't want him to have it. Finally, stressed because of everyone calling his name, he impulsively sends the control to Blue. Blue fires the main cannon.

The enemy fleet wonders if they're all amateurs because of the reckless firing of the main cannon.

Blue orders the Vital Guarder to be launched for the first time.

Previous- Sere 7: Changing Times // Next- Sere 9: Vital Guarder