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July 5th 2003-Grr, Natsumi is being LAZY! She hasn't been wanting to work on the site at all. We haven't done much since last update. We...actually, I don't think we've done anything at all since then ^_^'. Though I wouldn't actually know because NAT, doesn't tell me what she has changed. I altered a few fanfics and that be it. I hope all ya'll had a great fourth of July weekend! Love ya'll! ~Amby~ aka another Saiyan wannabe July 1st 2003- GAH! -_-'' it's 3:03 a.m. and I'm still up *yawns some* Me and Nat have started working on the tours with Vegeta and Bulma but once you click on them, it shows that they're still under construction, it's fun to click on them though ^_^'' honest. We altered my profile a little, and we are going to mess around with a few other things, we'll keep you informed, enjoy your visit!!! ~Amby~ aka another Saiyan wannabe June 30th 2003- Sorry EVERYONE! Gah, -_- Nat's computer has been down for the longest time and I had forgotten what the password was to the site erk! I know, stupid me, but anyway, we've put up a few fics since last time we put up updates, and I think that's about it :S, sorry for such a long wait, we'll do updates more often now that nat's computer is up and running. ~Amby~ aka another Saiyan wannabe Febuary 17th 2003 - Wheeeeeeeeeeeeee! Yay finally got round to shoving in the chat room, so we now offically have a chat ^^". So if you wanna come in and RP or chat come in! try to follow the chat rules though ^^" Neways I've updated a couple of pplz fanart like Raditsu's, Kitty's and mine so go ahead check em out. Make sure you read the new chappie Ambers put up on her fanfic tis a Fab! Oh and I think I might make a doujinshi page because I'm getting my mitts on some b.v doujinshis off E-bay, so we can scan those in, joy ^^"! I might not be able to do much I'm going on holiday tomoz s I'll be away from a comp...blah x.x! Evil... So thats about all! <<Natsumi>> Ja ne!! ^^ February 12th 2003- Hola Peeps, Sorry we haven't done much but I haven't seen Natsumi for quite awhile. I don't know if she's done anything and sorry for slackin big time on the updates :S btw Viddy/videl *grins* I'd be more than happy to update my fic for you, as soon as NATSUMI GETS ON! It will get posted :P just for you ^_^' Anyway...*blushes* hopefully she comes on soon...and you guys will just have to keep checkin. ~Amby~ aka another Saiyan wannabe January 29th 2003 - Ok, I'm sitting in a IT lesson, erk soooo bored. Yesh...having a disgcussion on is there such thing as a "normal person" ....or "abnormal" one..and argueing about telephone numbers yup....weird o-0"... Neways, I've added a lil Hugh grant banner cuz he's so sweet! Bwahahha...but I'm not sure whether Ambys gonna letme keep it up there...hehe ^^" <<Natsumi-Chan>> January 25th? 26th? ((Who knows -.-")) 2003 - Hiyas guys, something I forgot to mention, I've done my profile so if you wanna point and laugh at me go ahead =P. Updates from me arent really going to be that frequent from now on. For a number of different reasons, one being my coursework...or my LACK of coursework done. Also because I'm going to be starting my Tokyo Revelation Web site with the help of my very artistic friend Becky (Kujy-Chan XD) soonerz. Kojiro ROCKS! Why make a tokyo relevation site you ask, Well its simple really, I've searched and searched and searched yet NEVER have I found a fansite for it ugh...evil! So I plan to change that,so look out for it ^^" Oh just remembered! I bought this really kool foundation! I never normally buy foundation often but my friend Mandy recommended it, its called speed stick, made by 17 only £6.00! Wicked ne? and its perfect for lazy ppl like me XD! So easy to use =P so if you see it in the shops BUY IT! It's amazing! K I'm like rambling so I'll stop advertising stuff for makeup companies and leaves you all alone ^^" Ja ne! <<Natsumi-Chan>> January 22nd 2003-hola peepz, como estas! Finally writing down updates, certain people who shall remain nameless *coughs* Natsumi *coughs* have been slacking on writing up what they've done to the site so far. Natsumi has been working endless hours on the fanart, she's put a lot up since the last time we wrote down..(or would that be up? they are UPdates after all..*scratches head*) updates, we've also been working on fanfics. ^_^' I just learned how to update fanfics and other things, I'm kinda new at this so i'm moving slowly...but then again so is natsumi and she knows how to do this stuff :P:P lol@natsumi, anyhow, that's all we've done since last time, keep checkin for updates even if we don't get around to writing them down! Thank you! ~Amby~ aka another wanna be saiyan January 16th 2003 - Hola pplz! Finally got the fanart section up, yay for me! ^^" oh and managed to add on a counter....FINALLY! @_@" I'm not going to be able to update that often from now on. My parents won't stop bugging me and schools been more evil recently. I'm Waaaaay behind on work, and although I'd much prefer spend my time on the comp I HAVE to do my course work or I'll get kicked off the course ;-;! Nuuuu! I'll get round to making the site banner when my comps ACTUALLY WORKING PROPERLY >_<! Ugh, it just gets worse and worse... Also I'm re-decorating my room, yet another reason why I'll be away from the comp. Laying down the carpet today woooo yay! oh and if you have any Fan Art/Fics you wanna submit plz send then to, Thx. Ja ne! ^^ ~*Natsumi-Chan*~ January 15th 2003- I've updated the next chapter of my fanfic as promised and hope to have the 5th chapter done in the next 3 days or less. Other than that I haven't done anything major, just fixed a few mistakes in my profile and that's about it! We're kind of moving along slowly, little by little but hey it all adds up! Hopefully we'll get a lot more done tomorrow! ~Amby~ aka Another Saiyan wanna be:P:P:P January 14th 2003- I've updated my fanfic, :S Next chapter should be done by tomorrow afternoon, and I've managed to get my profile done! Yeeha...not that I'm excited about people seeing what I'm actually like...*Shakes head* anyways, that's all I've done so far so I guess that's it continue to check for updates and have fun visiting the site :S ~Amby~ aka another baka wanna be saiyan :P:P:P 10th January 2003 - Yippee! I think I'm on a roll, things are slowly beginning to form in shape round here ^^! Still got to put up a few more fanfics and then start on the fanart =) ~*Natsumi*~ - Channerz =D JANUARY 2003 - Yay, finally bothered to get onto my comp and do something with this site. The images section is finally up, yippee ^^' I've kinda started the profiles section, using Ambys fab veggie profile! make sure you go check it out ^^ Probably not going to be able to do much else, I've got so much course work to get on with that I've left to the last minute AS USUAL....hehe I'm screwed ><! Oh and a late Happy new years to you all! ^_^ ~*Natsumi Chan*~
Natz 'n' Ambys mood
at the moment
Natsumi Chans mood =
Ambers Mood =