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Best of the New

May 7, 2003

There are some new backgrounds up they are in the following sections

April 10, 2003

I made another new section and from the looks of what's about this typing I think you should be able to guess what it is. That's right Witch Hunter Robin. Anyway did some little things that only matter to me and I decided I'm going to try and advertise more cause I want some damn hits. Oh yeah I almost forgot I made a link to my friend Espenshades page about his Firebird Trans-am so if you like cars check it out.

April 4, 2003

I made some new sections which are the following

March 29, 2003

I made a new noir section. I also made some new backs not like anyone knows but they are in the following sections.

March 25, 2003

I made a new layout but most people would never know.

March 18, 2003

I put up some new backs and I decided to test a way to get rid of the annoying angelfire banner.

New Background list

March 6,2003

I made a lot of new backs and I plan on making a lot more within the next two weeks.

March 5,2003

I made some new Evangelion backs and some trigun backs too. There's is gona be more coming soon too because I am so bored and this keeps me generaly busy.

February 27, 2003

I made lot's of new backgounds and finally finished the berserk section. Oh yeah sign my guest book with whatever you wish to say.

February 24, 2003

I made some new KOF backs and put them on. I also updated the menu layout and added a links menu which is weak at the moment.

February 20, 2003

Today I got bored and started a website. It will have all the Anime wallpapers I made and make.

Link to me using this