Member Bios

Ami_madam_of_illusion* Sailor Mercury--Name: Ami Anderson Sailor Name: Sailor Mercury Name means: Beauty of Water Japanese Name: Mizuno Ami Age: 16 Hair Color: Blue Eye Color: Blue Birthday: Sept. 10th Blood Type: A Trans: MERCURY PLANET POWER Powers: Mercury Bubbles, Mercury Ice Bubbles, Shine Aqua Illusion, Aqua Rabsady, Mercury Ice Beam, and Ice Blade. Backround: She is the Princess of Mercury and it's future queen. She is very smart and is best friends with Serena. Hobbies: Reading, writing, swimming, and studing. Dream: To be a Docotr Who she likes: Grey Family: Blue, Ame, her mother and father. _______________________________________________________ Sailor Dragon--Name: Blue (no last name) Sailor Name: Sailor Dragon Age: 16 Eye Color: red Hair Color: yellow Brithday: Sept 10th Blood Type: A+ Trans: DRAGON PLANET POWER Powers: Dragon Rage, Ember, and Dragon Breath. Backround: She is from a star called Dragon that is two galaxys away. She is Ami's cuz and was born three minutes after Ami. After Queen B destroyed Dragon, she went to go live with Ami on the MK. It took her 8 years to find Ami after they were sent to Earth. Family: Ami Anderson ______________________________________________________ Sailor Earth--Name: Maylin Sailor Name: Sailor Earth Age: 17 Hair Color: green Eye Color: blue Birthday: Dec 21st Blood Type: O+ Trans: EARTH PLANET POWER Powers: EarthQuake, Flood, and Eruption. Backround: She is the Queen of the Earth, since they thought her brother, Darien, was dead. She saw him on the news one day and has been looking for him. Family: Darien _______________________________________________________ Sailor Tsunami-- Name: Ame Mizu Sailor Name: Sailor Tsunami Name Means: Rain Water Age: 16 Hair Color: dark blue Eye Color: Dark blue Birthday: Sept 10th Blood Type: A Trans: TSUNAMI WAVE POWER Powers: Tsunami, Water Wave, and Water Blasts. Backround: Although Ami doesn't know it, Ame is the other half of her soul. We Ami was sent to Earth from the MK her soul was cut in half. Ame knows who she is and can since where ever Ami is. Family: Ami Anderson _____________________________________________________ Jedite--Name: Jedite Occupation: Villan Age: Looks about 25 Family: wife, Starlite Dream: To kill all the Sailor Scouts Birthday: Unknown Powers: Collecting engery, and blasts of blue light _____________________________________________________ Starlite--Name: Starlite Age: Looks about 23 Birthday: Oct. 31st Occupation: Villan Family: Jedite, husband Dream: to rule the world beside Jedite Powers: Collecting energy and blasts of yellow light. _____________________________________________________ The Twins--Name: Ice Age: 18 Birthday: Feb 29th Occ: Villan Powers: Ice Famliy: twin Fire Dream: to gaurd Jedite and Starlite when they rule the world. Name: Fire Age: 18 Birthday: Feb. 29th Occ: Villan Powers: Fire Dream: To help her sister Family: twin Ice ****************************************************** Sailor_star_andromeda*--Name: Ann Romeda Sailor Name: Sailor Andromeda From: Andromeda Star System Age: 17 Birthday: Nov 25th Hair: Violet Eyes: Violet Height: 6'1 Weight: 164 lbs Gemstone: Diamond Blood type: AB Fave Color: Sliver Hobbies: Singing, Dancing, and painting. Strenghts: fast responce in fight Weakness: being a romanctic and falling in love to easily Weapons: Sliver Throwing Stars (Shurikens) Henshin Device: Diamond set in a Violet Brooch Trans Phrase: Andromeda Star Power Make Up Powers: Andromeda Star Shine, Andromeda Black Hole Engulf, Andromeda Shooting Stars. Backround: When her kingdom was taken over she was put into a deep sleep and sent to earth. She now works at night clubs singer to earn money Family: None she is an Orphan ****************************************************** Sailor_mini_moon_girl--Name: Valerie Sailor Name: Sailor Ice Cat Age: 15 Planet: Mercury Sex: Female Birthday: June 8, 1987 Hair: Light brown Eyes: Aqua blue Height: 5'6 Weight: 120 Gemstone: Agate and Tourmaline A. Sign: Gemini Blood Type: O Fave. Colors: Blue and pink Fave. Subjects: Art and computers Least Fave. Subject: Math Fave. Food: Burgers and salad Least Fave. Food: Mustard Hobbies: Ceramics, computers, and art Strenghts: Art, comforting my friends, and being loyal Weaknesses: Math, people crying, shyness Henshin: a pen/wand and a back up brooch Transformation Phrase: Mercury Ice Crystal Power Make Up Powers: power of the cat Attacks: Ice Cat Sratch, Mercury Ice Bubbles Freeze, Ice Cat Super Hyper