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Meeting At Rei's

Chapter 3

Same key. Same disclaimer. And air or w/e your name is, classical music isn't bad, I just don't prefer it. And another thing, it's supposed to improve your mind, but it didn't do crap for Shinji.

As I have failed to mention it earlier, this is assuming third impact did not occur, although the other angels are all dead, and the EVA series is complete. This is also assuming Shinji is becoming aware that he does not need to take all of Asuka or any one else's crap. Rei is beginning to show feelings toward people.

Meeting at Rei's

Chapter 3


"Come in!" came Rei's voice through the small door.

"Ok, what is for dinner? I am rather hungry after the long walk over here.

*Rei blushes slightly*

"I kind of forgot to make dinner because I was caught up in thinking to myself. That's my fault, sorry." Was the only thing Ayanami could say as she felt somewhat ashamed at herself.

"It's alright, I don't mind. Would you like to go out to eat, or would you rather I fix something here?" was the now comforting voice of Shinji to Rei.

"I don't mind either way," replied Ayanami, "I really wouldn't mind not eating something very big."

Shinji looked around the room that he had been in not long ago, and noticed that it was somewhat cleaner than last time.

'I don't want her feeling that she should clean up just because of me. She shouldn't have to work harder than she already does in her EVA just because she has guests.'

Shinji's eyes continued to wonder, and as his eyes fell upon a waste can in the bathroom, he saw another mass of bloody bandages. He lost his appetite.

"Well Ayanami, I really am not that hungry, and it's getting late."

" Please don't leave yet. I don't like storms."

Shinji could tell that Ayanami was worried, and he also needed to call Misato and tell them where he was.

"Ok, I'll stay for now, but let me call Misato and tell her what I am doing."

"Hai, that's fine with me."

Shinji could also tell now that Rei was becoming a little more pleased. One of the few times he had seen that in her. As Shinji picked up the phone, the power went out.

"Well, that doesn't happen very often now does it?"

'I really don't feel comfortable in the dark, I never have for that matter.'

"Ikari, I can tell that you are tired. Please, feel free to use my bed."

"Rei, no, I couldn't use your bed. I just wouldn't feel right."

"I won't let you go home right now, because I don't want you to catch a cold from the rain outside."

Shinji was obviously debating the subject and finally decided to go to sleep. An hour later, when Shinji and Rei were in the same bed, the power came on.

*Brrrring Brrrrrring*

"H...huh?" said the sleepy Ikari.

Shinji lazily walked over to the phone, careful not to disturb Rei.

"It's ok Ikari, I'm awake. Please answer the phone though."

'Wait a minute,' thought Rei, 'I never let anyone do anything for me.'

"Never mind Ikari. I will get it."

Rei hurried to the phone before Shinji could realize what was going on.


'Uh oh. What do they want?' thought Rei.

End Chapter 3

I don't mind reviews, even if some of them are kind of critics. Everything is appreciated, as everything continually adds to the story. Who called, and what do they want? A lot is about to happen in this story! Rei is beginning to get annoyed, because everything is interrupting her time with Shinji. She is not showing all of her feelings towards him, as she has been harboring them inside herself for way too long.
