Quote of the Month:
"You've arrived. Now you will have to choose. Will you save her or leave?"~ Asuka and Kocho
Current:February 12th 2007 Wow its been quite a long time since the last update. How has everyone been doing? Good I hope. I finally got around to making a better message board, hope everyone joins and post! Of course, I'll be there as well, so if you have comments or suggestions for the site, let me know there! Anyways here it is:
Oh by the way, I will be redoing all the mp3s.. reuploading them on better hosts so no more bandwidth problems. It might take awhile so bear with me!
October 31st 2005 There has been some downtime with the server, I'm not sure when it will return. My host says its hopefully by later today, but there is no guarantee. Please be patient and sorry for the inconvience.
Lastly, I have ben quite busy lately.. I haven't been able to keep track of the reviews but that should be over with starting today. Hopefully I should get them up, if not later on this week.
Updated By: Makino
September 10th 2005~ Last week's review is very late, but I got it up now atEpisode Review Section. Been too busy with school back in business. I sitll need to get the screenshots up for that episode, I should have it up tomorrow same with episode 105. Enjoy!
Updated By: Makino
August 31st 2005~ I finally got Episode 103 up on the Episode Summary and Review Section. We have a new featured writer Kitty! Enjoy the reviews!
Updated By: Makino
August 22nd 2005~ I finally got around to actually doing something on the Movie Section. I added summaries for all four movies, yes all four :D plus additional information and the movie posters. Enjoy!
Updated By: Makino
August 19th 2005~ This is a late update, I actually had the sections up since yesterday, oh well.
I added a CD Information Section, for those who are interested in the artists of any of the openings and endings.
Also, I opened the Summaries and Reviews Section. Please welcome our 2 featured writers; Amy Ishida and Arashi. They sumamrized and reviewed episode 102 for you all.
Again, if you wish to become a featured writer as well, visit here: http://inuyashashikon.12.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?t=221 for more details.
I might be adding the voice actors section today if I have the time, so keep an eye out for that.
Updated By: Makino
August 17th 2005~ I finally changed the Quote of the Month ^^ Also, I added a few new questions to the FAQ and I've moved a few things around in the main menu for easier access. That is it for now.
Updated By: Makino
August 1st 2005~ I'm having an event going on at the forum, just to inform the other visitors that haven't signed up for the forum yet. I'll post what I said at the forum:
Taken by the idea from Rioraku, I was wondering how many of you are interested in doing reviews of episodes and/or movies. Its an interesting idea especially for those that love writing and of course Inuyasha fans. If you are interested and can at least try to do a review per week.. then I'll set it up.
These reviews will be placed on the forum and proabably eventaully posted on the main site, of course crediting you. Also, proper sentence structure and spelling are essential. So if you are interested, sign up on the forum and leave a post in the thread. I'll decide if this will be an active event or not depending on participants.
Updated By: Makino
July 22nd 2005~ It's been awhile since I updated. I was busy trying to get the forum up so which explains the delay of work on the site. I encourage every visitor to join the forum especially if you are an Inuyasha fan, anime fan, manga fan, game fan. Its lots of fun and you meet alot of interesting people as well ^^ Here's the link again: http://inuyashashikon.12.forumer.com
Well anyways, to the update, I completely the episode listings to the final episode, been awhile actually. Also, I listed the forth movie in the movie section. I'm planning to provide more information on each movie and ratings very soon, so look forward to it!
Updated By: Makino
June 22nd 2005~ MAJOR UPDATE TODAY! Inuyasha: Four Souls of the Shikon has officially got its own forum! Go to the forum by clicking here! or by finding it under the Interactive section, previously known as Fun Stuff. I'm still working on it, but you can register and post starting now! Talk with other visitors about everything about Inuyasha, from the anime series to the manga and from the video games to the Trading Card Game! You can also tlak about other animes and other things that you wish! Sign up today and enjoy! Feel free to give me any suggestions :D Also, I'll be putting up another forum which I am a moderator of, somewhere soon, after I figure out the placement. Anyways enjoy the forum!
Updated By: Makino
June 17th 2005~ I got I Am up on the clips section, and that being said, the clips section is officially completed of all the openings and endings of Inuyasha! Hope you guys enjoy the clips. To all that have final examinations and/or tests I wish you all good luck since the school year is coming to an end soon. Have a wonderful weekend miina-san!
