
Crey Industries-WarriorX

The Story of WarriorX

May 20, 1642. A British Christian by the name of Joshua Ector is lying down. The windows of his small home sit open, a full moon glancing in on him. It is late and all is quiet. Joshua is awoken by a whistling wind that seems to whisper his name eerily. He was a bit frightened but tried his best to find logical ways to explain it. Soon the wind stops but the whispering continues. Frightened and somewhat intrigued, but nevertheless determined it is just someone out late, Joshua speaks lowly but in somewhat of a stern manner,

"Who is there, what do you want from me." The whisper answers,

"I am the angel Gabriel. I come to you to send a warning. Tomorrow it will be announced that you are going to war with China over China's closed doors to trade. You will win this war and claim the land of Hong Kong, but a few British storytellers are going to convince Britain to set out on a journey to find the legendary Armour of King Azarath."

"What is this legendary armor you speak of, and does it make no difference whether we succeed in finding it or not?" replies Joshua. Gabriel explains the armor’s legend.

"This armor is known as The X Armor. X is the letter meaning unknown in the ancient times. The underworld was sometimes considered the X Land because of its mysteriousness. This armor is also referred to and The Armor of Azarath. The evil King Azarath supposedly used the armor. In ancient times he was hung by his nation because of a secret that had been revealed. Being possessed by the Devil, he worshiped the underworld as well. Without much control to hold anything back, but he was still a human you see, he was planning to raise the underworld onto the earth and soon break into the gates of Heaven too. He told King Azarath about a great armor he created that would give Azarath the power to dominate any land he wishes and to enslave any creature of his wanting. All Azarath would have to do to harness this power was to agree to the opening of a portal between the underworld and earth. That way the armor could be obtained from the underworld. Also Azarath had to agree to, when the time came, rise all of the underworld's minions and lead in the battle to control heaven. With this, Azarath ordered his knights and nobles to guard the castle with their lives and to not let a soul set foot in it. Neighboring countries started hearing rumors of this happening and decided to take their armies to investigate. By the time they arrived at the gates of Castle Azarath, the armor was close to being completely transferred from the underworld. Azarath's men were greatly outnumbered and were soon overwhelmed and overpowered. The countries' armies rushed to the room of Azarath and broke through the doors right as the armor was completely transferred along with a few demons that got in too. A few knights dragged King Azarath out of the room and took him away while a battle to fend off the demons occurred. As soon as all of the army was outside of the room, the doors were shut and High Priests biblically sealed it closed. The land of Castle Azarath was then pronounced forbidden land and any who stepped passed it would be banished from the country, if they returned alive."

Joshua knew what he must do.

That morning the king pronounced war and everything that the angel had foretold had come true. Joshua tried to warn the king about the terrible fate they would have if they set out to obtain this cursed armor and opened the door to the underworld. The king wasn't frightened at all by Joshua's story and didn't take care in any of his words. He carried on with his men and they set out to where the ancient site was thought to be.

After a few days of traveling by horse and some by foot, they made it to the supposed site of Azarath Castle. The knights looked around. There were groups of trees, evergreen, scattered around. There was a mountain range in sight. Dirt, more to the yellow side, was all around and some patches of grass could be seen. This view was completely normal except for one thing, there was no castle. The king looked around one more time and noticed one of the high towers of the castle half buried and hidden beneath a few trees.

"First we dig down a bit, then we break through the stone!" With that, all of his men took out shovels and began to dig. It took about 3 days to dig down far enough. The came breaking through the stone. Using shovels, some armor, and whatever hard items they could find, the knights broke through the stone in a little over a day.

The castle was dark. It was also rusty and sandy. A lot had crumpled over time but it still stood somewhat preserved. They searched around the castle for a while and didn't find much except old tables and weapons along with skeletons and crumpled parts of the castle. They soon saw what they suspected to be the room of Azarath. One knight saw it and ran fast towards it. One knight, Sir Sandric, ran after him and called out loudly,

"Sir Kalius!" It was too late for Sir Kalius to see the wide and deep, too deep and black to see the bottom, crack in the castle floor. Right when he was about to fall straight into it, Sir Sandric caught him from behind and pulled him back up. A few seconds after that, everything started rumbling recklessly. Causing a few large rocks to fall down the crack and make a loud sound. The rumbling continued and in a split-second the ceiling above them caved in and a huge demon landed in front of them. Before anyone could think, it slashed Sir Kalius and Sandric across the large crack. They banged into the room door and fell down onto the floor. Sir Kalius was knocked unconscious and as more of the floor crumpled, he fell down into the crack, now widened. Now Sir Sandric was trapped outside the sealed door of Azarath's room on a small piece of land. Luckily, there was a small hole in the wall next to the door into the room. He crawled through it and into the room to find another demon that was guarding the armor, now out of the bed and onto the floor because of the ruccus. Sir Sandric had used most of his armor to help break through the stone and quickly ran to some armor that lied on the floor beside the bed. Without thinking, he grabbed the shield of it and ran back out to block the demons fire breath. There was no sword in that armor and he couldn't stop to find one. There was another hole in the wall near him; this one didn't lead to anything though. He looked back to the armor that he took the shield from and realized that it was the X Armor! It disappeared before his eyes and he felt a little odd. The shield turned into some type of melted metal that spread across his body. The X Armor appeared on his body and began fusing to his skin, which was now a blood red.

