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Yu Yu Hakusho Dreams

This is where I'll post people's dreams. I'm sure all you folks at home have had them, I know I have. Update: Here are the ones I've had so far. Please remember, I had no control over them. Some are weird, others cool.

Ryoken's dreams

Hiei’s Child???

I’m in this strange hospital and apparently I had just given birth to a baby boy, dunno who the father was. When he was brought to me, I see that he has Hiei’s hair. But somehow I know that Hiei isn’t the father..., it was probably because it wasn’t exactly alike. It was black, and it was white streaks near the front, it didn’t stand up.

A few days later, I asked if I could take him home, but they said no. I wasn’t too worried so I’m transported into this Pokemon game that I “own”, but the must never have come out because the dungeon was unfamiliar. I go to a computer to look at some old pokemon that I’ve caught and lo and behold, there was one that looked almost exactly like Hiei! It’s name wasn’t Hiei, so I immediately changed it.

Then I’m back at the hospital...two years later. I go to see the little guy and they took care of him, I guess, considering they were keeping him in zoo-like cage!!!! Somehow I found out that the government wanted him for something, dunno what though. I figured it’s because even though it’s been two years, that he doesn’t age fast because he can still only speak gibberish and crawl around. SO anyhow, I was one pissed off mom for them treating him like an animal!! Outside the “cage” are normal everyday people walking around, trying to find the “animal” in the cage!! GRRR!

Suddenly I see my Junior History teacher, and I ask him if I could take him home yet. He said not yet and I was furious! I had had enough so I think I hid him in a baby carriage, how I go inside the cage, I can’t really remember.

I can’t remember what I had named him, but a few more years pass. He appears to be aging normally now. We’re living at the house I apparently own. It’s two stories and it’s night time. I’m in bed (still no father for junior), reading I guess, and he comes in. Starting at the roots, his hair has grown light brown, but the black and white hair is still there. He asked me if he could stay with me because he couldn’t sleep, you know how little kids are. I told him something and he hopped in and I held him.

Apparently it’s winter because my vision goes to see outside of the house and it’s snowing. At my door is a poor woman with three kids. One of them was tapping lightly on the window of the door. I didn’t notice, but my son did. He told me someone was at the door, so I got up, put on a robe, and answered the door. The lady asked if I had any money I could give her and then a fourth kid, a baby, popped out from behind her back. I felt sorry for her so I told her to follow me upstairs. I told her she could take some of my jewelry (even though it was fake) and she did. I went to bed and I guess my son was still watching her as he got back into bed too because the lady’s hand went to a close-up view and it turned into sharp claws and it dragged about all of the jewelry out of view, so I guess she/he took all of it.

Next thing I know, the “government” is trying to take my son away from me. But there’s no way in Makai I’m about to let them do that with me dying first. Suddenly, I’m this gargoyle, if you’ve ever seen the TV show of the same name, it was like them, and I tell my son about two secret exits in this place where we’re hiding from them should there be a need to escape. His eyes make him look more Japanese or Chinese now. Eventually I’m fighting this guy who was like a shadow in order to keep him away from my son, all the while I keep telling my son to get outta here, but he wouldn’t. Until I yelled at him. At one point, a friend who is a vampire comes in and I ask if he could bite this guy to keep him busy. He said to mark him with my claws and I did so. I got away to find my son, which I did, but he, the vampire, was only able to fend him off for a few seconds. He slowly came for us and at one point he tells my son that if he came willingly with him, he’d give him real jewelry, not the fake stuff that I had (why he tried this technique, considering my son wasn’t a girl, I have no idea). Then he dumped some jewelry in his lap, but my son remembered that “it was the thought that counted” and he yelled “NO!” at him, remembering the kindness I had. Now I knew that this guy was the old lady from the other night. We fought some more, but then I woke up. No idea what the outcome was.

