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Ask The Yu Yu Hakusho Cast!

Yes, it's here! Sure, maybe it's a bit of a spinoff, but hey, who can resist, no? Please send in your questions to: The format will be posted in the guideline page, so please follow it! ^_^ Oh yes, and questions shall be posted here for all time.

Yusuke: Do we have to?
Don't be a baby!

Our first questions come from Ai Haibara!
Hiei- Ai Haibara? What kind of a-? *voice is muffled by webmistress's hand*
Ehehe, please ignore the three eyed demon for now. ^^'
Hiei- -_-
Anyhow, let's get to Ai's questions, shall we?!

The first few questions are addressed to Kurama.
Kurama- Oh joy. ^^'
First question: "What shampoo do you use for your hair?" Wouldn't we all like to know? ^_^
Kurama- It's techinically a nameless brand, seeing as I get it from a little store just a few blocks from my house. ^^'' Uh, Rco, why is it that everyone always wants to know what shampoo I use?
Don't ask me, ask the ones who want to have the same hair as you. (The webmistress has tried to find the place Kurama was talking about, but she was led on a wild goose-chase. -_-)

Oh, well, next question then! "Why your hair red?"
Kurama- Why is my hair red? Isn't that a bit of a silly question? I have red hair because that's how I was born...

"How you learn for your examination?"
Kurama- Does he mean learn, as in in-class, or studying at home?
We'll assume he means outside of school.
Kurama- All right. Well, from the notes I take, I'll study them a week in advance, if given the time and depending on the type of exam, and I practice everyday. ^_^ *beams*
You study a week in advance? Geez, I never study at all...*blushes*
Kurama- Well, then maybe that's why your grades aren't as good as they could be.
-_- Do NOT start pushing my buttons, Kurama.
Kurama- ^^'

"What do you like from Hiei?"
Kurama- I'm going to assume that you mean about, instead of from. Well, I've known Hiei since he was young, since we're best friends. And nothing more, I might add. Hiei is an experienced, as well as gifted, fighter, and I suppose that and the fact that he's on our side are decent attributes that I like about him. ^^''

Ok, next up is Hiei!
Hiei- I'm not answering any of these dumb questions.
TOO BAD!!!! ^_^
Hiei- Rco... -_-+
Ok, look, I'll give you my Butterfinger if you'll answer these questions. Deal?
Hiei- Done! ^_^

First question: "Why your hair stand?"
Hiei- What?
Why does your hair stand up?
Hiei- Well, I certainly don't use a pound of hair gel, if that's what you're getting at.
Yusuke- HEY!!!!
Hiei- *snickers* My hair stands up because that's the way I was born. Hn.

"What do you do if Yukina know you are her brother?"
Hiei- *falls silent*
*Webmistress gets an idea. Bamphs(like Nightcrawler from x-men) out of the room and then bamphs back as she dangles the candy in front of his face*
Hiei- Grrrr, baka! *brushes the candy away from his face, then tries to grab it, but the webmistress bamphed it away*
C'mon, answer!
Hiei- Hn. If she found out, I'd slowly kill the baka who told her. *eyes Botan, who slowly backs away, a kitty expression on her face*
Good enough for me!! *sweatdrop*

"Why you choose Kurama as your partner?"
Hiei- -_- How redundant. I choose him as my partner because if I didn't, I'm sure that one day I would have had to face him.
Yeah, you told us that in the show...
Hiei- Hn...

Next up is Yusuke!
Yusuke- Finally! I should've been first, I'm the leader!
Hey, I'm just going in the order that they were sent.
"When did the last time you have nightmare?"
Yusuke- Let's see, the last time I had a nightmare...that would probably be after the dark tournament...baka Toguro...
Yes, I'm sure we've all had the reoccuring nightmare of Younger Toguro coming back to life.
Yusuke- Just shut up and get on the rest of the questions!
-_- Don't force me to hurt you.
Yusuke- ^^''''

"How was it? (The nightmare)"
Yusuke- Well, when I woke up, I was panicked that he wasn't dead...But just a little!!

"How was your mark at school?"
Yusuke- I had the lowest marks in the entire school!! *beams*
Kurama- That's not something I would be proud of...^^'
Yusuke- So?! I'm not as smart as you are, Kurama. Besides, it's not easy having the lowest grade in the entire school AND being the toughest punk in Tokyo, you know! *grins*
And on that note...

"Is it happy when you fight?"
Yusuke- Well, of course! I find that I always seem to feel better after venting my frustrations out on Kuwabara's face.
Kuwabara- One of these days, Urameshi, I WILL beat you!!
Yusuke- Yeah yeah, keep talking, Kuwabara.

Ok, now, it's time for Kuwabaka-I mean, Kuwabara- to answer some questions.
Kuwabara- Ha ha! Finally, someone wants to know about ME!
-_-' Right, so, anyway: "What if you do if you know Hiei is Yukina's brother?"
*Yusuke and Kurama take one glance at Hiei, who is silently glaring at nothing in particular, and they try to stiffle their laughter*
Kuwabara- What would I do if Hiei was Yukina's brother? Hmm, that is a fine question, Ai. I would probably question the sanity of the person who I found out from, seeing as the two are NOTHING alike. No one's like my Yukina-chan! *gets a bonk on the head from the webmistress's mallet o' doom, ordered from Acme*
Now now, no prattling on about Yukina here. You've got other questions to answer.
Kuwabara-*swirly eyed* RiGhT.

"What do you do for Yukina on her birthday?"
Kuwabara- Well, let's see, *starts counting on his fingers* I'd take her out for a romantic dinner, then maybe-*gets clobbered on the back of his head again*
I think that's enough...
*In the background, Yusuke has lost all self-control of his laughter. Kurama has left the room. And Hiei is clenching his fists, trying hard NOT to hurt Kuwabara.*

The final question is: "Why do you always bother Hiei?" Well, I can answer that one for the currently-unable Kuwabara. He does it because Hiei makes fun of him, not to mention the fact that I don't think Kuwabara likes Hiei very much anyway.

Well, great!! I'm glad someone finally sent me some questions for the guys to answer!! ^_^