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Chapter 1

Chapter 1


Rinoa walked back into the office with Irvine, Zell, Selphie, and Quistis close behind.


“Yo Squall!  What s’up?” 


Squall looked up at Zell and sighed. 


«Some people never change…he is one of them.»


Squall stood up and addressed the entire group.


“You are here because Esthar has a serious emergency.  Sorceress Adel is back.”


“The hell?  Not her again…” groaned Zell.


“I am serious Zell.”


Some silent groans came from around the room.  Apparently Zell had unknowingly voiced everyone else’s opinion.


“Look…President Laguna is coming here.  Ellone is going to arrive with Matron anytime now as well.  We must be prepared for their arrival.”


Selphie stirred, obviously excited.


“Sir Laguna is coming here?  Wow…cool!”


Squall looked at her and at everyone else.


“Any questions or objections?”


When he received no reply, he saluted to them.




Everyone quietly saluted and walked out of the room to prepare for their guests.