Updated By: Makino
June 15th 2005~ Good news everyone! I fixed and added every single Inuyasha opening and ending with the exception of I Am.. again.. to the clips section! There is just something about I am, that I am never able to add it with the rest. O wells. Enjoy the new clips and fixed old ones!
Updated By: Makino
June 14th 2005~ I reuploaded I Am on the mp3 section and My Will on the clips section, I may add more later on today so keep checking back! Also, I'm considering adding a forum in here for all of you that like to meet and talk with Inuyasha fans alike. From discussing the anime, the manga, other animes, even the ever so popular Inuyasha TCG and many more. Give your opinions on the poll in the poll section!
Updated By: Makino
June 13th 2005 ~ Inuyasha: Four Souls of the Shikon is alive and kickin'! I'm finally back on my feet, now that I have found a reliable (for now) host for the mp3s and clips! All the full versions of the mp3s with the exception of I Am for now should be able to download normally. I still need to reupload a few more things and clips to the new host, which I will do within this week. As a bonus for you all, after waiting for so long, I've finally uplaoded my favourite Inuyasha song and clip to the clip section, Angelus by the talent Hitomi Shimatani, which is also one of my favourite artists, enjoy everybody!
Edit: Reuploaded One Day One Dream, Come and Brand New World clips in the Clips section
Updated By: Makino
February 7th 2005~ Ok everybody that wishes to caht with me through MSN messenger, please add me at Webmaster_Makino@hotmail.com from now on. My other account has become full. You should still direct all e-mails to Makino_Yushiro@hotmail.com. Just to notify you all, if you wish to add me, only add the new account.
Updated By: Makino
January 28th 2005~ Thanks for everybody's support on the hotlinking (direct linking) of my mp3s. The webmaster(s) of the site has removed the links, and their e-mail address and site URL has also been removed from this site. Thanks again to all of those that helped. Please continue to keep an eye out for hotlinking. All my thanks goes to a fan of the site, although I do not know if the person wants me to post her name up, but either way, thank you very much for alerting me!
Updated By: Makino
January 24th 2005~ A fan of the site has alerted me of a person hotlinking my mp3s and copy all the information provided per song thats on the mp3 section to their own site and claiming as their own. Please, if you love thi site and what I have provided you these past few years, help me by e-mailing this person and tell them to remove my mp3s from their site. This is also not very beneficial for you, the visitors because the webmaster of the site is draining my bandwidth, which is limiting your chances of being able to download my mp3s. Here is their site address and e-mail address:
Site: Link Removed p>E-mail: Link Removed
December 22nd 2004~ Inuyasha: Four Souls of the Shikon has reached up to 100000 as of today. Inuyasha: Four Souls of the Shikon started by me, Makino in May of 2003. Now, after a year and a half has passed since that day and the site has already reached 100000 hits. Feels like yesterday since this site has started and the site wouldn't have reached its 100000 hit achievement without you, the visitors. So, I thank all of you visitors that has made this day possible and wish you all a wonderful and enjoyable holiday!
Updated By: Makino
December 21st 2004~ First of all I would like to wish all of you Merry Kurisumasu! (Merry Christmas). Holidays are coming and here's a present, the 4th Inuyasha Movie theme, Rakuen by Do As Infinity is up on the Mp3 page. The movie is out in Japan in 2 more days :D, looks promising to me. Also if you noticed, I put up a small "Updated" thing above these updates. That is for small updates that doesn't need to require a big update notice, so check those out once in awhile if you don't see these big updates. Anyways, I wish all you guys a happy holiday and enjoy the new mp3!
Updated By: Makino
December 04th 2004~ It has been exactly 4 months since I last updated. Unfortunately, I had some computer problems and been too busy with homework, hopefully I can update more frequently during the winter break. Anyways alot has happened during my time of absence, as many of you may have known, Inuyasha has officially ended in Japan a few months back with episode 167. Also a forth Inuyasha movie is being produced and will air this month, I'll provide more insight into this when I have the time. Today, I've made an FAQ page as i mention a few months ago.. better late than never right? ^^ I only have a few questions up as of right now, I'll continue to add more questions when I have time. Finally, I changed the Quote of the Week, it is now the Quote of the Month, I jsut don't have time to change it every week. Anyways enjoy your stay!
