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Chapter 5

Chapter 5


          Around noon, they reached the barren Great Salt Lake.  Squall figured that within two hours, they should be at Esthar’s gates.  The wind blew some dirt and tumbleweeds at their feet.  Celestia scanned the horizon.


“Wait here…something does not feel right.”


          She climbed the skeleton ridge quickly and silently ran away from the group.  She was gone for about ten minutes when she came running back.


“What’s wrong?”  Zell asked her when he noticed the concern on her face.


“We’ll have to take the ridge.  There are too many Esthar soldiers on the low path.”


          Laguna stepped forward when he heard about the Estharian soldiers on patrol.


“Then that shouldn’t be a problem.  They are probably part of the resistance.”




He started off down the low path.


“I’ll be back soon…I’m going to go talk with them.  They’ll let us through.”




          Celestial shouted at him before he could take another step.  He stopped and turned around.




“They are not…normal.  Adel’s power…I felt it emanating around them.  They are here to keep us out…and most likely to take your head back to her.”


‹She could be right…and I trust her.  Cetra were known to sense things that are potentially dangerous.›


“Alright…” Laguna ran back over to the group.  “So…the ridge it is then…”


          The group began to climb the ridge and Celestia took the lead.  She guided them around the guarded outposts.  Once they reached the other side, Celestia checked her GF junctions.  Squall took a moment to address the group.


“You may want to take a couple moments to quickly organize your junctions and your items…We are very close to Esthar, so be prepared for the unexpected.”


          Once everyone was finished with that task, they quickly pressed on, keeping an eye out for any enemies and troops.  When they reached the canyon near Esthar, the ground shook and a Vysage appeared right in front of Celestia.  The Vysage’s left hand used an Aero spell and knocked her off the edge before she could react.  Squall summoned Alexander, which destroyed the Vysage with its attack “Holy Judgment.”  Laguna and Rinoa went over to the edge and looked down, searching for Celestia.


“Celestia…you alright?”


          Laguna heard a faint voice reply.  It came from near the bottom.


“Well…sort of…Nothing is broken…yet~”


          Her voice was cut off when Abadon appeared and grabbed her.  Then, Abadon leapt up onto the ridge, with Celestia struggling to release herself from its grasp.


“Hey!  Let her go!” 


Laguna shouted at the creature…and it became angry.  Abadon responded to him by backhanding Laguna, sending him flying.




          Laguna landed about ten feet away and slowly stood up.  He hurried back to the group and smiled up at Celestia, reassuring her that he was fine.  Zell cast a Curaga spell on him, and Laguna used Scan on Abadon.


 ‹Hm… it is an undead creature…›


          Laguna found an Elixir in his pack and used it on Abadon.




          Abadon howled with rage and pain, tightening its grip on Celestia.  That was the exact opposite of what Laguna and the others had hoped.




          Celestia cried out in pain.  Abadon’s claws were beginning to pierce her skin, allowing blood to slowly flow.  The symbols upon her forehead began to glow and the sky darkened.  Her eyes gave off a faint silver glow as lightning flashed overhead.


«Odin!!! Help!»


Her plea echoed in all of their minds…and all they could do was watch.




          The sky over Esthar mysteriously darkened and lightning erupted.  Adel, who was in the Presidential Palace, rose from her chair and scanned the area with her mind.  A strong magical presence was detected near the gates of the great city.


~Hm…a Cetra.  So, that impudent fool Laguna has recruited a Cetra…~


          Adel walked off to prepare.




          The group watched as the Cetra glowed.  However, the light she emanated was fading and Odin was nowhere in site.  Zell turned to Rinoa.


“Who’s Odin?”


          Rinoa thought for a moment.  Then, she looked at Zell.


“Odin is a Semi-GF that lives in the old Centra Tower…remember?”


“Oh…the big guy on the horse.  Yeah.”


          Before Zell could say anymore, Odin appeared.  Using a single strike with his mighty sword, Odin destroyed Abadon, reducing it to a pile of bones. He then caught the Cetra, who was unconscious and injured.  Odin healed her wounds, but she was still unconscious.


“My lady…art thou awake?”


          No answer…


“My lady…please awaken…”


          No answer once more. Odin laid Celestia on the ground and knelt beside her.


“My lady…I beseech you…please awaken.”


          Celestia stirred and struggled to open her eyes.  Slowly, they fluttered open.




          Odin cradled the exhausted Cetra in his arms.  For her to call him from such distances depleted much of her energy.  By now, the sky had returned to normal.


“Art thou feeling better?”


          Odin looked into Celestia’s eyes.  He was her guardian.  Before the Lunar Cry had devastated the Cetra village near the Tower, her parents asked the GF to protect her if anything should happen to them.  She knew what he was thinking.  He felt that he had failed to protect her, for he had never seen her like this.


“Do not worry Odin.  You have not failed me at all.”


          Odin nodded slowly; concern was still carved upon his face.


“Whilst thou be well?”


“I’ll be fine Odin.  You must leave though…Adel might sense your presence as well.”


“My lady…I am concerned for thee.”


“I thank you for your concern, but I am no longer a child.  Please leave now…before Adel decides to strike at you.”


          Odin set her down and looked at her softly.  He quietly nodded and walked to Sleipnir, his horse.  Then, he rode off and vanished in a flash of magic.  Laguna and the others walked over to her. 


“You okay?”


          Celestia looked at Laguna and faintly smiled.


“Yes…I will be.”


          Celestia felt a wave of exhaustion over take her.  She fell forward as her knees gave way.  The last thing she felt was someone’s arms catch her and a familiar voice cry out her name.  The world then faded to black.