Beam, and Wind Attack Backround: She has one brother and Ami is her half sister. Her parents are split up. ******************************************************* Emperor_Darkherion-- Name: Emperor Darkherion Age: Unknown to most beings. Height: 8 ft 5 in Weight: Unknown Powers: Mind control, Flight, Incorporeal Form, Super strenght, and can breath under water and in space. Extra: Necormatic, Sleep, Flare, and Summon Monsters. Dream: His goal is to wipe out any one with powers like his. ______________________________________________________ Name: Master Wizard Joseph Occupation: Guardian of Life Age: Unknow, but looks to be about 15 Abilites: Auto-Float, Regen, Protect, and Shield Backround: he is believed to be the savior of the universe and he is the only being that E. Darkherion fears. ******************************************************* Zyana Bidwall--Name: Zyana Bidwall Age: 16 Sailor Name: Sailor Flarestar Powers: Fire and Darkness Hair: Aqua green Eyes: Purple Height: 5'6 Weapon: Death Rapier Attacks: Inferno flare, Meteo flare, and Dark Shrine Abyss ******************************************************* Harukasprotector--Character Name: "Warrior Cloud" Human Name: Joshua Curtis Age: Joshua - 19 Warrior Cloud - ?? Occupation - Joshua - College Student/Warrior Cloud - 1st Officer in the Neo Queen's Court Likes: Anime/Manga, Computers and music Dislikes: Not a whole lot (mostly il-tempered people) Main powers: Healing magic and force balls Relationships: Joshua/Warrior Cloud - a Goddess in heaven named Belldandy ******************************************************* Only_sailor_x--Sailor Name:Sailor X *Planet/Power based on: Planet X/Shadows and darkness *Earth Name:Laylahni Jade *Age:18 almost 19 *Sex:Female *Birthday: July 27th *Hair: Dark blue and comes to mid-thie *Eyes: BRIGHT green *Height:5feet 5inches *Weight: 135 *Gemstone: a stone from planet X called Cinit...from far away it looks dark blue but when you look past the blue it is full a hundreds of different colors. *Astrological Sign:Leo *Blood Type: A *Favorite color: Blue, green, and black *Favorite Subject:Zoology, Music, drama, and art *Least Favorite Subject:MATH! *Favorite Food:any fruit *Least Favorite Food:spagehti(don't know how to spell it) *Hobbies: Singing, drawing, animal training, acting, and she is a jeweler. *Strengths:She seems to have an understanding with animals and she is very stealthy...She also would do anything for her friends and is trully loyal to them. *Weaknesses: She holds a deep pain inside her that could burst out at any minute...It is also hard to earn her trust! *Weapons: As just Sailor X she has a double sided sword with blue blades...when she combines with the guardian dragon of her planet the sword becomes a huge scyth... *Henshin Device: ???I'm not sure what you mean by you are talking about what she transforms with then it is an amulet she has had since BEFORE she can remember. *Transformation Phrase: X PLANET POWER UP *Powers/Attack phrases: She can sence presences and can melt into shadows and vanish/Shadow Strike(burst of shadow energy), Dark dragon breath(a large burst of shadow energy and poison), Dark dragon life (sommons the guardian dragon of planet X), Dark dragon rage (her and the dragon combine **but this can kill her** but it is REALLY cool!) She also is very skilled with swords. *Normal appearance:She is very stylish, but everything she wares is rather dark. *Senshi appearance: Her fuku is COMPLEATLY black except for the blue stone on her bow *Background/Character history:She is the rightful queen of planet X. Her parents were killed infront of her when she was very young and then the killer brainwashed her and her siblings. They served him for a long time untill one day she was told to destroy the leader of the rebel aliance on planet X...But the two of them fell in love and she couldn't bring herself to kill him. The Dark Lord knew that he couldn't kill her or her siblings would turn against him. So he just wiped away all her memory( and her guardian white tiger's)and sent them off the planet...She woke up only knowing her and her white tigers name on planet earth. She has since made a good living, but still longs for the day that she will remeber her past! *Attack Explanation: I already explained them ^_^ Extra: Tamina is her guardian white tiger, she can talk, but also has no memory of their past...Also, Laylahni is a highly respected animal trainer and jeweler and has a large house on a large plot of land where she raises and keeps hundreds of animals...