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Meeting At Rei's

Chapter 6

'Angels. What we have been fight against. Fighting, one of the things I despise the most put has always happened throught humanity's existance. Humanity, the supposed last angel. How am I supposed to fight a new angel that was never ment to be? Who am I to say what is never ment to be. EVAs, the things in which we fight the angels. So much information is hidden about them, and yet, everyone seems to know everything that they need about it. What people know, never ending and yet never continuing...' Rei thought has her UNIT 00 was preparing to launch.

"10, 9, 8, 7, 6 . . ." came the voice over an intercom.

"Rei!" Shinji hurried.

"4, 3 . . ."


"All units launch!"


Up on solid ground, or what seemed solid to the massive EVAs, both Ikari and Ayanmi anxiously awaited the arrival of the new angel. The only thing Shinji knew was that Unit 02 was missing.

'I supposed its back in Germany, do to the fact that Asuka can't even SYNCH with it. They'll have to find a new pilot. What a waste of talent . . .' Shinji's thoughts trailed off as Misato came onto the screens of both UNITS 00, and 01.

"Misato!" Shinji practially screamed. "Any information on the new angel?"

"Yes Shinji. In fact, if you will both pull out your scopes and look over the harbor you will see the angel. Please be careful, and good luck . . ." Shinji noticed the unusually depressed tone of Misato, but reluctantly pulled out his scope and gasped at the sight he saw.

" NO! I REFUSE TO FIGHT AGAINST ASUKA THE WAY I FOUGHT AGAINST UNIT 03!" Shinji was exstatically screaming in his EVA. The UNIT 02 charged at Shinji, and did a massive drop kick as it arrived. "NO! I WON'T FIGHT YOU BACK! GOD DAMN YOU YOU STUPID ANGEL. WHY DO YOU HAVE TO INFECT THE ONES I AM SO CLOSE TO!"

"Whats the matter, BAKA! Afraid to fight against someone who you know will beat you?"

'Did I just hear that? Is that Asuka? She's WILLINGLY fighting us?' Oooh boy, things just got a lot worse.

"Well baka? Fight me like the man you are supposed to be!" Was all Shinji heard as a giant fist came at him, smacking his EVA right in the eye. Shinji could just barely make out the next scene, as his vision was damaged due to the blow to the eye.

"No, Ayanami, get off! You'll hurt yourself!" Shinji said weakly.

"Oh, so you want some now do you 'Wondergirl'? Well guess what, here it comes!" Asuka sounded psychotic, even more psychotic than she usually did as she grabbed UNIT 00 and threw it into UNIT 01. "Whats the matter 'Wondergirl'? Afraid to fight back!?"

"Shut up you bitch! I'm sick of you harping on Shinji and I! Shinji, are you ok?" No response... "IKARI!?"

"It's no use Rei . . ." came the voice of Misato, " he's out cold. We are sending UNIT 05 with a dummy plug to get him out of there, but I'm sorry. None of the UNITS are ready to fight. You'll have to take her out on your own."

"I'll show you, I'm not a doll. I had feelings for Ikari! Now that you have hurt him, your going to pay!" Rei was furious . . .

*Sniff sniff* " don't get it do you 'Wondergirl'! I hate you, because you are the one that stole Ikari from me! I HATE YOU!" Asuka yelled as she again picked up UNIT 00, and threw her into the harbor. " I HATE YOU ALL. THIS IS WHAT YOU GET FOR STEALING MY LOVE FROM ME!"


Rei was hurtling through the air when she finally realized that she was in deep troube. 'How am I to fight UNIT 02 and Asuka when I know that whatever damage to it I do will only hurt Ikari-kun further . . . assuming he's not dead that is.'

"Misato?" came the strangely calm voice of Rei.

"Y..yes Rei?" was the only thing Misato could manage out of the pure shock for what she was seeing.

"I need to know the default in UNIT 02. I know 00 and 01 both have faults in them in case this kind of thing ever happened, or if they were to go BERSERK like we have already seen."

"I don't know how to tell you this Rei, but do you ever remember Shinji telling you that UNIT 02 was the first real EVA, not a model?"

"Hai. What is your point?"

"Rei, what I am trying to tell you is that . . . well . . . UNIT 02 has no weakness."

'Oh shit . . . guess my only choice is to try to take out her legs to disable her.'

Rei's UNIT 00 sprang from the water, apparently ready to fight again.

"Back so soon, 'Wondergirl'? Well, I guess some people never learn that it really hurts to lose the one person you love . . .

Rei really wasn't prepared for what happened next. Asuka came at her the same way she came for Shinji, a running drop kick. 'That's it! Since shes doing the same attack, I know how to hurt her because of it.' Rei ducked as UNIT 02s foot barely missed her head, and in the instant it was going about her, Rei pulled out her PROG knife and shove it as hard as she could straight up. She missed.

"Is that the best you can do 'Wondergirl'? Or did you making love to MY Shinji weaken your abilities?"

"We have not made love. He told me himself the reason he backed down from you. He was deep in love with you Asuka, but you continually assaulted him verbally and physically! YOU shoved him away from yourself with your actions! YOU lost your chance with him, and know, since you did, he has stronger feelings toward ME!"

"NO! NO! NO! NO! I WON'T LISTEN TO YOU. NOT NOW!" Asuka just couldn't handle the fact that she had let her Shinji go.

What happened next shocked everyone, including Asuka. The UNIT 02 collapsed and feel to the ground.

"Damn you! Mom, no not now! I have to prove to Asuka that I am the one for Shinji. DAMN YOU WHY WON'T YOU MOVE. MOVE DAMNIT MOVE. GOD DAMN YOU."

"Rei, let her go. Her life support is being cut off. We can't risk her running a muck any more. We have to let her go . . ." Misato said as she brushed back a tear from her eye.

"WHAT! What about my feelings toward her? What about Shinji's? Shinji is hurt enough emotionally as it is! What do you think this is going to do to him? It will destroy any confidence he has built up, ever! Do you want to just tear him to the ground?" Rei was again fursious. Twice in a day, that couldn't be good . . .

"Well there is nothing else we can do. There is NO power left in UNIT 02 and we can' . . ." A deafining roar came from the direction of UNIT 02 as it got slowly back up. "Rei, RUN!" END CHAPTER 6

Well, there is chapter 6. What do you think? Please R&R.

What will happen now that Shinji is unable to fight and Rei must face the berserk UNIT 02 all alone? Find out in the next chapter!