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Episode Synopsis
Sere 14: Ishikishi sugi, "To Be Too Conscious"

Screencaps: Yahoo Photos: 95 images

Battle prepations are being made. Blue and Juli go to the Vital Gaurder, Blue leaving Fu in charge. The battles are becoming a routine for many students on board.

On the Lift-ship, Yuki interrupts Blue's prebattle speech. Blue merely smiles.

Upon seeing Cliff and Charlie's strained-to-nonexistant relationship, Kouji asks Faina what she would do if her boyfriend cheated. She says that she would never forgive him.

The Ryvius ascends. Kouji forwards the information from the pingers to the Lift-ship. Ikumi says the figures are off, but they work with it. Blue says to begin by firing the main cannon. Thi is delayed by Charlie's relationship turmoil. Fu allows Michelle to fire the cannon. She does so, randomly and before targetting, so the bullet misses and reveals their location. Not knowing it wasn't him, Juli scolds Heigar about firing the main cannon too much.

The enemy (and it's strange being in a tank on it's bridge) appear in swirling clouds. Neya asks the tank-being who it is again.

The enemy ship is on a ramming course with the Ryvius, and deflects the main cannon- which any normal ship would find impossible.

Neya questions the tank-being again, and again receives no answer. The enemy ship rams them, with far less impact than they'd believe.

From the data from the main cannon deflection, the bridge crew surmises that the enemy ship has gravitational control and may have a Vital Guarder. Kouji panics and wants to know what to do, asking Blue, Ikumi, Faina, Ikumi again... Yuki, for his part, is thrilled that his brother is showing what he believes is his true face, a wishy-washy, weak person. Kouji tries to flee the bridge as the two ships scrape by each other.

Kouji thinks of Aoi, and remembers when Aoi once related his faults to him. He awakens in Faina's lap.

The VG launches for battle from the Lift-ship. Blue resolves to fight this ship, whose captain reveals it to be the Blue Impulse. The Impulse activate their Vital Guarder- the Kaitenshokaku, or Vorticular Drill.

Ikumi lets Yuki do as he wants, since VGs are unmanned and there will be no casualties. The Einvalt catches the Kaiten by the drill.

Faina tells Kouji that in his delerium, he said, "Aoi."

Previous- Sere 13: If Only to Meet // >Next- Sere 15: When We Set Adrift/Drifting Away