:: Jo-chan holds up a hand-made YUKIRU banner::

Okay, so sue me! Yuki and Tohru is currently my most favorite anime couple of the moment! I fell in love with this pairing from the very first episode, Yuki's hesitant concern and Tohru's huge heart was a joy to watch, especially to a romance buff like me. ^_^

This pairing is known to Furuba fans as Yukiru and sadly, is only one of the many pairings in the kawaii anime, Fruits Basket. It's not the main pairing but can arguably be the best. (okay, okay, I'm biased!)

Let me take a few excerpts off my essay, "Heart and Ice" (it won in Syaoran no hime's site!) to further explain and illustrate why Yuki and Tohru are such a cute couple:

"I used to think that Sohma Yuki is too perfect to be considered a good match for a simple girl like Honda Tohru. Compared to Yuki's overwhelming popularity, keen intelligence and the ability to excel in any field (save perhaps cooking and cleaning)-- Tohru is painfully ordinary. She has average grades, not-so-average friends and a tragic family situation. Who would've thought that the two would end up being friends and as Yukiru fans have been pushing, more than friends?

I think that their contrasts as individuals make them my favorite couple and while I'm at it, in my humble opinion, they are the best pairing in Furuba. Because aside from them looking positively kawaii together and their swoon-worthy moments, on a deeper level, their connection is for keeps.

And the very essence of this pairing can be explained in one word-- acceptance.

Yuki, despite being constantly surrounded by people and chased by girls, he lived each day like a robot; untouched by emotions and distant, even from the people who care about him the most.

Tohru on the other hand, lived in a tent and would have probably continued doing so if a landslide never occurred. The landslide was a hidden blessing and it thrust her so unexpectedly into the crazy life of the Sohma family. Watching her nurture them in her own special way has been a joy to watch. And yes, the way she slowly brought out Yuki from his fortress of emotions was equally moving as well.

Acceptance bound two very different souls together. Tohru understood Yuki's indifferent demeanor is actually his defense mechanism and Yuki didn't mind Tohru's shortcomings and I think, he loved her more for it."



Btw, the stuff below are made from pure imagination, specifically, my own. This is just a little fun and what I think of whenever I remember Yuki and Tohru. ^_^ Oro....

Theme Song: Somebody make a songfic!!!! Although the opening and ending song of Fruits Basket (anime) would be very bad background for the two (Its definitely a Tohru X everybody song!), Edwin McCain's song, "I'll Be" and Jennifer Love Hewitt's "No Ordinary Love" would make an excellent songfic/MTV for the two! I can also imagine these two in Avril Lavigne's song "Here With Me" and yes, thanks to Syaoran no hime's fanfic, "You Were There."

Wedding Motif: With an older (interfering, domineering, loudmouth, rambunctious) brother like Ayame, Yuki and Tohru need not hire a wedding planner or designer! Ayame's taste would most definitely run to the medieval setting so there would be lots of ruffles, lace, and ribbons. The motif and theme would be (duh!) Prince and Princess!

Future Kids: I would like to imagine the two of them having only two kids. The first would be a brown-haired, intelligent, purple-eyed boy with a shy attitude and weird friends like Tohru. Their next kid would be a girl, with long, silvery hair and sky-blue eyes. She would be gregarious, warm, friendly and definitely clumsy!

Y&T Waff: Go for the Fruits Basket Manga if you like the Yukiru pairing so much. Any YUKIRU fanatic would be broken-hearted by the anime's ending but if you follow the translation of the manga-- there is still hope for Yuki and Tohru. ^_^

Suggested Readings: For more waff or if you're into fanfiction, you can check out the fics in this archive that feature Yuki and Tohru. Check out "Heaven on Earth" (an awarded Furuba fic) and "Beneath the Darkness" (if you want it mature). These fics were all authored by me, I have yet to receive Furuba fics in this site. This is my site-- of course I have to plug these fics! ^_^


Written by Jo-chan

January 28, 2003


Suggestions and Additions to my Love Shrine is very much appreciated, if you want to be a guest commentator, please email me at joan_g1014@yahoo.com.


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