^_^ ******************************************************* Milady_dark_rain--Earth Name: Crystal Kathrine White Sailor Name: Sailor Gold Dragon Planet/ Power based on: Dragon Realm Age:10,000+ Sex:F Birthday:Oct. 26 Eye:Gold Hair:Silver Height:5.6 Weight:160 lb Gemstone:Topaz Astrological Sign:Scorpio Blood Type:Dragon Fave. Color:Gold, silver, and black Fave. Subject:Art Fave. Food:meat Least fave. Color: grey Least Fave. Subject:math Least Fave. Food:onions Hobbies:horseback riding, drawing, training Srenghts:friendship Weaknesses:Fighting freinds Weapons:a crystal handled dagger and the sword Excaliber Henshin Device: a crystal shaped like a dragon head Transformation Phrase: Gold Dragon Crystal Ignite Powers/ Attack Phrases: Dragons fury, Fireball, Iceball, Dragons inferno, Dragons Sheild Normal Appearence:a young woman looking the age of 16, with snow white skin, blood red lips, waist length silver hair, golden eyes, blue jean hip huggers, cowgirl boots and hat, around her neck is a crystal that is shaped like a dragons head Senshi Appearence: her silver hair is pulled back into a pony tail, her sailor out fit is gold, the skirt and sleeves are lined with silver, her gold elbow length gloves are lined with silver, as are her knee high boots, upon her forhead is the symbol of the dragon, in her right hand is the sword excaiber, in her left boot is a crystal handled dagger Backround/ Character History: she ruled the dragon realm as the queen, until dragon slayers killed her family, she left, heavy with child, to earth, where she had her child, after raising it and sending it home, she takes on the role of Sailor Gold Dragon, not revealing herself often, she protects Sailor moon and the other sailor scouts when she can, hiding her idenity, when the moon kingdom is dystroyed, she lived on earth, forgetting about her sailor blood, her child that she sent home long ago returns to her and reminds her of her blood, she returns to her job, protecting the scouts when she can ******************************************************* Asia--NAME: Atisha AGE: 13 :P HEIGHT: 4'6" WEIGHT: 76LBS EYECOLOR: Right Eye brown, Left Eye green HAIRCOLOR: Dark brown with red highlights. its short, curly and the half on the top is done in 2 messy buns. NATIONALITY: 2/3 Japanese & 1/3 African (though her hair isn't like frizzy 'n' stuff :P) Likes: Dancing, Karaoke, Singing, Drawing, Reading, Writing, Chatting etc. Notlikes: Mean People, Rude People, Spicy Food, other things :P Fears: Thunder, Lightning, Storms and spiders and Bees and stuff :P APPEARANCE: She has frekles and small body. She wears Anything that she thinks looks neat,, she also alters her own clothes to make her own style. Scout name: Sailor Chibi-Sakura Transfromation phrase: "Sakura Star Magic!" lol its the best i could come up with :P Outfit: she has a double skirt like all the other SS. the top one is pale pink and the bottom one is really dark pink. Her bow on front is pale pink and there is a little cherryblossom pendant in the center. her Back bow is is the same color as her first bow only its seethrough and has long ribbon. Her shoes are like Balerina shoes with the long ribbons going up her legs. Her gloves are nomal with pink on them but the right one is short. it only goes to her wrist but the other one goes up like all the others. Her necklace is dark pink w/ a little cherryblossom thing on it, her Tiara has a pink cherry blossom on it AND her hair buns have tiny little cherryblossoms that are really sparkly. FINALLY she has a long slender stick with yet ANOTHER cherryblossom at the tip of it a tiny bell in the middle. Transformation process: She holds up her staff and it has a little bell in the middle of the flower. She says her kawaii line and her staff thingy dissapears into little bright lights. Parts of her turn that funny background color that they show while the scouts have when they transform ony other parts of her are normal color :P. Its pink and bubbly and stuff (the BG):P Shiny looking cherryblossoms spin about her elbow, wrist, ankles, hips and some magic thread like stuff make her torso suit and skirt etc... She does a cute little spin and the tiara, 'hair cherryblossoms', and bows apear and stuff. Her ending pose is with a pale pink BG and a dark pink cherry blossom in the BG. Her ending pose is where she places one leg infront of the other and holds her staff thingy at an angle in a cutsey position :P