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100 Hits! WOOSH! YIPPEE!


Prepare to leave your sanity at the door, ladies and gents. This is the one. The only!



10-10-03 - Lalalala, Small update, tralalalalalalala!!!!!! Kitai: -_-; Excuse her. She's still kinda mad Lauryn hasn't replied yet. Oh well. Her Mom's getting her a Scanner for her brithday. Or Christmas. And yeah... *Yawns* Send us stuff or else. Oh, and we're working on that picture gallery. Vegeta: And I'm getting paid to say the following. If you know how to make a Table Layout, know someone who can make a Table Layout, or know a site that teaches Table Layouts, e-mail Rika. Her e-mail is on the bottom of the page. Oh, and if you don't send it to her, I will personally kill you myself. Bye! ^_^

Links N Stuff

F@nf!c-NATion - Lose Your Mind in the Fanfics
\/3G3+@-NATion - Lose Your Mind in the Saiya-Jin Prince
K!+@!-NATion - Lose Your Mind in the Legends Daughter
+rul\ll<$-NATion - Lose Your Mind in the Life Of The Prince's Son
Imagi`-Saiyan - Lose Your Mind in the Chat
Insanely DBZ


Goku's Advice
  • Never let Vegeta borrow your blow-up Villain. He'll practically kill himself.
  • Stay away from Teletubbies. They're America's #1 enemy, and all of them...They're EVIL!
  • Whenever someone asks you if they're loosing weight, just nod and say 'Uh-Huh.' Don't ask them if they're pregnant...Especially if it's Chi-Chi.
  • Don't let your daughter start dating your enemy's son. Chances are, you'll end up without a daughter.
  • If your daughter asks you what type of guy she should date, don't say anyone. She'll just date your enemy's son to torcher you.
  • Don't talk during movies. It can cause major headaches. Especially when the person you're with does something to shut you up....*Narrows his eyes and looks at the three babies in his arms while Kitai, Goten and Gohan are show scowling at the baby versions of themselves*
  • Never send your daughter to live on Roshi's island. Just- Just don't.
  • This is my final piece of advice to you for now. NEVER. I'll repeat this again. NEVER trust something that bleeds for seven days and doesn't die. It just.......Isn't.......MORTAL!

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