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Chapter 6

Chapter 6


          Laguna lifted Celestia up and carried her.


“Its not a death spell, I know that.  She is really exhausted from what I can tell.”


          Squall nodded and Rinoa was relieved. Zell sat down on a nearby rock.


“We should rest until she is strong enough to stand.”


          Laguna shook his head in disagreement.


“That would only make us easy targets.  We’d be better off with the resistance members.  At least it would mean safety in numbers.”


          Zell stood up and looked around.


“But where are they?”


“Near Tear’s Point.”


“How are we supposed to get there without crossing through the city?”


“I don’t know.  We could go around.”


          A faint voice intervened.


“No…that would be equally risky.  I can get us there…”


          Everyone looked at Celestia.  She raised her hand slowly and it began to glow.  The imagery around them slowly faded away and was replaced by that of Tear’s Point.  Laguna looked around and then down at the Cetra.  She offered a faint smile and looked toward the others.


“There…now you won’t…have to go through the city…nor around it…”


          Her tired voice was as quiet as the wind, yet they heard her.  She looked back up at Laguna.  He smiled at her.


“Thank you…”


          Celestia blushed slightly, causing Laguna to blush as well.  She nodded quietly and fell back asleep.  Rinoa leaned against Squall’s arm.  All eyes were upon Laguna and the now sleeping Cetra.  Laguna’s face reflected confusion, but was also bright red.




          Rinoa giggled as she and Squall went to look for the resistance leaders Kiros and Ward.  Zell walked over to Laguna.


“Man, you got it bad.”


“What are you talking about…?  Why was everyone staring at us?”


“You like her…don’t ya?”


          Laguna’s face turned even redder.  He could feel a cramp in his leg.


‹Aw man…my leg…›


          Laguna limped over to the steps and sat down…Celestia stirred a little in his arms but was still asleep.  He smiled softly down at her and looked up to find Zell looking at him, with a smirk on his face.


“What…she is a nice person…um…ah…”


          Zell walked over and sat down next to Laguna.  He placed a hand on Laguna’s shoulder and laughed slightly.


“Don’t feel embarrassed man…It happens to everyone.”


“I…I guess so…”


          They waited for about ten minutes before Rinoa and Squall returned, this time with a squad of Estharian soldiers, Kiros, and Ward.  Ward saw Laguna and rushed over to him with Kiros not to far behind.




          Kiros stepped forward to translate.


“Ward says that he is happy to see you.”




“Ward also wants to know who the girl is.”


          Laguna looked down at Celestia.  She stirred momentarily, but remained asleep.  He then looked back up at Kiros and Ward.


“Good to see you too, Ward…This is one of the SeeDs that came to help.  She is really tired from an encounter with an Abadon in the Great Salt Lake…so please be very quiet.”


          Ward looked at Kiros and then they both looked at Laguna and Celestia.  They nodded in agreement.




“Ward says that he thinks you like her.  Your face is bright red.”


“Um…I…ah…Now don’t you two start with that…”


          Ward and Kiros silently laughed.


“So it is true…”


          Kiros and Ward walked back over to the troops and spoke with them.  The human soldiers looked at each other and looked over at Laguna.  Whistles erupted from the group, causing Laguna to bury his face in Celestia’s shoulder.


‹Oh man…Those two…they just can’t pass up an opportunity, now can they…›


          Celestia stirred and awoke. 


“Wha…What’s going on?  Laguna?  You okay?”


          Laguna lifted his head and looked at her.  His face was so red…one would think that he was seriously sunburned.  The whistles got louder than ever.




          Celestia looked at the soldiers and then at Kiros and Ward, who were laughing really hard.  She got up and walked over to Zell.


“What’s with all of the whistling?”


          Zell looked at the group of soldiers.


“I think they know that Laguna likes you.”


“What?  He…”


“Yep…man did he blush when Kiros and Ward asked him.”


          Celestia turned and looked at Laguna…or where he was sitting before.  Kiros and Ward were still laughing, but the whistles had died down.  The soldiers now just sat there talking to each other, adding an occasional laugh.