make sense? no? well i'm gonna draw a pic of her pose so dun worry :P lol as soon as i get around to it :) ******************************************************* st_ajora_the_fallen_archangel--Name: Ghaleon Occupation: Dragon Master (creator of the Dragon race) Abilities: Flight, Teleportation, Super Strength, Sword Mastery Attacks: Mega Flare, Giga Flare, Terra Flare, Dragon Flare, Dragon Cut, Dragon Tornado, Dragon's Meteor Shower, Dragon Tame, and Dragon Cure Strengths: Feels no guilt for killing innocent, loves bloodshed Weaknesses: Beautiful women who love dragons, has to obey his older brother Darkherion Background: One of the members of the Darkness Trinity (along with his brother Darkherion and St. Ajora), Ghaleon's ambitions are unknown, but he seems to be waiting for a worthy opponent to fight in a duel. Weilds the mythic sword Masamune. ******************************************************* Flute_girl--Sailor Name: Sailor Jayla Mun *Planet/Power based on: Based on home planet of Hishoru though her name isn't sailor hishoru *Earth Name: Leylu Ira *Age: several hundred years but only looks 17 *Sex: Female *Birthday: August 16 *Hair: green with a pinkish cast alway wears it in a ponytail its down between her knees and her hips *Eyes: also green with pinkish cast wears green contacts wears glasses to read *Height: 4'10" *Weight: 85lbs *Gemstone: peridot *Astrological Sign: leo *Blood Type: AB- *Favorite color: green and pink *Favorite Subject: Ancient History, PE *Least Favorite Subject: Biology *Favorite Food: Sweet potatoes, cookies and cream ice cream, bananas dipped into chocalate and chocalate in general *Least Favorite Food: spinach *Hobbies: reading up on ancient earth history, cooking(but only when shes in a good mood), Being on the internet, playing/practicing her flute *Strengths: boys or dating in general *Weaknesses: spiders *Weapons: her earrings *Henshin Device: a small unicorn shaped locket *Transformation Phrase: Jayla Mun Power, Make-up! *Powers/Attack phrases: Planet beam aura spike!, Fog swarm cover!, Jayla Mun Sailor Teleport! *Normal appearance: usually wears A small white t-shirt with a large Blue butterfly on it and a pair of beige shorts that lace up in the front and are extremely short *Senshi appearance: Tiara has a small green gem on it. earrings are small greenish unicorns choker is greenish pink the neck covering is green with pink stripes on it elbow length glove with alternating green and pink stripes solid pink with one stripe of green on the bottom boots are knee length solid green with a pink stripe at the very top *Background/Character history: Leylu grew up on the planet of Hishoru. She went to Earth when Beryl first attacked but was to late to help so she went back. On Hishoru she was the Princess. She was to soon rule her planet. The people on her planet age very very slowly. She looks only 17 but is actually several hundred years old. Soon was actually not so soon in Earth terms. It was actually several hundred more years before she would be queen. When she first went to Earth She looked about 12 years old. She must never reveal herself to anyone for fear they would harm her. She must help the Senshi defeat Jedite. *Attack Explanation Planet Beam Aura Spike!:Yells At enemy while powering up rises off the ground then says 'aura' and puts her arms forward makeing a full circle in front of her and says 'spike'. A green with pinkish cast spike forms in front of her and goes flying at the enemy. It stabs them in the chest and makes them scream. Sometimes only causes serious injury not always a 100 percent effective Fog Swarm Cover!: Defensive attack, makes a full circle and then raises her arms and brings them back down, that sends the attack.Fog comes in a ball and disperses over the enemy to blind them. Jayla Mun Sailor Teleport!: She grabs her earrings holds them in her out streched hand and says her attack phrase the earrings create a bubble around her and teleport her where ever it is that she is thinking of. she has to be careful of this attack or else she will end up where she doesn't want to be. ******************************************************* Sailor Lunar--ChibiSeaa/Sailor Lunar Birthdate: July 12, Sign: Cancer Age: 3 Blood Type: O Fav Color: Blue and White Hobby: Dancing Fav Food: Rice Least Fav Food: Seafood Fav Subject: Playing Least Fav Subject: None Weakness: Being Alone Special Talent: Dance and she can heal innocents. Dream: Dancer History: She is Usagi and