"Those who loved you and treated you as a saint sealed you.. they all betrayed you and has forgotten about you. Now.. hate.. hate the world and the humans that inhabits it..."~ Naraku
Updated By: Makino
August 04th 2004~ V6's newest album entitled: Brand New World was just released! This album features 4 tracks, 2 vocal, 2 off vocal. This includes: Thunderbird - Your Voice - and of course the highly anticipated InuYasha 8th Ending: Brand New World ! If that isn't enough good news for you, here's more: InuYasha: Four Souls Of Shikon has a copy of the full version of Brand New World now available in the Mp3 section, so enjoy! ^^
Updated By: Makino
July 25th 2004~ Well, I'm still alive and so is this site. I've been quite busy this summer, and I'm still scratching my head about some of the Mp3/clip problems going on at Geocities. Hopefully, Ayumi-chan gets her domain fast, then I can move all of the multimedia stuff there and no more hassle. For now, I think I'll work with Angelfire. For today, theres actually an update (joy!). I uploaded the full version of Angelus on to the Mp3 section, its on angelfire, so it should work normally, enjoy!
Updated By: Makino
June 26th 2004~ Ok, I am aware a number of the downloads hosted by Geocities is not working for some odd reason. Either this is temporary or permenant, I am not sure and I can't do much about it. Hopefully everything will work out fine soon and I thank you all for your support and informing me about the problem. If any of you know of a free host that provides a minimum of 20MB of space, minimum of 1GB of bandwidth, and file upload of at least 5MB please inform me of it. Also, inform me if Geocities works again. Again thanks for everyones support!
Updated By: Makino
June 23rd 2004~ I reuploaded Come by Namie Amuro to the Full Version Ending heading in the Mp3 section, so enjoy!
Updated By: Makino
June 23rd 2004~ I moved some of the older updates to the 'Old Updates' section so this page won't look like a huge long mess. Hopefully I'll be able to clean up the mess I was too lazy to clean before on this site around this week. I have some fanart and fanfics I still have to put up and I will be putting Come by Namie Amuro (Full Version) back up soon. I also might move some things around and rewrite some things, so look forward to it.
Updated By: Makino
June 14th 2004~ I changed the 'Quote of the Week', its from the InuYasha Special episodes 147-148. Also I added One Day, One Dream and Come to the clips section, so enjoy!
"I trusted you... I really trusted you... I never doubted you, even once! But you..."~ InuYasha & Kikyou
Updated By: Makino
June 1st 2004~ The newest InuYasha opening, Angelus is now up on the Mp3 section. I repeat, if it doesn't download, please wait, its due to excessive bandwidth consumption, meaning lots of people are downloading it. I can't solve this problem, so you just have to wait. Anyways, enjoy, I love Angelus and I hope you will too! ^_^
Updated By: Makino
May 27th 2004~ This is not an update, but just to inform people about mp3/clip downloads. People, I cannot stress this enough.. READ! That load of text on top of the mp3 page is not there for show, it contains answers to your easy to solve problems. I am getting tired of the swarm of e-mails telling me the mp3s don't work, normally I can over look that, but certain people are just plain rude at requests and questions. I put the mp3s up for your enjoyment and entertainment, its NOT a necessity. I go through alot of trouble maintaining the downloads and if I'm just going to get rude comments from ungrateful people, might as well take down the downloads since its causing so many problems. Again, I repeat, READ. Also, don't ask me to send mp3s over MSN or e-mail, I will NOT send anybody any mp3s, I just don't have the time to send everybody mp3s all day.
Updated By: Makino
May 24th 2004~ First of all, I changed the Quote of the Week from so many weeks ago... its a simple quote by Kanna foreshadowing the future, which is quite interesting. Also, the Brand New World clip is up on the Clips Section, so have fun!
"It has begun.. but it will all end soon.."~ Kanna
Updated By: Makino
May 21st 2004~ I apologize for the late update, my computer caught a nasty little virus that has been going around lately. I've lost EVERYTHING and the past few weeks I've been trying to get my computer back to how it was before. By everything, I mean everything, so for those of you who sent me fanart or fan fics that you still don't see up, then if you like, you can send them to me again. I know a number of you have sent me e-mails, but right now, I don't have the time to respond to them yet, so I apologize ahead of time for the slow responses. Lastly, it has come to my attention that the 8th ending is performed by V6 and I have updated that on the MP3 section, I appreciate those who informed me of that.
Updated By: Makino