"What's happening to me, I'm...mutating into some sort of monster!" He felt the armor start to somewhat take control of him and distort his sense of reason. The demons at this time were all sucked back through the underworld portal, which then closed, because of the armor's success to take control of a human that would soon be the devils mortal body. However, after a while of struggling to prevent this ultimate power from completely taking him over, he was finally able to achieve a deep meditation that lasted for hundreds of years in which he started to unlock the secrets its powers and defeat the evil within it.

May 16, 2004. Something familiar awakens Sir Sandric from his deep meditation, sunlight. His eyes open to a petrified archeologist and a few of his assistants who are staring at him with the most dumbfounded, frantic, and amazed expression he's ever seen.

"This may be a little too much for you to handle. But I am a knight from the year 1642. I entered this castle, or at least the what is now the remains of it, and obtained this armor, the X Armor also known as The Armor of Azarath. It took me over and mutated me into what you see before you, but over these many years I've learned to cancel out its evil and harness its power." The men were still a little dumbfounded but the archeologist managed to say a few words,

"My goodness! You sir, are a living artifact, a legend!" They consulted and questioned for a little while longer. Soon enough they boarded a private jet and flew to Paragon City, Rhode Island, the hometown of this archeologist.

"Ahem, may I ask a question? This is Satan's diabolical masterpiece. Why would the evil one put a cross,which resembles christianity and good, on his pure evil?"

"The Devil is not christian, we know that. But the death of our savior and beloved Jesus was, to him at least, just a sign that Satan could take on all. He puts the cross there as a sign to anyone who thinks they can challenge him. To Satan it shows that even the most powerful of men, like Jesus, don't stand a chance against the almighty evil." replied the Sir Sandric.

"Very well. Now what did you say your name was, X-Warrior Sir?"

"My name is Sir Sandric and-what did you call me? Hmm X-Warrior... let's try WarriorX."

Part Two: A Demonic Battle

WarriorX was now a super-powered hero, known to all. With some training and time he unlocked new secrets and powers with his new self, and there are plenty more ahead of him. He never regretted what happened to him, for it made him strong and able to help mankind. Though there was one mystery he always wondered: What was the Devil thinking now?

Deep within the bounds of hell, a deep and ferocious roar could be heard. A roar so loud and filled with anger, it could make even the bravest of fellows tremble in fear. "THIS WAS NOT WHAT WAS TO HAPPEN!" yelled Satan.

"But master, our orders were to guard the armor from any form of christianity but if a mortal was foolish enough to put it on, let it b-


"May I suggest we just pounce on the little terror by surprise?" replied one of Satan's demons.

"AH YES, A GREAT IDEA INDEED! WE WILL CATCH HIM OFF-GUARD AND BLAST HIM WITH FULL POWER!" exclaimed Satan. WarriorX, at this time, was just coming back from the site of a gang war. He was now on top of a building, looking over the city. For the night was young, and there was plenty of evil conspiracies and criminal plots that would take place later in the night. Suddenly, he heard many screams below and to his left. He could spot many people running in fright away from what appeared to be a long alleyway, covered in darkness. He suddenly felt a feeling of evil, yet something was familiar about it. he went to the alley to see what was going on.

He walked down the extremely long alley with great caution, but without fear either. When he came upon what seemed to be the source of the fright, he was thrown back a bit, very surprised at what he saw.There infront of him was a portal to another realm, a rip in the demension. He could hear the crackeling of many fires and the screams of people from inside it. This was a portal to Hell.

Before he had any time to examine it any more, he was distracted by a couple of rocks that fell off one of the old buildings above him. He wasn't alone.

"Show yourself." said WarriorX firmly. There was neither an answer nor a sign that there was anyone or anything really there. WarriorX went back to examining the portal, but had his guard up now, expecting anything. It seemed Satan's plan was already falling apart, so he ordered the demon monster that was watching over him to attack with an outright frontal assault.

The demon jumped down infront of WarriorX and roared loudly. WarriorX slowly moved back as the it slowly moved forward. He summoned out his fire sword and held it close to him, ready to strike. The monsterous creature breathed heavily and circled around him. Sandric was growing tired of this ongoing suspense. He decided to make the first move and dove towards the monster head-first. He swung his fire sword with great might, but it didn't do much to the creature, for it was created in the fiery underworld. He had to rely on brute strength and his few other abillities for this fight. With all of his will, WarriorX clung onto the demon's horns and threw it as far as he could down the alley, sending it colliding through a brick wall. The bricks tumbled down onto the monster, making it unable to escape. As hard as he could, Sandric smashed the thing straight in the face continuously until the demon just couldn't withstand it any longer and crumpled into ashes.

Sandric now walked back to the portal. This time he stuck his hand through. Suddenly, he got sucked right into the portal and was sent falling through a tunnel of fading colors. At the end of this demensional stream was what looked like fire. He soon got to the end of the portal and tumbled onto red sand. He got up slowly and looked around him. Everything was ominous and blood red. Fire was in bunches all around, creating somewhat of a path. He knew exactly where he was, the legendary underworld. The pit of evil. Hell. He turned to the portal, but it closed in an instance. He had nowhere to go but deeper in. It wasn't soon that he came up to a crimson castle. He could only assume who's castle this was.