Mamour second daughter! She was sent down to earth after the battle with Chaos to be kept safe. Pluto became like a second mother to her keeping her safe. ChibiSeaa traveled back in time to find her parents with her guardian cat Missy! Transformation: Lunar Crystal Power, Make-Up! Attacks: Lunar Star Attack (like chibimoons pink sugar heart attack) Lunar Shooting Star Beam (learned later) Lunar Star Kiss (learned when older) ______________________________________________________ Hotohari Hanna/Sailor Chibi Saturn Guardian: A dove named Seago giving to her by her father on her 5th bday. Birthdate: July 13, Sign: Cancer Age: 7 Bloodtype: AB Fav Color: Purple Fav subject: Math Least Fav Subject: English Fav Food: Vegtables Least Fav Food: Meat Birthstone: Ruby it also her fav stone Dream: To be a Mother Strong point: Mind & family Weakness: Being alone Fav animal: Bird Special Talent: Talking to animals and she is a bit physcic History: She is Saturn's daughter! When Hanna was born her mother died shortly after and her father brought her up in the kingdom. She snuck back through time to find her mother whom she barely knew! She wants to try and change the future even if it means not being born she would rather not be born then see her mother die once again! Senshi Stats: Chibi Saturn Transformation: Chibi Saturn Crystal Power Make-up Item: A staff instead of a glaive like her mothers with a purple heartstone ontop. Attacks: Physic Tiara Attack! knocks enemy unconcius Chibi Saturn Silence Attack! confuses enemy Physic Chibi Beam!" she can get into the enemy's mind and control them for a limited time. ******************************************************* Sailor Moonlight--Senshi Name: Sailor Moonlight *Name: Kestrel Tenow *Age: 17 *Birthdate: Sept. 15 *Sign: Virgo *Hair Color: White *Eye Color: Silver *Height: 5'2" *Fave Colors: Silver and White *Fave Food: Fettuchini Alfredo *Least Fave Food: Beans *Fave School Subject: Music and Literature *Least Fave School Subject: Gym and History *Strengths: Singing, Gymnastics, Playing piano and Violin, and Writing Music *Weaknesses: Cute Boys and Dogs *Transformation Phrase: Galactic Moonlight, Make-up. *Items: Henshin Wand, Glaive, and Mirror *Attacks: Nebula Frozen Charge, Moonlight Deadly Shine, and Galactic Firestorm Flash *History: Kestrel Tenow is the reincarnation of the Princess of Raidue, a planet on the very edge of the Universe. Her home was destroyed by an enemy, and her entire planet was demolished. Her true love risked his life to try and save her. She was reborn on Earth to give the Senshi new powers and protect the Senshi. ______________________________________________________ *Guardian Name: Moonlight Guardian *Name: Jarren Kuno *Age: 19 Birthdate: May 17 *Sign: Gemini *Hair Color: Black *Eye Color: Green *Height: 6'2" *Fave Colors: Black and Green *Fave Food: Calamari *Least Fave Food: Cooked Spinach *Strengths: Fighting, Loyalty, and Protecting *Weaknesses: Seeing girls cry and death *Item: Double-edged Sword *History: Jarren is the reincarnation of Kestrel's true love. He died protecting her and was reborn on Earth to find and protect her again. He has vowed to protect her and her friends with his very life. ******************************************************* hino_rei3--Element: Earth Name: Gin Hana Age: 13 Sex: Femme Birthday: September 11 Hair: Dirty blonde, shoulder blade-length and pulled into a messy braid Eyes: Green Height: 5'0 Weight: 100 Gemstone: Sapphire Astrological Sign: Virgo Favorite color: Green Favorite Subject: Science Least Favorite Subject: English Favorite Food: Popcorn Least Favorite Food: Asparagus Hobbies: Gardening, sports Strengths: Imaginative, strong physically Weaknesses: Emotional, secretly longs for a significant other Normal appearance: Dirt-smudged white tank-top and blue jean shorts ______________________________________________________ Sailor Name: Choukoubara Henshin Device: Pen Transformation Phrase: "Blushing Rose Transformation" Attack phrases: "Rosebud Kiss" Senshi appearance: The collar's ends are dark red and fade into white as it nears the brooch (dark red-pink-white), same with the skirt: it's darkest at the bottom and gets lighter as it reaches the bodice. She has no gloves and her bows are pink. Background: Lives with both parents and an older brother at 19 ******************************************************* *-- next to member name means they are monitors. Sorry if I missed your's just let me know and I will add it.