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About Us


Who's running this joint?

Well that would be me Jazz Cat, I do a lot of the technical stuff you know writing code or whatever for the site put stuff thats been written before up, and updating the site. I also make essays and charactor bios along with episode guides. Sleeping Bull is my counter part, he works more with the writing aspect of the site and advising on what should be our next move. He does charactor bios, episode guides, and essays.

More about us

Jazz Cat

Website title: Co-founder/Webmaster

Age: Less than 18 more than 10

Music: Jazz, Bebop, Rock

Hobbies: Doing stuff on the site, music, Bass guitar

Most likely to say: Why would the lone ranger have a sidekick?

Sleeping Bull

Website title: Co-founder/Writer

Age: ~Coming soon~

Music: ~Coming soon~

Hobbies: ~Coming soon~

Most likely to say: ~Coming sooon~