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The Comics Page

This is the comics page. Duh. I have finally figured out the secret to posting my comics! Yay! I know there are other artists out there who would like to create a comic or two, so get drawing and send it in to me! ^_^

What might happen if Hiei and Kurama took a vacation...(created by Ryoken)

The first day and already there's chaos.
Don't bug Hiei when he's training!
Bored, isn't he?
I didn't know Hiei didn't have a photographic memory...(sorry about the bad pun!)
Don't run with a camera in your hands!
Run for your lives!!!
At the zoo...
Kurama's second lesson
Now how did he do that?
How did they get there??
The last day of vacation

More comics, created by Ryoken

And you thought Genkai's mind couldn't get any more odd...