Hiei Goes Modern

I can’t remember much, but I do remember that there is this girl with a cell phone. I’m with her and she decides to call Hiei...on his cell phone. Considering I can hear every word that was said, I get very anxious to speak to him. I never did get the change. The weird part of this dream: Hiei knew how to work the cell phone.

Kuwabara turns Evil

Again, I can’t remember much, but I do remember that Kuwabara gradually turned evil, but not I-will-take-over-the-world evil. He had a fort made of life-size Legos...I had a small fort and I was smaller too...or was Kuwabara bigger? My fort was underground and it was created with “building squares”. I was given several missions that meant overthrowing Kuwabara’s “evil plans”, whatever they might have been.

Strange Adventure, From Harry Potter To Movie Pets

I believe this one started in a church parking lot. These people were making large posters and in another section of the lot were two drag racing cars, one of which was my own. I was apparently showing it off.

Next, I’m dreaming that I’m Yusuke or I’m walking with him, along with Kuwabara, down an unfamiliar street, or up, as it were. It’s a little hot. Suddenly we’re at a dock. We got on a boat that looked like a larger version of the King of Red Lions from The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, and it had a bigger sail. Now it was dark and foggy. We sailed around for a bit until we came to another dock in the fog. We got off and I think people around were demons so I figured we were now in the Spirit World. Now the fog had lifted and the sun was setting, not rising. We saw people from my church, which turned out to be my family, and they were videotaping someone scuba- diving, I think. So I jumped into the water to get their attention, but they got mad, saying it was dangerous, but I kept swimming anyway. The coral was orange and there weren’t any fish around. I then came upon either a sea snake or a sea worm. It was then pulled out of the water by someone and I saw these Gundam Head from G Gundam eating thousands of these things, but they seemed more animal-like than robot.

Now I’m back in a boat, only it’s not the same one, smaller, with Yusuke. I see Kuwabara, Kurama, and Hiei, who all have their own boats, just sort of bobbing along, but Kuwabara’s boat had some sort of breaks on it that kept the boat from going to fast. Hiei was trying to make his boat go as fast as possible, but didn’t say anything. Might have said “Hn”, but I can’t remember. Then I see this boat with two cages. One cage on one side has an animal in, can’t remember what, and the other has a demon in it. I think. So Yusuke and I rescued it. Then we saw another, this time one cage held the cat Figaro from Pinocchio. The other held that ugly, evil leprechaun from the Leprechaun movies. So we rescued Figaro and let the leprechaun drown. Then we sent them home on a little train.

Then we’re at Hogwarts, but it’s much different. I’m in this part of the castle where faeries live. I front of me is this trap door that leads you to a room and you must do a lot of work just to get back where the trap door is. So instead I watch through this grate nearby a fairy girl, I guess, that reminds me a lot of Boton, only this girl had pink hair. Then I join her and she tells me that she’s a detective. We go up this hall where there’s a jail holding three “bad” faeries. The girl asks them a few questions then leaves. But the faeries try to trick me into letting them out by giving me candy. But I said “Get real” and I think I should’ve said “No thanks” because then they got mad.

The girl tells me that we’re looking for Harry Potter. He’d gone off exploring and hadn’t come back. We soon found a clear box that held Harry’s school uniform, and we find Harry not long after. He’s wearing these glittering blue and white clothes that I guess the faeries had given him. We went to a different room of the castle, apparently a dance floor, considering the darkness and the lights and all. Also, the same two drag racing cars were being shown off on the floor. I could see the guys from the Urameshi team, but they weren’t dancing. We soon discovered, as we met with them, that the three faeries had gotten out. I dunno what happened after that because I woke up.

Demon Carnival

There’s a first part of this dream that I can’t remember too well, only that my master who was teaching me something, can’t remember what, had gone off somewhere. Second part of the dream, I somehow get to this amusement park that I’ve never seen before. Apparently it’s mostly for demons and the like, but there were some humans there. As far as I knew, I was there (at what seemed a younger age) with my dad. I should mention that I’m supposed to be looking for my master here.

