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Chapter 3

Chapter 3


          Squall used the PA system to order the group to meet on the second floor entrance.  Laguna had insisted to return to Esthar earlier, so he headed there as well.  Once Squall arrived, Zell was itching to get into battle.  He was busy ‘shadow boxing’ in the corner.   Squall stepped into the center of the platform.


“Alright.  We are going to have two parties headed to Esthar.  Zell, you and Rinoa are in my group.  Laguna, you and Celestia are the other.  We’ll stick together until we reach Esthar, then my group will head out and help evacuate any civilians and your group will gather the Underground resistance leaders.”


Zell, Rinoa, Laguna and Celestia walked onto the extension leading into FH, waiting for Squall.  Now Squall addressed Xu, Quistis, Selphie and Irvine.


“Xu, you’re in charge while I am gone.  I am counting on all of you to protect the Garden and the SeeD trainees.  We’ll contact you as soon as we can.  Dismissed.”


He turned and walked with the others into FH and headed for the Train Station.


They arrived in practically no time.  The journey across the train tracks is a long one, because the trains have been down for a very long time.  The group walked until after sundown, when they rested for the night.  Squall figured they had about seven hours of walking before they even reached the Great Salt Lake, outside of Esthar.


“I’m tired,” said Rinoa as she sat down, “but at least we will arrive in Esthar tomorrow.”


 Zell sat down next to her.


“Yeah…I just hope that the people can hold out for now.”


Laguna joined the group and they began talking about the previous year.


Celestia found a spot to rest several feet from the group.  She felt uncomfortable around them, for she had been in solitude for eight years…perfecting fighting skills and magic casting, fine tuning every sense to optimize speed and agility in battle.  Her only companions were some Moombas that she had liberated from Galbadia’s D-District Prison.  She gazed up at the stars and the moon, wondering what will happen when they reach Esthar.


Laguna noticed that Celestia was sitting away from the group.  He got up and walked over to her and looked down at the SeeD.


“Care to join us?”


Celestia looked up at him and shook her head silently.


“I have been in solitude for far too long…please allow me to get used to people again.”


Laguna smiled and looked over at the others, who were in a new discussion.


“Well, the best way to get used to people again is to…join a group in a conversation.  Come on…they won’t mind.  Maybe you can tell us about your culture.  I would love to know about your race…the Cetra.”


Laguna offered a hand and helped Celestia stand up.  They walked over to the group, who welcomed her and the stories of her people that she was willing to share.