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2 Dogs & A Cat - moved to

We've moved to

Contact information:
Why we became pet sitters?

We first came across the idea when we were trying to find a pet sitter for our pets. We didn't want to leave them alone or in an unfamiliar environment.

We've enjoyed having pets of our own and are ready and willing to take care of other people's pets.

We know from experience the great feeling you have as you leave your pet for the day or for vacation knowing that they will be cared for by someone who genuinely cares for them.

We want you to have the same experience and comfort knowing that there are professionals who will love your pet while you are not there.

What is a pet sitter?

A professional pet sitter is one who is dedicated to the quality of pet care. They are knowledgeable about pet care, pet health, and pet behavior. They will work with customers to tailor pet care to the customer's needs. They always conduct their business in a professional manner

When to use a pet sitter?

Most veterinarians and animal care specialists agree that it is much less stressful for your pets to remain in their own home within familiar surroundings. By making daily visits to your pets, professional pet sitters provide loving pet care and attention where they are most secure.

Why we differ?
Basic pet sitting services
Courtesy pet sitting services
Other pet sitting services
We are members of:
We support:
Fee schedule

All visits are 30 - 60 minutes.

Our Favorite Web Sites
Pet Sitters International
