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Well, i didnt have enough room on the first page, so, here is the Continue of it......ENJOY!! lol

More Pitures so cute
Wufei is thinking about something...wonder what it is...
Camping out is fun!
Awwww,....arnt they cute in white?
Duo, Heero, Quatre, Relena, Trowa, Wufei and Zechs
well well well, trowa just takes while duo begs and Wufei looks evil with the knife.
chibi zechs is really for bed!
Deathsythe is cool in the snow!!
duo and deathsythe together
Wufei and Nataku together like duo and
Qautre and Sandrock
We all know Trowa is just one of the Perfect Pilots,,,,,lol
I cant see Zech's shoes!!!, no shirt!!
he is so cute!
Duo looks bored
oooo, pretty wings!
Trowa isnt there!!!
wow, there is almost everyone
This is Trowa's short profile...
Treize is playing pool!
I like Quatre!!!
I dunno for sure, but i think this is a drawing of Relena!
This is page 3! Many pics....huh?