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Meeting At Rei's Chapter 5

'This was not good. If what I have been told is really the new angel, this is not going to be fun at all . . .' Thought Rei as she and Shinji sat in the NERV vechile driving them towards NERV HQ. 'I wonder how Shinji will handle SYNCHING with the Eva again. I've still been keeping up my Synch tests, and I know Asuka was supposedly having one right now . . . maybe that's where the problem started . . . I knew Asuka was unstable but still . . .'

"Ma'am and sir, we are here." Came the voice of the tired driver.

"Hai." Was Rei's only response.


'DAMNIT! I really don't want to pilot Eva again. But others will just look at it as running away. I musn't run away, I musn't run away, I MUSN'T RUN AWAY.' Shinji's thoughts focused on that same subject for the duration of the ride to NERV HQ.

Shinji and Rei both got out of the car at the same time, not wanting to waste time in getting to their EVA'S. It was bad enough that the Angel was running amuck, but they had just been informed that Asuka would not be able to fight against the Angel.

'Great!' Shinji thought. 'More work for Rei and I. Why does Asuka still treat me like shit when the only thing she used to be able to boast about was her SYNCH Ratio, which apparently still 0% or lower. She has no right to continually verbally abuse me! I can't take her any more!'


Rei looked over and noticed that Shinji was yet again fighting an internal battle. She began to see why he would have his doubts about pilioting EVA, what with all of his self-doubt and all.

"Ikari, please open the door . . ." Rei stated impatiently.

"Sorry Ayanami, I was thinking again." Yep, Shinji was always saying sorry and looking embarrassed, something Ayanami wanted to correct if she ever was able to spend enough time with him.

Ikari walked over to the door, and opened it. Both pilots prepared for their fight with the new information with the Eva, and both pilots reluctantly entered the cockpit of their respective EVAs.

End Chapter 5

Yes, I know this was pathetically short. But thats because chapter 6 is a long, long, long, long, fight with this new angel.

I hope ONE of you out their can figure out what it is, what with all the clues I dropped and all.

Chapter 6 should be up tomorrow. PLEASE REVIEW!
