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Wierd (Yet Funny) Things My Class Has Done

You have probably seen the list above. I think we can all agree that those things are funny, weird, or both. I have created this page to explain those things, but I think you might find it funnier to just stick with the list.

Ditching School

How and when did they ditch school four times?
Elementary, my dear Watson. As is their habit of late, they arrive at school before it officially began at 8:15am. They hung around for a while to wait up for their posse to arrive and made it known that they were there (intentionally) to their classmates and (unintentionally) to the school staff. When their entire group arrived for the outing, they strolled out of the back gate and walked away down the alley. They did this three days in a row. The third morning they were caught and suspended for a single day (easy punishment, huh?).

But what about the fourth time that you mentioned?
During the middle of school (in transition periods to be matter of fact) they snuck out by way of the back gate, ran to the gas station down the street (why did they decide to go to a gas station?!?) and ran back. No teacher missed them but they were curious as to where the sudden overflow of Milky Ways and Twix were coming from.

So, how were they caught finally?
This can be a funny story to hear. It was funny. Over the past two days, the teachers had gotten suspicious of our girls who would disappear in the mornings and reappear with Starbucks in their hands. They set a watch on the girl that they believed had ditched school all of the previous times. When she arrived at school, they made sure to note it in their minds that she had been at school. As usual, this girl waited around for her followers to arrive and left through the back exit. Believe it or not, the two girls that left that fateful morning ran into their homeroom teacher who happens to ride the bus to school. Unaware that they had already been at school and thus had ditched it, he walked them all of the way to the Starbucks down the street and back to the school. He didn't even turn them in (for once more he had no idea that they had already ditched school) but when they walked through the back gate, the teachers that had made a note of their disappearance busted them. OUCH!

Sitting on Trash Cans

My next item on the list that I wish to talk about is the business of sitting on trash cans. Who in their right minds would think it is cool to sit of trash cans? By the looks of it, the kids at my school. To further explain this phenomenon, I will explain lunches. We eat lunch in an enclosed area lined with many picnic tables. There are two trash cans and both have lids. Next to one trash can, there is a bench that is cool to sit on. When room on the bench has been used up, one might sit on the trash can and try to take in some of the coolness next to them. This rarely works. (Often the person who sits on the trash can is pushed off by someone on the benches.)

Come back soon in the future for more comedic stories of horror and intrigue in the future.