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Chapter 4

Chapter 4


          The next morning, Celestia was up bright and early. The others were still sleeping.  She walked quietly to the edge of the bridge and looked down.  She noticed several fish swimming in the water.  Using her right hand, she combined an Aero spell and a Tornado spell to catch them.  With her left hand, she cast a Fira spell and a floating ball of fire appeared three feet behind her.  Soon, the air was filled with the smell of cooking fish.


          Zell was the first up, yawning and stretching.  He stood up and looked at Celestia, who was busy turning the fish over.


“Smells good.”


          Zell sat down next to her.  Rinoa and Squall were just waking up, but Laguna was still snoring away.


“Zell, here…” Celestia handed him the stick she was using to turn the fish.  “Keep the food from burning for a second would you.”


          A mischievous grin crossed her face as she cast a Water spell and let it drop…right onto Laguna.  He was up with a start.


“What the…?” 


          Everyone burst out laughing.  Celestia approached him with a smile.


“Rise and shine sleepy head.”


“You did that?”   He smiled.


Laguna cast a Water spell back at her, but she had cast reflect before it could affect her.  The ball of water went flying back at Laguna, who barely dodged it in time.  Celestia began to laugh again and she helped Laguna to his feet.  He stood up and took his famous stance.


“Well, I’ll be…you are too quick for your own good.”


          He walked over to her and picked her up.  He sat her down near the fire and everyone else sat down as well.  They ate breakfast and planned about what to do once they reached Esthar…and the most efficient way to sneak past any guards.  Once they were all done with breakfast, they continued walking toward Esthar.