The first part that I remember doing was waiting for a train to take me into the spooky part of the park. So we’re at this train station. It’s very small with one bench and it was outside. You needed to take a ticket to get on, it was something like maybe five dollars. So we waited and it finally came. I can’t remember how the train looked or anything. When we stopped, I think we were in some sort of forest, and that was stop we wanted. We saw a tube that looked like it could’ve come from a playground, like the ones kids crawl around in, so we crawled in. There was a rope to use and blanket, for your knees. The rest of the tube was slippery. So we managed to get past the obstacle and finally found the spooky part of the park.

We went around looking at stuff, and for some reason I went on this “ride/game” that was supposedly for “kids”. We got in these cauldrons filled with candy, human candy, not something demons would have made like spider legs or something. The other kids, some of which were demons, ate all they could, but I just ate like one piece, I guess I was suspicious. Then we were given these huge chocolate bars and we were either told to eat them or throw them out of the cauldron. When we did (I didn’t eat it if that was what happened) the cauldrons we were sitting in dropped as if the floor had disappeared. So I grabbed hold of the chain the cauldron was attached to. From a side view, you could see the cauldrons stop at various points while underneath the cauldrons was some sort of green bubbling substance that you probably didn’t want to take a bath in. I guess the person with the fastest reaction was the winner of this game. It was weird.

Next, I came out wearing this black cheesy dress that was made to have rips and look “scary”, but it wasn’t. It was made for kids. Anyway, I was finished there, but apparently some demon or something, I can’t remember who or what he was, decided that it wasn’t time for me to leave yet. So he took out a whip of some sort. I can’t remember what it was made out of. So I took out my whip as well. No idea what it was made out of, but it was gray. Apparently I now know what my master was teaching me because I start to battle with this guy. If any readers out there think, oh it’s Youko/Kurama, well you’re wrong. Sorry, but I’m pretty sure it wasn’t him. Anyway, I was about to lose to him when something happened, like I got a second wind, and I defeated him.

So we went to the ticket counter to get two tickets back to the main part of the park. Only the price was something like 2500 dollars! And there was no path to walk to get back there! So what did we do? People(demons more like it) got to fight me, with weapons, for money. No idea how much. But this time I was using a blue crystal sword. So we finally got the money and got outta there.

Now here’s where it gets interesting. We’re walking through the crowds and I spot Hiei with a ticket in his hand. I told my dad to wait up while I went to go talk to him. He was his normal untalkative self, sitting on the bench, waiting for the train to come. I’ve no idea what I said to him, can’t remember, but he did talk to me. I said bye and walked off the platform when I believe someone came from the side of the train station and knocked me out from a blow to the back of my head from the hilt of a sword. I could see that Hiei noticed what happened, seeing as the demon, who reminds me of George the Ogre, Koenma’s “right hand” erm, ogre, was out of the shadows and raising the blade to kill me. Don’t ask where my dad went, he’s outta the picture now. I guess Hiei must have killed the demon and helped me out, I can’t quite remember exactly what happened then. But I do remember catching a glimpse of Kurama, Youko Kurama, and Yusuke all at the same time. Hiei must have seen them too because I think he got on the train as soon as it pulled into the station. He must have been trying to get away from them for some reason, no idea why.

The next thing that I can remember was Hiei and I were in a line to get food. O_o. It was outside under a tent right on the dirt of a racehorse track. We got some food then the food disappeared as we were given these blue horses, some with red eyes, some with blue eyes. I have no idea what happened to the food. Hiei got his horse first, it was blue eyed, I guess the blue eyes were female, the red eyes were male. Then I got mine. It was a really untame horse who’s name was Blarney. Yeah, like the Blarney stone. I got on him, but that’s woke up. I remember however, that this would be this 25th race, and he hadn’t one a single race since his first one. There other things, like people bet 25 dollars on him or something like that, that all had to do with the number 25, so I felt that this was Blarney’s lucky day.