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Chapter 8

Chapter 8


          Laguna stood up and picked up his machine gun.


“Kiros, what’s the problem?”

“We are being attacked by a hoard of monsters.  I think Adel is behind this.”


          At that, Laguna looked at Celestia and Zell. They nodded to each other and they quickly returned to the others. Monsters were everywhere. Several Estharian soldiers had been wounded and were being treated by Rinoa as Squall and Ward held the creatures off.


“Yo Squall! Need some help?”


          Squall quickly glanced at Zell as he struck a Torama with his Gunblade.


“Yes…that would be nice…There is too many of them.”


          Celestia surveyed the battle scene as Laguna, Kiros, and Zell rushed over to help Squall. She warded off a few consecutive attacks from a couple Elnoyles and an Iron Giant.  She focused on a summon, boosting the GF as much as possible.


“Celestia…what are you doing?”


          Zell rushed over to her as Eden appeared out of a time vortex. It used its attack Eternal Breath on the large group of monsters all at once. Once the attack was over, half of the hoard was gone. Zell got the idea and began to summon Bahamut. It appeared and wounded most of the remaining monsters.


“Hey! Summon your strongest GF’s…they can really help right now!”


          Squall immediately began to summon Diablos as Rinoa continued to treat the soldiers. Since Kiros and Ward did not have GFs junctioned at the time, the continued to attack with their weapons. Laguna rushed over to where Celestia and Zell were standing and he summoned Cerberus.  Cerberus appeared and cast the spells Double and Triple on every one.  As Diablos was using his attack, Celestia used the chance to cast Aura on herself and Squall.


“Squall, you ready?”


          Squall looked at Celestia and nodded.  They used the limit break Renzokuken. Moving in perfect synchronization, they cleared the area of most of the remaining monsters.  A couple Elnoyles remained. They gathered their energy for a final attack. Squall used the Lionheart finishing move on one of the Elnoyles and Celestia used Blasting Zone. The Elnoyles died and the group began to rest.


“Rinoa, need any help with the wounded soldiers?”


“Yes…would you please?”


          Celestia walked over and helped Rinoa heal the soldiers as Squall and the others sat down to try and formulate a plan.


“Adel knows that we are here…so we need to strike as soon as possible.”


“I agree with you Zell, but plunging in head first won’t be a very good idea.”


“I know that…so what should we do then Squall?”


“Laguna, you know Esthar very well right?”


          Laguna nodded.


“We’ll need to use the swiftest, alternate route to the Presidential Residence. I have a feeling that Adel is there.”


“Alright. I’ll see what I can do.”


          Laguna signaled a few of the remaining troops over to him and he gave the order for them to keep watch and notify him of any more attacks. The troops saluted and took various stations around Tear’s Point.