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.::Info::. .::Media::..::Fan Works::. .::Links::. .::Fan Club::.

.::March 6, 2004::.
Yup, I figured it out (The fuzzy thing about the image!) Anyways, I have added soooooo much stuff! Ya'll should check it out! I also (temporarily) took down the codes section. I have to make the images smaller and more fanlisting like...
  • More Info
  • New submission thing is fanlisting
  • Brand new layout (still working out the bugs)
  • Added onto the English portions of the naruto opening and ending songs
  • Added one MP3 to the media section, it is under the song lyric sections. It is the Kanashimi one.
    .::February 15, 2004::.
    Well, I added on a lot to the Info section, and I added some clocks. Feel free to take them! Ah, and I will be adding a poll on today, so please answer it!! Ah, and I am also considering getting rid of that entrance link...but it really depends if I can learn how to make it fade in and out when I put the cursor over it...anyone know?
    .::February 14, 2004::.
    I added onto the Info section, so check that out...^_^ New layout! Ya'll like it?? Please like it...I worked fairly hard on it, lol! ^_^
    I also added an html tutorial, so whoot! Ah, and also, I am adding onto the info section tomorrow... I am going to bed now...G'night! (It's like 3 am...)

    .::February 9, 2004::.
    I did some MAJOR updates and additions to the site. I even made a new layout for march!! ^_^ (But, it's only February, so it won't be coming until the 1st of March!!). Lyrics and cdtracks/reviews are now up, so check 'em out, yo!
    .::February 8, 2004::. Well, I entered myself into the Naruto Top 100 last night, and when I got up this morning it had gone from 183 to 94, and then at noon I checked again, and it was at 91! I was so psyched! Anyways, I got the image galleries up and running, more info in the info section, an MP3 in music section, and then the fanlisting going!! ALONG WITH LINKS!! MUAHAHHAAHA!!
    .::February 6, 2004::.
    Has anyone noticed how many 'Naruto' fansites are out there? There are so many devoted to characters like Gaara, Sasuke, Sakura, Ino, Iruka, Kakashi, etc, but there are hardly ANY sites devoted to the shows namesake?! Well, that's why I made Akeboshi no Wind, a site completely devoted to the wonderful little fox demon (although he has barely just realized it) that started the show: UZUMAKI NARUTO!!

    E-mail Me! .::I am currently~.::Online::.