Rumour Pit

I want some answers dammit!!!

Welcome to a brand new section of the Vandread Library. Here, we will address some of the rumours and mysteries concerning Vandread floating around and hopefully separate fact and fiction.

So without a further ado, lets take a look....

Will there be any more Vandread?
A Vandread game?!
Who is that in the opening credits?
What happened to the proposed Vandread Library: Second Stage?
Is Spike dead?!

Will there be any more Vandread?

First up, the big one. Will there be any more Vandread? Well, in 2002 following on from Second Stage rumours began circulating of a possible 3rd stage. This was fuelled by the following images that were scanned from the April 2001 edition of Newtype:

(click on either for a larger version)

Whilst the authenticity of this images is questionable (IMHO), they did however present some ideas that the fans have been speculating on. Thus, the following details emerged:

          - The new series will be set 20 years after the events of Second Stage and focus on the next generation
          - One of the characters will be the daughter of Hibiki and Dita (the redhead in the left image)
          - Another of the characters will be the daughter Hibiki and Meia (the character in the right image)
          - As this new incarnation looks at the new generation, the original characters will be either absent or limited in appearances
          - Finally, the setting will be in an orphanage

Additional imagery on this new incarnation emerged with what appears to be new mecha:

(click on either for a larger version)

This too is open to speculation but from the looks of it, the Vandreads themselves have been studied by both Taraak and Mejerr and have subsequently gone into mass production. The one on the left looks like an advanced version of the Vandread-Dita whilst the one on the right seems to have been inspired by the Vandread-Meia.

Of course, all of this was back in 2001-2. In the years since, Gonzo have made more and more anime (Full Metal Panic and Last Exile being two prominent examples). With their attention becoming increasingly diverted, it seems the prospects of more Vandread is becoming unlikely with each passing year. Now it's 2009 and still nothing has emerged so I guess it's safe to say that what we have now is pretty much all we're going to get (not that I'm complaining).

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A Vandread game?!

Back in 2002, these images turned up on cyberspace, suggesting a Vandread computer game:

(click on either for a larger version)

These are fakes of course, constructed using both Photoshop and screenshots from Vandread and Starsiege Tribes (the use of the phrase All Your Organs Are Belong to Us may be something of a giveaway).
Sadly there doesn't seem to be any sign of a Vandread game both here in and Japan (or at least to my knowledge). Damn....

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Who is that in the opening credits?

Not a rumour as such but some people have asked who this character is (that appears in the opening credits of First Stage):

That is actually the Pexis. However this is only revealed in the manga.
I guess it is open to speculation how this idea would've been used. It also raises speculation as to how many other ideas were left out on the cutting room floor.
Still, a blue haired girl makes an interesting counter-balance to the malevolent Red Pexis boy.

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What happened to the proposed Vandread Library: Second Stage?

In mid 2006 I received an e-mail from Meyer, a guy in San Francisco offering to remake the VL. As part of this revamp, the entire thing would be done in php, relocate to a completely new server, add a whole host of new features, including a forum, and give the VL a bold new direction. This would lead the VL into an evolution from a fanfiction site to the best site on Vandread around. As the creator of the VL, I gave the green light and supported this project fervently. A date was established for the 22nd of April 2007, just in time for the VL's fifth birthday.

But it never happened: The forum came through but Meyer was having some trouble working with both the server and the working with the php. The deadline wasn't met, other projects were dragging both myself and Meyer elsewhere and there was general confusion. Eventually, Meyer and myself agreed that there were too many outside factors that were making the realisation of the Second Stage a difficult process. So, we both decided to drop the project.

So sadly, the project died and the original forum eventually followed. In fact, the only thing that remained of the proposed Second Stage was a speech I had planned for the grand opening. So I thought I might place it here and give it a home:

No, I had no idea that the VL would've lasted three months let alone this long....

Still reading this? You are? Good - I was just kidding, of course. But seriously, I'm impressed that my pioneer of a site has come so far. I'm thrilled that people still came back to visit it time after time again (even when the amount of updates was scant). But I'm also delighted that people have visited the site and felt inspired to write stories of their own. And I'm humbled that the VL has become a rallying call for all writers of Vandread fanfiction everywhere.

The birth of VL: Second Stage really came about late 2006 when I received an e-mail from a guy called Meyer proposing a revamp, with improvements to structure, arrangement and graphics. Thinking this a great idea, I accepted.
Personally, it has been great to be part of a project brought into to fruition by two people on both sides of the Pacific Ocean and in two different countries.
As such, the amount of thanks I have for Meyer is beyond words. The fact that he learnt php in such a small amount of time is staggering and the amount of effort he put into the site is worthy of a Victoria Cross. As such I wish him success and lots of beautiful women to get him laid.

So as of today, the VL is the most healthiest five year old in cyberspace and what better way to celebrate it's birthday than giving it a new lease of life?
Here's to the future - one that, from here, looks as fruitful as ever

And one final thought: I recently saw Vandread for the first time in a long time. And it's still as good as the first day I saw it ^___^

Still, even if the project fell through, it did however inspire me to return to the VL after a prolonged absence and keep going with it. Only this time around, I took the original intention of making it into one of the best Vandread sites around. And so far, it's working out well.

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Is Spike dead?!

During 2007, when the VL was in hiatus and the proposed Second Stage had evaporated, rumours were circulating in amongst the Vandread fan community that I'd died. This was indeed a shock to me as I had no idea I was being held in such high esteem by the Vandread fan community. Likewise, I was completely unaware that interest in Vandread was still going, seeing as the wave of fandom had been and gone and many of Vandread's fans have since moved on.

So here I can put such rumours to rest: As of 13th August 2008, I am still very much alive and well and certainly haven't given up completely on my beloved VL. Sure, the proposed Second Stage didn't go through but that doesn't mean this incarnation of this long-running site is going to die out anytime soon.

And to further disprove talk of me being dead and buried, here is a recent photo of me:

Spike (the one on the right) with Dita (from the forums)

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