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Chapter 7

Chapter 7


Celestia went looking for him, and she finally found him on the other side of Tear’s Point.




          Laguna stood up, startled.  Pain shot through his leg and he sat back down.


‹Stupid leg cramps…›


          He looked up and Celestia was standing right in front of him.


“You okay?  Is something wrong with your leg?”


“It’s nothing…I get cramps in my leg sometimes…that’s all.”


“Oh…okay.  As long as it isn’t anything else.  Say…why were those men whistling?”


Laguna’s face paled then turned bright red.


“Um…Kiros and Ward always find some way to embarrass me…”


Celestia smiled and sat down.


“I see…what embarrassed you so much?”


Laguna stared down at the ground and didn’t answer.


“Oh…not talking are you?” 


          Laguna just continued to stare at the ground, too nervous to say anything.




          He finally lifted his head and looked at her.  She had an expression of complete curiosity.


“I’d rather not talk of it right now.”


          At that he gave a silent nod over to the corner. Zell was approaching them. When he reached Laguna and Celestia, he sat down and sighed.


“So, Laguna…you okay man? If Irvine were here, he would say that you were a brighter red than a furious Ruby Dragon.”

          Laguna silently nodded. His mind wandered for a few moments.


“Um…Celestia, are you feeling any better?”


          Celestia nodded.


“Yes. I still feel a little sleepy though. Oh well, I’ve been through worse.”


          Just then, there was a lot of noise from the group on the other side of Tear’s Point.  Kiros came running over to Laguna, Celestia, and Zell.


“Guys…we have a serious problem…”