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Aalok Welk

Age: Appears: about 21- 25 at the oldest.
Actual: about 150

Date of Birth: 8/13

Sign: Leo

Height: 6’7’’

Weight: 225 lbs.

Gender: Male

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Gold

Species: Vampire
Sub-species: Part Terron ,Part human. (His mother was a Terron and his father was a human)

Nationality: American

Status: Married

Wife: Sreana Welk

Children: Olivia Welk, Mitchell Welk (Both are grown and live elsewhere) (Probably has more children with other women, but those are the two with Sreana.)

Current Residence: In a house with his wife, adopted daughter (Creator Amber) and his wife’s bird (Matthew)

Markings: Several brandings from the times of being banished. One that covers his forehead in a thin strip with little designs on the inside along with one that decorates the left cheek, also with little designs on the inside of it. These designs are actually Terron writing, explaining the crimes he had committed to get them. He has a tattoo on his left shoulder of a spider web and on his right forearm that is merely a design stretching in black and red over it, covering it completely. A theory to this is that maybe he had a branding there as well, but it could have been embarrassing or just bad( maybe) and he decided to get it covered up.

Piercings: A few holes in each ear that he usually wears little rings in. Used to have one in his tongue before Sreana made him take it out.

Main Personality Traits: Womanizing, laid-back, odd sense of humor, fun-loving, serious when it comes to some things ( Ex. Sreana, work, kids…), likes kids, clever, Egotist, pervert at times (*cough* all the time *cough cough*)


Ladies who play hard to get
Wrestling (Especially with Sreana…)
Being an annoyance
Having Matthew say dirty things
Cars, especially Corvettes
Behind his ears rubbed
Tight pants (On women)
His coffee black
To complain
Sleeping in late


Timothy’s brother (Midsummer)
Desperate Women
When Sreana’s in a bad mood
Child Abuse
Waking up early
Tight pants (on him)
School girl uniforms (Promote Pedophile behavior :P)

Bio: Aalok was originally just a Terron. (A type of creature with slightly different features such as fangs, longer pointed ears and furry prehensile tails.) Being that he had black hair, though, he was always thought as a bad omen in the village. (Terrons normally have light brown to blonde hair. Black hair is very rare and those who are born with it are considered to be unlucky and ‘bad omens’. They normally are killed off, but since Aalok was born into the Royal Family, he was spared.) As he grew, he began to hate the ways of the Terrons and how they treated humans, especially children, so badly. He began to go against them, the government, his own family and so he was banished from the village.

He was found by a human village, badly injured from the Casting ceremony that he had just been through. (This is the ceremony where they banish and brand the criminals of the village.) They took him in and took care of him, but then something happened that forced him to leave. Growing through the years, he became a man with a good heart and he started to run a little home in the forest. There, he took in children who were orphaned or were being sold as slaves and raised them as his own.

He loved kids and still does, but at that point, didn’t have very many of his own. Somehow, though, he ended up traveling through the forest wearing a military jacket that he had stolen from a resting military camp. Three or four men, troops of the army that Sreana ran, saw him while they were out ‘male bonding’ and decided that he looked pretty important. Wanting to score some ‘brownie points’ with the captain, they caught Aalok and brought him to her.

At the time, Sreana was thought to be a man. Anyway, she tortured him for information until she found out that he was completely useless, being that he wasn’t part of any military group whatsoever. For some odd reason, though, she didn’t throw him out, she kept him as a ‘prisoner’ in the camp.

Well, at least a year passed and some things happened, but Aalok happened to attack Sreana (being possessed by his side that wants to destroy the Terron race and her getting in his way by trying to protect one that wasn’t evil…) and he basically stopped her career dead in its tracks. He took out her left eye and smashed her left hand completely, so it was of no more use. He came to his senses, brought her back to his home and took care of her, healing her and such.

I don’t know exactly what happened, but Sreana never found out that Aalok hurt her…well, yet anyway. Somehow, though, Aalok ended up proposing to her and they got married. I believe he proposed during an argument though o.o’’

Now, he lives with his wife in a little city somewhere.

Other Stuff:

His right ear is slightly slower in picking up sounds than the other, causing him not to hear so well out of it.
Also, he has a bad habit of smoking and is a bit of a pervert at times.
Sometimes it seems that he stopped maturing at the age of 16 (mentally) but for the most part, that’s normal.
He is an escape artist.
He is a bit of a bad boy and so that has landed him in jail a few times, escaping comes in handy at times like these….
Has a knack for guessing the correct cup size of a woman

Random Quotes:

Sreana: I hate you, Aalok.
Aalok: Aw, I love you too, Sreana.


"You’re the woman, you’re supposed to remember the wedding anniversary!"

"I hate you. I despise you. Will you marry me?"


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