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Episode Synopsis
Sere 9: Vaitaru-Gaadaa, "Vital Guarder"

Screencaps: Yahoo Photos: 146 images

In the Lift-ship (the part of the Ryvius that detaches to launch the Vital Guarder), the sub-Solid programmers gather.Ikumi tells Yuki that they are supposed to restrain the enemy. Yuki seems to have different ideas.

On the ship itself, they lose gravity. The people on the bridge anchor themselves and get to work, but the rest of the ship is in chaos. Kibure flails about, Cullen loses her music chips, and we find out that Kozue wears pink panties.

Aoi and Kozue arrive at the bridge with the meals they've prepared. They bug Kouji for details.

The Vital Guarder launches from the Lift-ship.

Faina tries to ask Aoi which Aiba brother she likes, but is interrupted by Carabona's announcement of the approaching enemy. Bombs approach, and the VG team prepares to activate their gravity field. The graivty field from the VG robot's hand destroys the bombs, everyone rejoices, and we get our first view of the unseen girl in pink's (Neya's) funky dancing.

Kozue scolds Ikumi over Kouji's intercom. Michelle and Cliff tease her about trying to get his attention. Kouji gets his screen back and talks to Ikumi. Yuki overhears and is miffed. "I thought you were supposed to be a hostage."

Blue asks Juli what she thinks of the Vital Guarder. She relies that it's too powerful.

The bridge relaxes for a moment, until Charlie says they should be serious. Everyone stares. Pat proudly arrives back from the toilet! (so much for serious, Charlie.)

The enemy approaches. They create a minefield in the Ryvius's path. The bridge as a group (not without some arguement) decides that the Vital Gurader should create a path by destroying the mines. Kouji relays the bridge's order to Yuki- who refuses. Aoi tries to help Kouji, which just frustrates Kouji and upsets Yuki (Mostly because Faina also interferes, and Yuki is fed up with Kouji acting important. Ikumi said to think about Kouji, he's practically a hostage, and here he is trying to give him orders. I'd be pissed, too). Yuki launches a program of his own design that transfers all VG control to his terminal.

The bridge gets upset with Yuki, the VG operators are upset with him... Blue, however, suddenly sees this as an opportunity, getting over his initial anger, and says to let him do what he wants (the famous last words of Ryvius. Don't ever say that to someone in this series).

The other three VG operators support Yuki out of necessity, with Ikumi telling him to protect everyone. Yuki pulls everything together at the last moment despite being annoyed by everyone yelling at him. (Ikumi calls out for his big sister, and we see a few clips of what the characters are thinking in their panic.)

Yuki uses the VG's gravitational field to alter the enemy ships' course, steering them away from the Ryvius. More celebration that they're not dead. Kouji realizes that this was Yuki's intention the whole time.

In the Geduld, Captain Conrad Viscuess is following the Ryvius. He is informed that the Vaia has activated. He targets the Bratica, meaning the main ship, with torpedoes.

The Ryvius bridge loses contact with the Lift-ship.

Mars turns its defense to the Wells Ring.

Previous- Sere 8: We Didn't Know Anything // Next- Sere 10: We Couldn't Believe

